Sales Inventory
Inventory Control Menu -> Sales Inventory
Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Inquiry -> Product Information window -> Sales Inventory Inquiry only
Purchase Order Menu -> Purchase Order detail -> Order Qty field window -> Product Information window -> Sales Inventory Inquiry only
Create New Sales Part:
To enter new Sales items click the ADD button and proceed as outlined in Add Sales Parts.
The ADD button is only active if the operator has role permission to Add Sale Inventory as defined in the "Miscellaneous" window of the Security Role that is assigned in the Operators.
Alternatively, Clone Rental or Sales Products may be used to copy product information already setup to a new product number.
Note: Sales Inventory records can also be accessed from FL - Parts.
Modify Existing Sales Part Record:
View and update existing sales product records as follows.
Note: Most of these fields can also be updated using the Inventory Clean-Up utility.
Enter the existing product number, or barcode, or search for the product in the Inventory Search window.
Detailed Product Inquiry
Once the product number as been selected click the INQUIRY button at the bottom of the screen to view the product history as outlined in Inventory Inquiry.
This is the primary description of the item as it appears on reports, and also on documents for standard language customers.
If the product description is manually changed and this product is included in a Kit the operator is given the option to also update this description on the Kit but only if the original descriptions are an exact match.
If the product description is changed by the Export/Import Inventory Clean-up utility and this product is included in a Kit the description on the Kit is also updated but only if the original descriptions are an exact match.
Note: The product description can always be over-typed on the document.
Additional product descriptions for product search and for printing purposes can be set up in the window as follows:
If your firm services customers who require that their documents are printed in a different language such as French or Spanish, the Alternate Language feature can be activated from the Company Miscellaneous Parameters and specific customers can be flagged to use the alternate language in Customer Information.
This field can be used to set the alternate language description for this product.
The “Alternate Language Descriptions” assigned to Sales Products and to Rental Assets can also be updated from the Export/Import Inventory Clean-up utility.
If the product alternate language description is manually changed and this product is included in a Kit the operator is given the option to also update this alternate language description on the Kit but only if the original alternate language descriptions are an exact match.
If the product alternate language description is changed by the Export/Import Inventory Clean-up utility and this product is included in a Kit the alternate language description on the Kit is also updated but only if the original alternate language descriptions are an exact match.
Note: The inventory search does not use the alternate language description. This is just a printing feature for the customer documents such as reservations, contracts and invoices.
This window can be used to manually setup multiple alternate descriptions to be used in the product search utilities, as outlined in Alternate Descriptions.
This window can be used to view the optional descriptions that the system has generated. These are only used in the product search utilities, as outlined in System Generated Descriptions.
Check this box if the Mechanic should be allowed to edit the description of this part on Work Orders on Texada Web or on Texada Mobile.
This is your vendor number of the primary supplier for purchasing or re-ordering this product.
A Vendor Search window is provided to search for and select the correct vendor.
The Update Product Vendor utility can be used to update this primary Vendor # field for a selection of products.
Other suppliers with their pricing for this product can be setup in the Alternate Vendor Purchasing table.
This is the supplier's part number for purchasing or re-ordering this product.
The Vendor Product# can be entered in the 'Description' Inventory Search to find this product.
This field is display only because the vendor product number is tied to Warehouse Receiving records.
If this number needs to be changed, use Update Vendor Product# And Description which also updates the corresponding Warehouse Receiving records correctly.
Note: When the SmartEquip feature is activated in the Software Integration, each Sales part in a Group used by SmartEquip should have a unique Vendor Product #, because the "Group" or "Stock Class" is associated directly with a single Vendor.
This is the supplier's description of the product.
The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy the description defined for the Group to the existing products within that Group, becoming the product Description and the product Vendor Description.
The Sales Product Class code and description displays.
This is information only.
To change the class use the utility Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product or in Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag, and the change is tracked in the Audit Log.
The Group assigned to this product displays. Groups are used for aiding inventory lookups, kits, product availability and reservation bookings.
This is information only in order to ensure that all product bookings according to the Group are properly maintained.
