Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Override Types

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security Tab -> General Settings -> Override Types

Override Auto-Log

When an Operator overrides a value such as prices, rates, discounts, equipment status, over bookings, credit limits, delete items from a document, or change customer information, an override record in automatically logged, whether or not a Reason for the override is required.

Reporting of these overrides can be generated by 'Type' from Override Report.

Override Reason

Override Reasons can also be required for all operators to account for the action, with restrictions on where specific Types of override Reasons can be used.
 Override Reason information is reported by the 'Reason Code' also using Override Report.

The processing to require Reason Codes for overrides can be activated in the Company Security Parameters.
 Utilizing Reason Codes for over-rides can be used independent of password security as setup in Module Passwords or the Automatic logging of overrides.

In preparation for setting up override Reason Codes, setup different Type of override codes, and then define the areas where each Type can be applied.
 These Override Types can be maintained in the Override Types window on the Security tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Security - Override Types in order to access this table.

The prompts to setup and defined override Types are:


Sequence numbers are automatically assigned to track and organize the records in the file. Multiple records can be entered.


Enter a Code Type of up to 2 alpha numeric characters.


Enter a description for this Type of Override Code.


Window to access the different areas that can require override Reason Codes and set the permission flag as outlined in Override Type Permissions.

The Reason Codes themselves can now be defined in Override Reason Codes where each Reason Code supports up to four of valid Types.

Topic Keyword: RSMPT01