Rental Products By Serial #
Inventory Control Menu -> Reports -> Rental Products By Serial #
This product inquiry displays a list of Rental Inventory by the selected Serial# as stored on the Fixed Asset Tag.
The date acquired and current status on the tag are displayed.
A bulk rental product could appear multiple times in the output if there are multiple tags with serial numbers.
This utility can be useful for identifying a product when only the serial number is known.
The prompts include:
Select one of the following search filters to use on the serial number:
•Select Exact to only return exact matches to the serial number specified in the Serial# Contains field.
•Select Starts With to return all matches of products with serial numbers beginning with the value specified in the Serial# Contains field.
•Select Contains to return all serial number that contain the string specified in the Serial# Contains field.
Enter the serial number or partial serial number for the search.
This filter can be used to narrow the search based on specific equipment, by the also requiring a match on the rental product Description field.
Leave this field blank to skip the check on product description or enter any series of characters (letters or numbers) in the product primary description.
This search utility is case sensitive.
Check this box to return only rental products with an active status on the Fixed Asset tag matching the serial number.
Uncheck this box to return all rental products that match, regardless of status.
The status is displayed on the inquiry and does print on the report.
Resulting Rental Product List:
The Serial Number, Product Number, and Description are then displayed on the screen with the Acquired date, Status, Fixed Asset Tag, and Location
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Rental Product Inquiry By Serial # screen include:
•Print Rental Product List:
Click the REPORT button to print the Rental Product Serial# report listing the information currently displayed on the screen or to print a cross reference list using the filters as outlined in Product#/Serial# Cross Reference List.
Topic Keyword: RSPF14