Slow Moving Inventory
Reports Menu -> Inventory -> Slow Moving Inventory Report
This report is useful for identifying obsolete and slow moving inventory.
It determines inactivity by using the Sales History to identify any Sales parts by Vendor, that are NOT listed on a Work Order, or on a posted Invoice, or on a Repair trx, in the selected date range.
The report prints by Product Class and Division, listing the product #, description, the quantity available at the location, the quantity that can be returned, the re-order multiple, the Bin#, the date last received and date last sold. It also lists the cost each and the total Value. The average product cost is used, or the average product location cost if cost by location processing is active.
Product Class and Division subtotals are printed on the report output but not on the spreadsheet.
An optional P.O. worksheet can be generated by Purchasing Agent Code, that can be edited and then converted to negative quantity P.O.s.
This can be used to track the return of this slow moving stock.
The prompts are:
Uncheck this box to print the Slow Moving Inventory report without using a worksheet.
Check this box to create the Slow Moving Inventory report and also to generate a P.O. Worksheet listing the current On Hand quantity for each product, as a negative P.O. quantity.
This list can be reviewed and modified in P.O. Worksheet, and the worksheet can be printed from Print P.O. Worksheet.
The negative P.O.'s can then be created, and printed or faxed from Generate P.O. From Worksheet.
If a worksheet is to be created, the prompts are:
This field is skipped if the P.O. worksheet is not being generated.
Enter the Agent code or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Purchasing Agent Codes.
Check this box to only select the products in the range that match the Vendor Purchasing Agent as setup in Vendor Information.
Uncheck this box to select any products in the range, regardless of the Purchasing Agent assigned to the Vendor.
Leave this field blank to include all Sales classes or enter a starting Sales Product Class, or select one from the Product Class Search window.
Leave this field blank to include all Sales classes or enter an ending Sales Product Class, or select one from the window.
Accept the default date of 01-01-1901 or to narrow the range enter a preferred starting date for the report.
Any products invoiced in the selected date range will be excluded from the report.
Accept today's date or enter the ending date for the report.
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.
•To generate output for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by inventory region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Note: Operator Divisional Restricted Views are not respected.
Clear Existing Worksheet Confirmation
This pop-up prompt is only triggered when a P.O. Worksheet is being generated and if a worksheet already exists for this agent and this Location, that was created either from an earlier Slow Moving Inventory run or from the Inventory Re-Order Report.
Click the CANCEL button to save the worksheet and review it in P.O. Worksheet.
Click the CLEAR button to generate a new worksheet, replacing the existing one for this agent.
Check this box to include all parts, even those with a Non-returnable date.
Uncheck this box to exclude any part with a date in the Non-returnable field of the Inventory Re-Order Information window.
Leave this field blank to include all parts regardless of total value, or enter a cut-off dollar amount so that any parts with a total value less than this amount will be excluded from the report.
Select one of the following sort options for the product list:
•Select Product generate the product list in Product Number sequence within Product Class.
•Select Description generate the product list in alphabetically by Description within Product Class.
Check this box to include Non-Inventory Sales parts.
Uncheck this box to exclude any Sales parts identified in Sales Inventory, as not an Inventory item.
Check this box to skip Sales Parts with zero quantity at the location.
Uncheck this box to include Sales Parts with a location record for this division, even though the quantity is zero.
Note: Sales parts with no location record, will always be excluded from the report.
Accept today's date as the cut-off date, or enter a preferred date.
Any Sales Part that were received after this date will be excluded from the report as they are only recently stocked.
Check this box to include all Vendors in the report.
Uncheck this box to print the report for a specific Vendor.
Enter the Vendor number or and select one from the Vendor Search window.
Check this box to list only the slow moving items which do have enough quantity on hand to fulfill the re-order multiple.
This option does not include any product with insufficient quantity to fill the re-order multiple and it only includes exact re-order multiple quantities, even if more is available.
This is because if a P.O. is created to return the slow moving product, it would have to be returned by the same re-order multiple as it is purchased.
Uncheck this box if the report should not be restricted to only the quantities available to fit the re-order multiple.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
Topic Keyword: RSMH16