To change a group assigned to a product, use Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product or Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag.
Any change in Group is tracked in the Audit Log.
The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy selected values defined for the Group to the existing products within that Group.
SmartEquip - Duplicate Part Warning:
The SmartEquip - Duplicate Products in Same Stock Class warning is triggered if the SmartEquip feature is activated in the Software Integration, when the Sales part has been assigned the same Vendor Product # as another Sales part in the same Group.
The warning is displayed with all matches to the Vendor Product # in the Group but it does not stop the operator from proceeding.
This box is not checked if the item does not have individual serial numbers for each unit.
This box is checked if this sales product is tracked by the serial #'s on each item.
Click the icon to access the list of serial numbers as outlined in Serial Numbers.
This flag is display only, but can be changed in the Change Serial# Flag utility.
Serial # Inquiry By Product can be used to review serial numbers for Sales products.
Serialized sales items can be flagged to allow the specific serial numbers to be entered and assigned to the product quantities at the point of sale or when first moved, rather than at the time of inventory receiving.
e.g. A shipment of 30 serialized sales items is received in the warehouse, and rather than typing in each serial number at receiving, the serial numbers are logged when the specific items are sold or used.
Uncheck this box if your firm always registers the serial numbers on this product when each unit is received in inventory.
Check this box if your firm prefers to log serial numbers when this sales item is used or sold.
Note: If "Time of Sale" is set for a product, serial numbers cannot be entered in receiving. However they can still be entered manually in Sales Inventory if required.
This is an optional usage tracking process that can be applied to serialized sales parts when they are used on a Work Order on a Non-Bulk Metered Rental product. The meter readings of the associated Non-Bulk Rental product are used to determine the useful life expectancy of the serialized part.
Check this box if this serialized sales part is used on Non-Bulk Metered Rental products and the usage should be tracked.
Uncheck this box if usage tracking is not required.
The tracking flag and any meter tracking details can be viewed in Inventory Inquiry.
Serialized Sales Meter Usage can be used to report the usage tracking details and to evaluate the life expectancy of a serialized sales part.
Check this box if the item is part of your inventory merchandise.
Uncheck this box if the item is not part of inventory (re-rental items or other generic items).
The item will still be included in Inventory Search but, will not be included as part of the total value when the Inventory Value Report is printed.
Note: In Purchase Order entry when a Sales or Rental product is ordered that is not flagged as inventory, the option is provided to change this Inventory flag if the operator has Security Role Permission to Change Inventory Flag During P.O. Entry as set in the "Document Field Access".
Any change to this flag is tracked in the Audit Log.
Refer to Inventory Flag Defaults for information on how this flag is set when inventory is "auto-added" into Sales Inventory.
The Inventory Listing Report provides this flag in the filter selection and includes the value on the output.
Window to review the re-order information for this product, as outlined in Inventory Re-Order Information.
Check this box if this product should be printed on the Price Lists.
Uncheck this box if this product should not be included on the Price List reports.
Uncheck this box if pricing of this product should never be updated using the pricing matrix as setup in Update List Price Matrix.
Check this box if pricing should be updated by matrix price updates.
Note: List Price Matrix Exceptions can be run to identify products that do not utilize matrix price updates.
Accept the default markup percentage that defaults from the Sales Product Class selected for this item, or type in the correct markup percentage.
e.g. Enter a markup of thirty percent as 30.00
Alternatively, use the Markup Based on Margin Calculator window to calculate the Markup% from a margin amount.
The List Price will calculate as the LAST PO COST * (1 + MARKUP % ).
Accept this selling price, or over-type with the correct price.
This is the standard price that will print on the Price List and will be the default price when invoicing.
Note: Over-typing the List Price will not cause the markup % to recalculate, nor will changing the markup % automatically recalculate the List Price if it has already been accepted.
To force the List Price to be recalculated based on the current markup, first reset the List Price to zero. Then reset the Markup% to the new percent value.
Any changes made to the List Price are tracked.
The List Price Changes window on the List Price field is provided to view Price Change History.
