Refresh Quantities in Worksheet
Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Count -> Inventory Count Console -> REFRESH button -> Refresh Quantities in Worksheet
This option clears any quantities counted from an existing inventory worksheet, that were entered for a specific location in the Update Inventory Worksheet, to allow the count at this location to be re-entered.
It also updates the On Hand count to reflect any changes to the inventory quantity in the product file that have been made since the original worksheet was created from the Inventory Count Console.
When the worksheet is refreshed, it removes any quantities entered on the Update Inventory Worksheet from the Adjustment column that have not yet been accepted in Print and Update Inventory Count Quantities, and it resets the Counted value, creating a reversing quantity record for any adjustments that were cleared.
The reversing record can be viewed in the Worksheet Adjustments window on the Counted field in Update Inventory Worksheet.
The prompts to refresh the Adjustment and Counted values and to update the On Hand count on the worksheet are:
The location and permission to change it, default for the operator as defined in Operators.
Accept the default location or select one from the drop-down list.
Check this box to display the current quantity On Hand as the default in the Counted field, so that only discrepancies need to be entered.
Uncheck this box to leave the Counted field blank, so that a quantity must be entered manually for each product.
Click ACCEPT to initiate the refresh worksheet for this location, or CANCEL to abort.
Topic Keyword: RSNQ80