Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Override Report

Reports Menu -> Security -> Override Report

Any overrides to critical customer data and revenue generating values on products and documents, such as Credit Limits, Rental Rates, Sale Prices, Re-Order Costs, Product Status, Discounts, etc. are tracked automatically by type.
 The report indicates who made the override, what the override was (e.g. amount or credit limit), the old and new values, and when the change was made.

The 'More' or 'Additional Notes' on the output can be captured in the Clerk Information pop-up when the Company Security Parameters are set to prompt for Clerk/Password.
 The note then becomes mandatory in changes such as the 'Credit Rating' or 'Credit Limit' overrides in Customer Information.

If the Reason Codes On Override confirmation feature is activated in the Company Security Parameters this report can also be generated by the Reason codes.
 Refer to Override Security Overview for details on this feature.

Reviewing the Override Report should be a daily or weekly managerial responsibility.
 It can be useful to track when/who of your staff are having to over-ride the customer parameters, rates, and prices. Consideration can then be given to whether changes to the setup are required.

The prompts are:


Accept the default start date of the beginning of the current month, or enter the preferred start date for the transaction range.


Accept today's date, or enter the preferred cutoff date for the report.


Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.

To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.


Check this box to include all reason codes in the output.

Uncheck this box to select a specific reason code.


Enter the desired reason code or select it from the drop-down list as setup in Override Reasons.


Overrides are logged by the system automatically and categorized by Types.
 Check this box to print the report for all override records in the range.

Uncheck this box to select a specific override type.


Enter the desired override type or select it from the window.
 Override Types are system defined with Override Type Permissions, as follows:

CL - Customer Credit Or Rental Value Limit
 CM - Customer File Maintenance
DD - Delete Item From Open Invoice
IS - Inventory Status Changes
MO - Margin Overrides
 OT - Other Overrides
OV - Overbooking Warnings
PR - Rental Item Rate Or Discount Change
PS - Sales Item Price Or Discount Change
 RR - Rental Return Rental Item Override
RS - Rental Return Sales Item Override
 S1 - Changing the Price of a Service - on a document
 S2 - Adding Delivery/Pickup Service Manually - this only applies to Type D Delivery/Pickup services
 S3 - Deleting a Service from a Document - on a document

Note: When there is a Price update on a document the 'Override Report' reports the Extended Price ( price * qty) instead of Price Each.
 This means the price change could be distorted if there is also a QTY change on the document.

Refer to Override Types for details on how the types can be applied to the codes.


Leave this field blank to include all transactions in the selected range.

To print a more specific report, a word or phrase can be entered so that only transactions containing this word or phrase are printed.


Check this box to include all eligible customers in the output.

Uncheck this box to select a range of customers.


Enter a starting customer for the selection range or select one from the Accounting Customer Search window.


Enter the ending customer for the selection range or select one from the window.


This filter only applies if Over-Ride Type CM for "Customer File Maintenance" has been specifically selected.
 Select one of the following options to further filter the report output:

Select All Changes to include all changes to customer information in the range.

Select Credit Limit to only reflect changes to the customer Credit Limit.

Select Credit Rating to only reflect changes to the customer Credit Rating.

Select Limit_Rating to reflect changes made to both the customer Credit Rating and Credit Limit.


Select one of the following filters:

Select On Account to print only over-rides for customers with On Account status as set in Customer Information.

Select Cash to only include over-rides for Cash customers.

Select Both to include all customers regardless of the Cash or On Account flag, and to include any "non-customer" overrides.

Note: If either the On Account only or Cash only customer filters is selected, then any over-rides that are NOT linked to a customer are NOT included in the output.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.


Click ACCEPT to generate the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Managing Unnecessary Overrides Suggestions:
 If the Credit Limit was overridden, determine if the Credit Limit was set high enough initially, and then reset it in Customer Information or using Update Customer Credit.

If certain products are always having their prices or rates overridden, make the changes permanent using Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory. Make sure the price stickers on the shelf also coincide with the new pricing.

Topic Keyword: RSMPL10