Some bulk items such bolts and screws may require a list price of greater than 2 decimal points.
To configure this option, contact Texada Support to activate the "Allow Fractional Cents for Sale Item List Price" in the Support Application Parameters.
This is an information field , that can be used to track an alternate price.
It can be useful to note a List price in a different country and the Portal can be configured to display either the standard or Alternate List per the Presentation Themes.
The Alternate List can also be captured for Sales or Rental Inventory in the Inventory Clean-Up export for products.
Enter the associate Kit when this item is sold or look it up in the Kit Search window.
A Kit is a list of secondary items that generally accompanies a primary item. Only the primary item should be marked with the Kit number.
Kit items can be sold at no charge, full charge, or at a discounted amount.
e.g. If a Bomag Roller is sold, the Kit could contain various tools which generally are included chargeable or at no charge.
Note: It is possible that the same item calling the kit is also included in the kit, however this structure can cause a loop to be created recalling the kit repeatedly.
If the kit must be setup this way, to break the loop on the document un-select the product the second time the same kit is presented.
The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy the Kit defined for the Group to the existing products within that Group, removing and replacing any existing Kit on the products.
Enter the associate Suggested Sales List (SSL) when this item is sold or look it up in the Suggested Sales List Search window.
The Suggest Sales List will recommend other items to be sold with this item.
e.g. If a sander is sold, the Suggested Sales List could contain several sizes of sandpaper that could accompany the purchase.
Note: It is possible that the same item calling the SSL is also included in the SSL, however this structure can cause a loop to be created recalling the SSL repeatedly.
If the SSL must be setup this way, to break the loop on the document un-select the product the second time the same SSL is presented.
The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy the SSL defined for the Group to the existing products within that Group, removing and replacing any existing SSL on the products.
Window to access the website access options.
Select one of the following options:
•Select Yes if this product should be displayed on the website.
•Select No to prevent this product from showing on the website.
•Select Sys. Default to apply the default display flag as set in Show on Website Default in Global Portal Settings.
This flag to display the product on the website applies to the Portal as outlined in Portal Overview.
This flag can also be setup for products in Inventory/Division Settings.
Enter the image name for the picture representing this product on the website.
This image applies to both the Gateway as outlined in Portal Overview and the Kiosk feature as outlined in Kiosk Shopping.
This image can also be setup for products in Inventory/Division Settings.
An optional description of up to 60 characters can be entered for this sale product that replaces the primary description of this product on the Gateway screens.
This can be useful if your descriptions are geared for staff use, and a more public description is required for web users.
This description can also be populated by the Inventory Clean-Up tool for Products.
Enter any instructions, comments or notes about this item to alert your staff.
These notes do not print out anywhere, but they do show at the bottom of the document entry screens including Counter Worksheet, Sales Orders and Sales Order Invoices.
The total quantity on open Purchase Orders is updated whenever a purchase order is entered or received against.
This field is display only.
If this running total gets out of balance with the actual open Purchase Orders, it can be reset using the Recalculate Qty On P.O. utility.
Note: Any products on a Purchase Order that has been cancelled are not reflected in this count.
A cancelled P.O. is not included in the Rebuild Quantity on Purchase Order calculation or in the Open Purchase Order Report.
Window to view the Purchase Orders for this product as outlined in View Document Information.
Purchase Orders listed in this window by Open or Closed Status, reflect the status of the P.O. header, and do not consider specific products that may be partially or fully received on the P.O.
Note: This total count On P.O. and the supporting P.O. details in the window, may not match the location quantity shown as On P.O. in the Locations window on the Quantity On Hand field, as the location quantity needs to include product quantities being 'Transferred Out' of that location in order to reconcile availability and re-order requirements.
The total quantity on open contracts is updated whenever a contract is entered or returned.
This field is display only.
If this running total gets out of balance with the actual open contracts, it can be reset using Recalculate Inventory Availability. This utility also resets the On Reservation and On Sales Order quantities at the same time.
Window to view the Contracts for this product as outlined in View Document Information.
The total quantity on reservation is updated whenever a reservation is entered, cancelled or converted.
