Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product
This utility is useful when changing a product class, or group for a specific product.
SmartEquip Compliance:
When the SmartEquip feature is activated in the Software Integration, non-bulk rental inventory must have complete equipment information, making the Group, Make, Model, Serial #, and Manufacture Date mandatory fields.
Sales parts used by SmartEquip should have a unique Vendor Product # for each part in the same Group, as the Group is associated directly with the Vendor.
The prompts are:
Type in the product number or look for it in the Inventory Search window.
The current product information is displayed for reference as follows:
The current product class for this product will display.
The current product group for this product will display.
The current supplier number and name will display for this product.
Accept the Product Class or enter the correct new Product Class or look for it in the Product Class Search window.
The product will be moved to this class and the Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory will be updated accordingly, and the change is tracked in the Audit Log.
Note: A Rental Product must be moved to Rental Class, and a Sales Product must be moved to Sales Class.
Accept the Group or enter the correct Group or look for it in the Group Search window.
The product will be moved to this group and the Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory will be updated, and the change is tracked in the Audit Log.
Note: The search window on the group only displays groups that are currently associated with the new product class, but any Group # will be accepted.
SmartEquip - Duplicate Part Warning:
The SmartEquip - Duplicate Products in Same Stock Class warning is triggered if the SmartEquip feature is activated in the Software Integration, when the Sales part is assigned the same Vendor Product # as another Sales part in the same Group.
The warning is displayed with all matches to the Vendor Product # in the Group but it does not stop the operator from proceeding.
Accept the Vendor displayed or enter the new Vendor number or look for it in the Vendor Search window.
This Vendor will be assigned to the product in Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory accordingly.
Click ACCEPT to proceed or / to cancel.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product screen include:
•Change the Vendor on Range of Products:
Click the VENDOR button at the bottom left of the screen to change the vendor for a Class and/or Group selection range of products in Update Product Vendor.
•Change the Product Class on a Product or a Group of Products:
Click the CLASS button to change the Product Class on a single sales or rental product, or to change the Product Class for all products in a Group as well as the Group itself, as outlined in Change Class on Product.
•Change the Product Class for All Products from One Class to Another Class:
Click the CLASS EXCH button to exchange the Product Class on all products in that Class to a new Class as outlined in Exchange Product Class.
•Change the Group on a Product or a Class of Products:
Click the GROUP button to change the Group on a single sales or rental product, or to change the Group for all products in a Product Class, as outlined in Change Group on Product.
•Change the Group for All Products from One Group to Another Group:
Click the GROUP EXCH button to exchange the Group on all products in that Group to a new Group as outlined in Exchange Group.
Topic Keyword: RSPF03