Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Print and Update Inventory Count Quantities

Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Count -> Inventory Count Console -> UPDATE button -> Print and Update Inventory Count Quantities

After the product quantities have been adjusted to the correct count in Update Inventory Worksheet, this option prints the changes, by location selected and completes the update.
 This utility can be accessed by clicking on the UPDATE button on the Inventory Count Console.

Confirm that the quantity corrections are correct.
 When the report is accepted, the quantities in the product file for Sales parts are updated for that location.
 No quantity count adjustments are actually processed for Rental products and the report prints a 'Manual Entry' note instead of the Dollar Value Difference.

The ability to update the Count Date is provided for all sales and/or rentals on the report regardless of a quantity change, or for only sales and/or rentals that have a count change.

The prompts are:


Enter the location that has been counted or select one from the drop-down list.
 The location and permission to change it, default for the operator as defined in Operators.

Note: The worksheet count is NOT processed if there are any outstanding Count Tagsassigned to products that have not updated the worksheet. The tags are displayed as outlined in Count Tags Not Applied.


Enter the adjustment type code or select one from the drop-down list.


Enter any relevant comment relating to this quantity adjustment.


The Date Counted field in the Sales Inventory can be updated automatically for any sales products on this report as follows:

Select All to update the count date on all sales parts listed on the report, even if no count change was processed.

Select Changed to update the count date on only the sales parts listed on the report for which a quantity count adjustment was processed.

Select None to prevent the Date Counted from being updated for sales parts.

Note: The Date Counted in Sales Inventory will not be updated for products where the last date counted is more recent that this adjustment date.


The Date Counted field in the Rental Inventory can be updated automatically for any rental equipment on this report as follows:

Select All to update the count date on all rental products listed on the report, even if no count change was recommended.

Select Changed to update the count date on only the rental products listed on the report for which a count change was recommended.
 The change in quantity would be expected to be made manually.

Select None to prevent the Date Counted from being updated for rentals.

Note: The Date Counted in Rental Inventory will not be updated for products where the last date counted is more recent that this adjustment date.


Check this box to include both the Rental and Sales values in the Report Totals at the end of the report, and also in the Sub-Totals when the worksheet is built from the Inventory Count Console by Class or Group.
 Uncheck this box to only generate Sub-Totals for the Sales products in the Classes or Groups, and to only include Sales product values in the grand Report Totals.


A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.


After checking the report information, click YES to accept it and to update the Inventory Sub-Ledger with the product file quantities, or click NO to abort the adjustment process at this time.

Post Inventory Value Change to G/L:
 After any changes to product quantities in the Inventory Sub-Ledger are completed, use Post Inventory Adjustments to print an audit report and to generate the G/L postings for the changes in the Inventory value as of the date set by the Inventory Count Console in order to balance the General Ledger.

Topic Keyword: RSNQ20