This field is display only.
If this running total gets out of balance with the actual reservation quantities, it can be reset using Recalculate Inventory Availability. This utility also resets the On Contract and On Sales Order quantities at the same time.
Window to view the Reservations for this product as outlined in View Document Information.
The total quantity on Orders is updated from Sales Orders.
This field is display only.
If this running total gets out of balance with the actual open orders, it can be reset using Recalculate Inventory Availability. This utility also resets the On Reservation and On Contract quantities at the same time.
Window to view the Orders for this product as outlined in View Document Information.
Note: This total count On Order and the supporting Order details in the window, may not match the location quantity shown as On Order in the Locations window on the Quantity On Hand field, as the location quantity needs to include product quantities being 'Transferred In' to that location in order to reconcile availability and re-order requirements.
The total product quantity at all locations displays.
This field is display only.
Note: If the Quantity On Hand becomes out of sync with the total quantity at the locations, and needs to be reset, a warning indicator is displayed on the screen.
Click on the ? for an explanation and reset the On Hand quantity as instructed.
No audit record is generated.
Location Quantity Details:
To update the quantity displayed, assign the quantity to a product location in the Locations (RSIL) window.
This window opens automatically to capture serial numbers only if this is a serialized sales part that is not set to record the serial numbers at Time of Sale.
Enter serial numbers to equal the quantity on the locations as outlined in Serial Numbers.
e.g. If quantity of 3 is added to location 1, record 3 serial numbers to match.
Note: If Sales Item Average Cost by Location processing has been activated in the Support Application Parameters, location records cannot be deleted here.
This date is maintained automatically and reflects the last time a location quantity was updated for this product.
This is useful for monitoring accurate inventory counts.
It indicates when a quantity adjustment was last made in Sales Inventory or in one of the Update Quantity/Location utilities such as Product Quantity Adjustment, Update On Hand Quantity by Product#, or Inventory Count.
Date Counted by Location:
Window to view the dates last counted for each individual location as outlined in Dated Counted by Location.
This date is maintained automatically and tracks the latest activity for the item, including the last date when this item was on a P.O., received, or on an invoice, contract, exchange, or billing.
It can be used to determine if there is recent activity, or no activity for some time.
It is updated when used as a part on a work order, but not when it is the make/model# being repaired.
Note: The Date Last Moved and Last Invoice# will not be updated if the document date is less than the current Date Last Moved, to prevent old transactions from back-dating the last moved information.
This date can be used as the preferred inventory sort in the Inventory Search window, when setup as the Non-Bulk Rental Primary Sort choice for a division in the Division Inventory Parameters.
This is the average cost each of this unit.
This is a display only field.
The cost is calculated using an average weighted cost, that is updated when the initial inventory record was first entered, and then by subsequent inventory purchases using a Cost Calculation Quantity as outlined in View Average Cost Adjustments.
If required, manual cost adjustments can be made using Update Product Costs & Prices.
Average Cost is generally for all locations.
However the feature to track separate average costs for each Location can be activated company wide as outlined in the Average Cost by Location window.
Click on the icon to view any changes to the Average Cost of this product, as outlined in View Average Cost Adjustments.
Select one of the following cost options.
Changes to the Cost Type are tracked in the Audit Log.
•Select Average to use the "Average Cost Each" as defined above when posting the sale of this product.
Note: If the "Cost Type" selected is Average for the item but the "Average Cost Each" is zero at the time of posting a sale of this item, then the invoice will be held back from posting with no cost, and will be included in the Daily Close 2 Error Log.
Use View Product Cost On Invoice Details to assign a cost and resume the posting with Daily Close 2.
•Select Zero Cost when the cost of the item should post as zero.
This usually applies when the merchandise has already been expensed, and no "Average Cost Each" is required.
•Select % of Sale to calculate the cost as a percentage of the selling price on the product for that invoice.
Enter the percent to be used in the Cost% field below.
