Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Inventory Count Console

Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Count -> Inventory Count Console

This program creates and prints a worksheet by location, listing the products within the selected range and filters.
 This stock take can be done for the whole company or by individual divisions anytime throughout the year.
 Once the correct quantity of Sales parts have been entered and confirmed on the worksheet, the adjustment to the quantity can be processed to correct the count in the inventory.
 The worksheet can also be used to count Rental products but no inventory count adjustments will be processed for rental assets.

To ensure the adjustment is the correct count, the inventory can be counted with or without count tags, and recorded on the worksheet on the same date that the worksheet is printed.
 The worksheet with the adjustment count as of that date, can then be processed later updating the Inventory sub-ledger, regardless of subsequent inventory activity.

Rental products:
 When run for Rental products, this report is useful for identifying missing equipment, but quantities for Rental products are NOT adjusted in Print and Update Inventory Count Quantities, as the Fixed Asset Tag and G/L postings would not be accurately updated.
 Instead, if any Rental products are missing, enter the loss or disposal on an invoice in Miscellaneous Invoices by selling the product for zero dollars. This updates the Fixed Asset Tag, generates a Disposal transaction, and posts the correct inventory value adjustments to the G/L.
 Another option to update the Rental product count is to use the Update On Hand Quantity by Product# utility and then post the quantity changes in Post Inventory Adjustments.

Count Capture:
 Two approaches are provide for capturing quantities on the worksheets by location:

1.The worksheet can be generated optionally listing the On Hand quantities and providing space for the actual quantities from the physical count to be entered.
 These inventory quantities can be reviewed in Update Inventory Worksheet by clicking the WORKSHEET button, where quantity adjustments can be manually entered.

2.Another approach provide for capturing the inventory quantities in the worksheet is to use the Count Tag Entry utilities to record the quantities, and then update the worksheet.
 If count tags are used at a location, the worksheet can only be updated manually in Update Inventory Worksheet if there are no outstanding tags for the product.
 i.e. There is no tag created for the product, or it has already updated the worksheet.

The prompts to generate the worksheet by location include:

Note: Defaults for the prompts to generate the worksheet file and the report can be set in Inventory Worksheet Header File by location. These can be over-typed in the selection screen as required.


Check this box to select all locations.

Uncheck this box to select a specific location.


Enter the desired location, or select it from the drop-down list.

Note: The divisions included in the drop-down list are limited to just the locations currently defined as 'Inventory' or 'Both' in Divisions, however any division can be entered manually and is accepted.

This field is disabled if the report is to be printed for all locations.

Clear Existing Records

This pop-up window is only triggered if an inventory worksheet already exists for this location.
 A new worksheet can only be created if none exists for the location. This prompt provides the ability to delete any existing worksheet and clear any count tags for the location.

Click CLEAR to clear records if an old worksheet has previously been created for the location, and also to clear any existing Count Tags for the location.
 If the old worksheet is still required, it can first be reprinted from Re-Print Inventory Worksheet before deleting.
 Note: The Clear action is not restricted by the operator's Divisional Restricted Views.

Click CANCELto save the existing worksheet and count tags, and abort creating a new worksheet.

Note: Clearing the worksheet and count tags does not clear the range of tags reserved for this location in Define Count Tag Range by Location.


Leave this field blank to skip the Set selection field, in order to use one of the Product, Product Class, or Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Set selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Sets as setup in Reporting Sets in the report.

Enter a single specific Set code for the report, or select one from the Reporting Set Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Sets or to select Sets by Owner to include in the report, as outlined in Select Reporting Sets.

If a set selection was made, the Product, Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank to skip the Product selection field, in order to use one of the Product Class, or Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Product selection option and to sort and total the report by product, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all products in the report.

To generate the report for a single product, enter the product number or select it from the Inventory Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of products to include in the report as outlined in Select Products.

If a product selection was made, the Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank to skip the Product Class selection field, in order to use the Group selection option instead.

To utilize the Product Class selection option and to sort and total the report by class, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all classes in the report.

To generate the report for a single Product Class, enter the class or select it from the Product Class Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Product Classes to include in the report as outlined in Select Product Classes.

If a class selection was made, the Group selection option is skipped.


To utilize the Product Group selection option and to sort and total the report by group, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all groups in the report.

To generate the report for a single Product Group, enter the group or select it from the Group Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Product Groups to include in the report, as outlined in Select Groups.

One of Report Set, Product Number, Product Class, or Product Group options must be selected.


