Meter History
Inventory Control Menu -> Rental Inventory -> Product Meter Information -> LTD Meter window -> Meter History
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Meter Prompt/Meter Reading -> Product Meter Information -> LTD Meter window -> Meter History
This window displays the transaction history of meter update records by date, with the Old Meter reading, the New Meter reading, and the Meter units used in that transaction.
The Type of transaction and description, are also logged when the New Meter count is less than the original Old Meter count.
Meter units can be updated by the TK_WSI_UPDATE_RSPF task from an external API such as Texada Web.
The fields include:
This is the system date when the meter transaction was logged.
(Not the date entered by the operator making the change.)
This reading is the number of meter units before the meter was updated on this date.
This is the updated Current meter reading after this transaction.
This is the meter usage logged for this transaction, that is considered for billing.
It is the difference between the New Meter Reading and the Old Meter Reading.
The sum of the Meter Used units is the LTD total that is used for maintenance scheduling on the equipment.
The type field only applied when the New Meter Reading value is less than the Old Meter Reading.
This is the type of the reason code that was entered per the codes setup in Meter Reason Codes.
Types include:
•R for ROLL-OVER applies when a meter has reached its maximum count, and the meter reading count has been restarted.
The LTD count is updated accordingly.
•L for LATE indicates a later entry and writes a Meter History record.
The meter reading is only updated on the document, and does not update the LTD or Current meter reading on the product.
•N for NEW is used when a new meter is replacing an existing meter on a product.
The operator will be prompted for the "Old Meter Reading" and the "New Meter Reading" with the number of Digits on the new meter as outlined in Product Meter Information.
The LTD count is updated accordingly.
•C for CORRECTION can be used to change an incorrect meter reading.
No Used units are recorded as this code is only used to adjust the current meter reading without changing the running LTD balance.
If the LTD also needs to be corrected it can be adjusted in the Reduce LTD Meter utility.
•A for ADJUSTMENT of CURRENT + LTD can be used to change an incorrect current meter reading and also to update the LTD count only in a Rental Return.
Negative Meter Used units are logged in the Meter History in order to reduce the LTD running balance.
The main purpose of this adjustment is to ensure correct meter billing based on LTD count is calculated on the return of metered equipment when the meter count has been updated incorrectly.
This is the description of the Reason Code assigned when the New Meter Reading value entered was less than the Old Meter Reading.
Expanded Record
Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand the record and view:
This displays the operator code that entered the meter update transaction.
If the meter change was generated from a counter document or a W.O., the document number displays.
Other values displayed in this field include Initial if this was the first entry, Manual if this entry was entered in a utility, and Adjust if this was an adjusting entry.
This is the program name through which the meter update transaction was generated.
For information on tracking Meter correction, rollover or replacement on equipment refer to Update Meter Prompt/Meter Hours.
Topic Keyword: RSME02