If Cost Type selected is set to "% of Sale", enter the percentage amount to calculate the cost based on the selling price.
e.g. If the cost % was set to 70.000, and if the selling price was $10.00 the cost would post at $7.00
Note: Sales Parts assigned a % of Sale can also post a zero cost if the Sale List was zero.
•Select Prompt if the cost for this product varies and needs to be entered each time the part is sold, either in the Daily Close 2 posting process or when the Invoice detail is entered.
The ability to enter a cost on the invoice is controlled by operator Security Role as flagged in the "Miscellaneous" window of Role Permissions.
If the operator has permission, a window then opens in the Invoice so the correct cost can be entered for this part.
If the Cost is not entered in the Invoice, the cost must be entered in the Daily Close process prior to posting.
Parts flagged to Prompt for Cost are not used in the Texada Web app as costs are not captured from TW.
Note: When a Sales part has a Cost Type other than "Average" assigned, and an Average Cost Each is also entered, it is the Cost Type that is used in the inventory postings to determine on how the cost should be posted to the General Ledger, and the 'Average Cost Each' value is ignored.
This field reports the cost of this item when last purchased.
This field reports the date that this item was last purchased.
This factor is used to include the exchange, brokerage, duty, and freight, in the cost of an imported product.
The value displays as 1 if no L.C.F. applies to the product.
The factor will be used to convert the cost on the invoice (during Accounts Payable invoice entry) to the final purchase cost.
e.g. If the invoice unit cost of an item was $10.00 and the L.C.F. was 1.2, then the final unit price including brokerage, duty and freight would be $12.00.
This field is display only and is updated when inventory is purchased and either the costs are entered in the A/P Invoice, or the costs are updated in Warehouse Receiving.
Default Duty/Brokerage and Freight percentages can be setup for individual suppliers in Vendor Information.
The currency exchange rate is setup in Currency Codes.
The L.C.F. formula is:
LCF = Round((Exchange * Duty/Brokerage * Freight),4)
e.g. Exchange 57.53%, Duty/Brokerage 2%, Freight 3%
LCF = (1.5753 x 1.02 x 1.03) Rounded to 4 decimal places
LCF = 1.6550
Note: If required, the LCF can be updated through the Update Product Costs & Prices utility.
When an item is purchased, this field is updated to track the last landed purchase cost.
It is display only.
The Landed Purchase Order Cost = Last P.O. Cost * Landed Cost Factor.
Multiple external documents or images can be associated with this product when setup in the File Attachments window.
This field is disabled if there is no attachment directory defined in Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
Window to access and update barcodes that can be used to identify this product, as outlined in Barcodes.
Note: To avoid confusion, a barcode number must be unique and cannot be the same as any other product number in the system.
Window to access and update Safety Notes that will print on the document whenever this item is added to the contract, as outlined in Safety Notes.
The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy the safety notes assigned to the Group to the existing products within that Group, replacing any existing Safety Notes.
Window to access and update specifications for this product that can be referenced during contract entry in the window on the product description field, as outlined in Equipment Specifications.
The Clone Group Information to Products can be used to copy the specifications assigned to the Group to the existing products within that Group, replacing any existing specifications.
Enter the AvaTax code for this Sales Part or select it from the Select AvaTax System Tax Codes window.
Avalara Tax processing is a third party application that can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters that calculates the taxes respecting the complicated tax laws based on multiple tax combinations according to your store location and the customer Shipping or Site address.
The AvaTax Codes does not automatically default to new products but if there is no AvaTax or AvaTax Disposal Code at the product level, then the AvaTax or Disposal Code assigned at the Class level applies on the document and if there is no AvaTax or Disposal Code at the Class level then the AvaTax or Disposal Code at the Group level is automatically applied on the document.
This field is disabled if Avalara Taxing is not activated.
Uncheck this box if this is an active product that should always appear in the Inventory Search.
Check this box if this product is no longer part of your stock and should only appear in the Inventory Search when the 'Include Inactive' filter is checked. Confirmation is required.
This flag can also be set by the Inventory Clean-Up tool.
Click ACCEPT to accept any changes to this product and to exit the window.