This paging option only applies when the products are filtered by Product Class or by Group.

Check this box to start each Class or Group on a new page based on the selection filter above.
 Uncheck this box to prevent starting a new page for each Class or Group.

This field does not apply if the Select By choice is "Product".


Enter the count date to apply for this update.
 This date becomes the adjustment date when quantities are adjusted in the inventory sub-ledger.

When the corresponding cost adjustments are posted to the G/L, this date must then be within the adjustment date range selected in Post Inventory Adjustments.


Uncheck this box if Count Tags will not be used to capture actual product quantities for this spreadsheet.
 The Count Tag utilities will be disabled for this location.

Check this box if Count Tags will be used to report quantities for this location, and to activate the option to update the Inventory Worksheet using Count Tag Entry.


Check this box to include products with a location record but with a zero quantity at the location.
 Uncheck this box to omit zero quantity products.

Note: Regardless of this selection filter:

A product will NOT print if there is no RSIL location as it is assumed that the product is not stocked at the location.

Any product # with an RSIL location record but zero/blank quantity, is included on the blank page of the Excel output.


Check this box to print the location quantity on the report.
 Uncheck this box to omit the current quantity on the report.

Note: Quantity is displayed as a negative value:

when quantity over sold at the location

for serialized sales items, when the serial numbers at the location exceed the On Hand quantity at the location


Check this box to only include rental products if they are flagged as Active on the Fixed Asset Tag.
 Uncheck this box to include all products, regardless of the Fixed Asset Tag status.

Note: If Active Items Only is not checked, the processing is a little faster as each Fixed Asset Tag does not need to be read.


Check this box to include only the products flagged as Inventory in Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory.

Uncheck this box to include both inventory and non-inventory products.


This field only applies to "non-inventory" type products and is disabled if only the "Inventory" items are included.

If non-inventory products are included, check this box to omit non-inventory products with a zero quantity on hand.
 Uncheck this box to include all non-inventory products regardless of quantity.


Select one of the following types of products to include in the worksheet:

Select Rental to only include Rental equipment on the report.

Select Sales to include only Sale parts on the report.

Select Both to include both Rental and Sale products on the report.


This field only applies if the Product Type includes rental equipment.
 Select one of the following types of products to include in the worksheet:

Select Bulk to only include bulk Rental equipment on the report.

Select Non-Buk to only include non-bulk Rental equipment on the report.

Select Both to include both bulk and non-bulk Rental products on the report.


Select one of the following product sources to filter division/location in the worksheet:

Select 'All Divisions' to include products from all Divisions regardless of the type of division (GLDV).

Select 'Inv Div Only' to only include products at locations flagged as Inventory in the Divisions (GLDV) table.

Select 'Prod Div Only' to only include products according to the inventory location (RSIL).


Check this box to cause the value in the On Rent column to include contract rentals dated after the Count Date defined for the report.
 Uncheck this box to exclude any rentals dated after the Count Date for this report in the value.


Select one of the following sort options for the worksheet:

Select Description to print in Product Description order.

Select Product# to print in Product Number order.

Select Bin Location to print the report in Bin Number order.


If the report is selected by Class or Group as defined in the Select By field, a window is provided to view the Classes or Groups in the selected range.
 This field does not apply and is disabled if the Select By option is "Product".

A different order sequence can be selected for each Class or Group in the window as follows:

SORT column

Assign a D for Description.
 Assign a P for Product number.
 Assign a B for a Bin#.


Click OK to accept the sort options.


Uncheck this box to omit the individual serial numbers.
 Serialized sales parts will be handled in the same manner as any sales part with one record with the total quantity at the location.
 If count tags are being used, only one tag will be required to capture the total count.

Check this box to print the serial numbers for serialized sales items.
 A record will be printed on the worksheet for each serial number, and a ** NO SERIAL ** record will also be included if there is any discrepancy between the On Hand count and the number of serial numbers currently in Sales Inventory displaying the difference in quantity.
 If count tags are being used, the ** NO SERIAL ** record will always be printed on the worksheet to allow for changes in the count. The serial numbers do not default to specific count tags, but when the count is recorded a tag can then be selected to count and capture each serial number individually, so that if the tags are re-printed then the associated serial number then prints in the remarks portion of the tag.

Note: This inventory count process is only meant to capture and reconcile the product quantity count.
 If discrepancies in the specific serial numbers are identified, these must be corrected separately in Sales Inventory.


