Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Select Rental Product for Meter Tracking

This window is triggered when a serialized, metered tracked, sales part is used on a W.O. and when the equipment being serviced on this W.O. has a component kit assigned in Power Kit Components, and more that one of the components and/or primary product could be used for the meter tracking.


Select which of the metered kit component products or primary product should be used for meter tracking for this serialized sales part, from the drop-down list.

To Remove a Tracked serial number that has been in use on this equipment, enter a quantity of negative one.
 The serial number to be removed is selected after the issued quantity is confirmed. The current meter units of the equipment being repaired will be recorded for the sales part.

When the W.O. is closed the meter units of usage are reflected in Inventory Inquiry, Sales Inventory, and in Serialized Sales Hour Usage .

Topic Keyword: RSNT01