Individual product numbers can be assigned, or a general product number such as MZ for Misc Zero Cost Sales can be setup.
For these items expensed at the time of purchase set the Cost Type to the "Zero Cost" selection.
The G/L accounts in a special Sales Product Class should be setup according to Step 1 below.
Then when the MZ product number is used on an invoice, over-type the description MISC ZERO COST SALES with the actual description of the item being sold. This allows the proper product description to appear on the invoice and reports, without having to setup a unique product number.
Step 1) In Sales Product Classes - setup for zero cost class:
G/L Acct Account Description
•The Cost of Goods Sold G/L account should be set to post to Suspense, as there should never be COGS postings generated at the sale of these products, and if there are, this becomes a warning that the Cost Type has not been set to be "Zero Cost".
•The Inventory Account should be set to the COGS G/L account, to force these sales items to be expensed directly to "COST OF MERCHANDISE SOLD" expense accounts, when they are purchased.
Step 2) In Sales Inventory, follow this setup:
DESCRIPTION: MISC ZERO COST SALES (This description will be over-typed with
the actual description when the product#
MZ is used in Invoicing)
PRODUCT CLASS 798 (See above for explanation of G/L accounts)
VENDOR # Unassigned vendor
AVG COST EACH (Updated when inventory costs are entered in A/P)
LIST PRICE 0.00 (Operator fills in on invoice for each sale)
INVENTORY N (If this is not a real product then it should
not appear on inventory lists or reports)
LOCATION (This is updated as inventory is received)
Note: If this product is NOT received in inventory, and is manually A/P invoiced directly to the COGS, enter a generous quantity at each location, since the quantity will only ever decrease with each sale or repair.
When the items are received and A/P invoiced, the correct quantities are entered into inventory, the average cost is updated, and the purchase cost is expensed to COGS.
Because the product is setup in Step 2 as a zero cost item, only the Revenue posts to the General Ledger.
For a one-time only sales item, a generic Misc Sales product can be used as a substitution for setting up a product number.
During invoicing, enter the product number MS and over-type the description MISC SALES with the actual description of the item being sold. This allows the proper product description to appear on the invoice, without having to setup a product number.
Set the product Cost Type to "Prompt" for cost in the Invoice or in the Daily Close 2 posting, as the product cost will vary with each product.
The operator's role permissions control whether the prompt for this cost is triggered on the document, otherwise it must be entered in the DAILY CLOSE 2 posting process.
The G/L accounts in the Misc Sales Product Class should be setup according to Step 1 below.
Step 1) In Sales Product Classes - setup for prompt for cost class:
G/L Acct Account Description
Step 2) In Sales Inventory, follow this setup:
DESCRIPTION MISC SALES (This description will be over-typed with
the actual description when the product#
MS is used in Invoicing)
PRODUCT CLASS 799 (See above for explanation of G/L accounts)
VENDOR # Unassigned vendor
AVG COST EACH (Updated as inventory costs are entered)
PRICE 0.00 (Operator fills in on invoice for each sale)
INVENTORY N (If this is not a real product it should not
appear on inventory lists or reports)
LOCATIONS (This is updated as inventory is received)
When the Misc Sales items are received and A/P invoiced, the correct quantities are entered into inventory, the average cost is updated, and the Inventory value is posted.
Because the cost varies for this product and it is setup in Step 2 as a miscellaneous cost item, the cost needs to be entered at invoicing or at daily close. The correct cost then posts to the COGS and to the Inventory accounts. The sale price per the invoice, posts to the Revenue account.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Sales Product screen include:
•Delete a Sales Part:
The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete sales products.
The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.
To delete an existing sales part, click the DELETE button before selecting the item, as outlined in Delete a Product.
If a product is deleted, an audit record is generating tracking the Operator and the Date when the product was deleted. This can be viewed in Delete Log for function RSPF95.
•Inventory Inquiry:
After selecting a sales part, click the INQUIRY button to view the information on this product as outlined in Inventory Inquiry, according to the Inventory Inquiry Categories security assign to the operator.
Topic Keyword: RSPF01