This field does not apply and is disabled if the option to Use Count Tags to Update Qty's has been selected.

Check this box to display the location quantity in Update Inventory Worksheet in the Counted column as a default, so that only discrepancies need to be entered.
 This option is especially useful for Rental Equipment, as the quantities should not be updated here for rentals. Instead, missing rental equipment should be accounted for, by entering a sale of the lost product on a miscellaneous invoice for zero dollars.

Uncheck this box to leave the Counted column blank for Sales parts, to later be filled in by the actual physical count.


Check this box to space the report by printing on every other line to allow for manual notes.

Uncheck this box to print the report on every line.
 This uses less paper, but limits space for recording notes.


This print option is only available if the worksheet is not being printed double spaced, as the vendor product information prints on the 2nd detail line.

Check this box to print the primary vendor's product number and vendor's description on the second detail line.
 Uncheck this box to skip the vendor product information.


The Print/Excel value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select Don't Print to suppress the output at this time, or select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.

When an Excel spreadsheet is generated, it can be updated and then re-imported as a "tab-delimited" text file back into SRM using the Import into Worksheet From File utility. Data can then be reviewed and processed from Update Inventory Worksheet.
 Regardless of the selection filters any product # with a location record (but zero/blank quantity) is included on the Excel output on the blank page.

Click the CREATE button to begin generate the worksheet, or CANCEL to abort.
 Use this report to reconcile the actual physical inventory count.

Note: The number of serial numbers for a serialized sales product on the count sheet needs to equal the on hand quantity of that product.
 If the number of serial numbers for the sales product does not match the on hand quantity for that product, a ***NO SERIAL NUMBER*** line is generated for that product.

These inventory quantities can be reviewed in Update Inventory Worksheet, where any required adjustments can be entered.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Inventory Count Console screen include:

Enter Quantity Adjustment Counts:
 Click the WORKSHEET button to view an existing worksheet page with the ability to record actual quantities for each product, as outlined in Update Inventory Worksheet.

Once the worksheet has been generated, an alternative option to populate the counted product quantities is to use the Count Tag Entry feature.
 When using the Count Tag utilities, the Update Inventory Worksheet can only be manually adjusted if there are no outstanding tags for the product.
 i.e. There is no tag created for the product, or it has already updated the worksheet.

Review Quantity Adjustments with Dollar Values:
 Click the RESULTS button to check and confirm any product quantity adjustments in Inventory Results Report before the new product quantities are accepted and posted to update the inventory file.

Print Quantity Change Report and Update the Inventory:
 Click the UPDATE button to print the audit report by location and to post the change in quantity to the Inventory sub-ledger, as outlined in Print and Update Inventory Count Quantities.

Define Defaults for Creating the Worksheet:
 Click the HEADER button to set the default values in Inventory Worksheet Header File to be used by each location when generating the Inventory Worksheet.

Note: When the worksheet is run, the selection choices automatically update the default values set for that location in Inventory Worksheet Header File.

Remove Quantities Recorded in a Worksheet to Restart Count:
 Click the REFRESH button to remove any quantities entered in a worksheet and to update the current On Hand count, as outlined in Refresh Quantities in Worksheet.

Print Additional Copies of a Worksheet:
 Click the REPRINT button to Re-Print Inventory Worksheet by location.

Compare the Worksheet Count to the System Inventory Count:
 Click the COMPARE button to run the Compare Worksheet Count to System Inventory (RSNQ70) action.
 There are four tabs on the resulting spreadsheet that list the matches and non-matches of the quantity count between SRM and the Worksheet count value.
 Eligible products can be automatically transferred to move product quantity from one location to the counted location and eligible products can be flagged as "Counted" in SRM, as outlined in the Compare Worksheet Count to System Inventory.

Import a Data file to Populate the Worksheet:
 Click the IMPORT button to run the Import into Worksheet From File (RSNQ60) action.

Generate a Template of the Worksheet:
 Click the TEMPLATE button to generate an empty spreadsheet template.
 The product information can be entered manually on the spreadsheet where the data in the 'Division', 'Product' and 'Count' columns will be imported and the other columns on the spreadsheet identified for use, as follows:

* - Ignored on import
 @ - Ignored when creating a new spreadsheet
 % - View Only

Once the data is complete, save the spreadsheet to a "tab-delimited" text file in preparation for importing using the Import into Worksheet From File utility.
 The worksheet can then be accessed from Update Inventory Worksheet.

Topic Keyword: RSNQ90