Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Select Serial Number

Search window -> Serial # field -> Select Serial Number

Search Results:
 Existing available serial numbers for the sale this sales part are listed.
 Conversely on the return of a serialized sales part, the list displays the serial numbers that have been sold to this customer.

The serial number information displayed includes the Date Received, Date Sold, Invoice#, Location, Warranty Expiry Date, Model#, Make, Engine# and Engine Make.
 The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.

To select a serial number from the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
 Alternatively if the list is lengthy, and the serial number is known, click the ENTER SERIAL# button and manually enter the serial number.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Serial Number Search screen include:

Serial Number at Time Of Sale:
 If this sales part is flagged to enter the serial numbers at "Time of Sale", the operator can select an existing serial number, or click the ADD button and add one at this time.
 When a new serial number is added, the Model#, Make, Engine# and Engine Make can be recorded.

Select a Specific Serial Number without Searching:
 If there are a large number of available serial numbers and the serial number is already known, click the ENTER SERIAL# button and manually enter the serial number instead of scrolling through the serial number list.

Serial Number Specs:
 Highlight the record and click the SPECIFICATIONS button to view the specifications for the individual serialized item as outlined in Serialized Sales Parts Specifications.

View Sale Invoice when Returning an Item
 If a negative quantity was entered on the invoice for the serialized sale part, then the serialized part is being returned or a new unit is being accepted as a Trade-In.

The list of serial numbers displayed in the search is of those that have previously been sold to this customer.
 To view detail on the original sale invoice, highlight the record and click the INVOICE button to drill down to the details of the original invoice, as outlined in Document Information.

Accepting a Trade-In:
 If a negative quantity was entered on the invoice for the serialized sale part, then the serialized part is being returned or a new unit is being accepted as a Trade-In.

The list of serial numbers displayed in the search is of those that have previously been sold to this customer.
 If a Trade-In is being accepted, click the ADD button and enter the new serial number of the unit being received with the make, model, engine # and engine model information, including the Model#, Make, Engine# and Engine Make.

Note: If later the invoice is deleted from Current or from Batch using Delete A Single Invoice prior to posting, any newly added serial number for a Trade-In must also be deleted from Sales Inventory.

Topic Keyword: RSNUSEL