Override Type Permissions
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security -> Override Types -> Overrides window -> Override Type Permissions
Override categories can be defined in the Override Types file, and then the permissions to allow overrides in the specific areas can be set as follows:
CL - Customer Credit Or Rental Value Limit
This category covers Document over-rides in:
Customer Is On The Bad Risk List
Update Document Term Code
Credit Limit Override
Rental Value Limit Override
Outstanding A/R
Over-Ride Cash Customer To On-Account
CM - Customer File Maintenance
This category covers permanent changes made to Customer Information in:
Customer Is On The Bad Risk List
Update Document Term Code
Credit Limit Override
Rental Value Limit Override
Outstanding A/R
Over-Ride Cash Customer To On-Account
DD - Delete Item from an Open Document - including:
Note: Code DD is not included in the drop-down selection list because the Reason Code processing does not apply, however the delete item action is automatically tracked.
IS - Inventory Status Changes- including:
Changed Allow Rental Flag To 'N'
Changed Allow Depreciation To 'N'
Changed Allow Transfer To 'N'
MO - Margin Overrides - including:
Sales Margin
Note: Codes flagged as MO are also utilized when logging Sale Margin Overrides as setup in the Company Security Parameters.
OT - Other Overrides - including:
Restart Change Product#
Reorder Price
Vendor Reorder Price
Vendor Reorder Price By Div
List Price
Base List Price
OV - Overbooking Warnings - including:
Quantity Available
PR - Rental Item Rate Or Discount Change **
PS - Sales Item Price Or Discount Change
These two product categories cover the following over-rides on the document for:
Unit Price
Net Price
Net Price Below Cost
Trade Disc Allowed
Rate Code
Rate Amount
Time Disc%
Time Disc Days
Trade Discount %
Rental Disc% on Rental Cap
Rental Disc% on Disc Pad Days
Rental Disc%
Sale Disc%
** Note: When any Reason Code defined in Override Reason Codes as PR type representing Rental Item Rate Or Discount Change, is also identified for a Division in the Time-Based Discounts in the Divisional Rate Parameters, then that Reason Code can only be used for Time-Based discount over-rides in that division.
However other divisions not using that Reason Code for Time-Based Discount as per the Divisional Special Pricing, can continue to use the same Reason Codes for other over-rides.
RR - Rental Return Rental Item Override
RS - Rental Return Sales Item Override
S1 - Changing the Price of a Service - on a document
S2 - Adding Delivery/Pickup Service Manually - this only applies to Type D Delivery/Pickup services.
S3 - Deleting a Service from a Document - on a document
•Check each box for any areas, for which this Type of Reason Code could be applicable.
•Uncheck the box for areas for which this Type of Reason Code would never be used.
Note: This is a system defined list that is also the list used for Types of over-rides that are automatically tracked even without a Reason Code.
Topic Keyword: RSMPT01B