Clone Rental & Sales Products
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Clone Rental & Sales Products
This utility can be used to create new product records by copying the product file values from an existing rental or sales product to new product numbers.
This program can be used instead of using Add Sales Parts or Add Rental Products as a short-cut in setting up the inventory details for similar products.
Information unique to a product such as serial numbers, license, VIN#, etc. is not copied.
The new sales and rental products being created will be flagged as Inventory Yes or No, depending on the type of GL account assigned as the "Inventory" posting account in the Rental Product Class or Sales Product Class.
Refer to Inventory Flag Defaults for further information on how this flag is set when inventory is "auto-added" into inventory.
This utility is particularly useful for creating a re-rent product record using the characteristics of an existing product in your rental fleet. Refer to Re-Rental Transactions for details.
The prompts to clone products are:
Enter the product number to be copied or select it from the Inventory Search window.
Usually the product selected should have the same rental rates, and same safety notes.
Note: The ability to add a new sales or rental product is controlled by the Add Sale Inventory and Add Rental Inventory flags set in the operator's Security Role Permission in the Miscellaneous window.
Check this box if multiple products are to be cloned from the From Product#.
Multiple Product Clone:
In the resulting window, manually list the new product numbers to be created as outlined in List Products to Create.
Inventory records will be created with zero quantity.
This option is disabled for cloning Sales Inventory when iRely is enabled in the ERP Integration.
Uncheck this box if a single new product is to be cloned.
Single Product Clone:
If a single new product record is to be created, the product number mask is respected but the product number can be over-typed if required.
The basic product information defaults from the From Product#, but can be over-typed, and the options to add an Asset Tag, Location quantities, and copy Special Rates are provided.
The prompts that apply when a single product is being created include:
Accept the unique auto-assigned product number or enter in the number of the product to be created.
When assigning a product number for re-rented equipment, some firms like to put an 'R' or 'RR' in front of the product number, so that re-rented equipment is easily identified in product inquiries, searches, and on a document.
If a bulk rental product is being cloned, the New Product # is left blank if the default number would be the same as the From Product #.
Enter an appropriate unused new product number.
Note: When creating a new Sales Inventory item and iRely is enabled in the ERP Integration configuration then the standard 'Sales Product Mask' defined in the Company Inventory Parameters does not apply and instead the product# is assigned from an external REST iRely API which cannot be over-typed.
Add New Product:
A window is provided to add the new product instead of cloning a copy of an existing product, as outlined in Add Sales Parts or Add Rental Products.
The product description from the source product to be cloned will display.
Accept the description, or alter the description to be correct.
The vendor product number from the source product to be cloned will display.
This can be changed as required.
If this is a re-rental, the product number which the other rental firm has assigned to this equipment could be used.
A flag in the Barcode Parameters settings of the Company Inventory Parameters can be set, causing a barcode to automatically be generated matching the Product Number and a second barcode to automatically be generated matching the Vendor Product#, for any rental or sale product newly added to the inventory file.
Note: To avoid duplication the barcode is not created if the new barcode is already being used as an existing Barcode or Product#.
The product class of the source product to be cloned will display.
This can be changed as required.
If this is a re-rental, select a rental product class that is flagged to process re-rents.
The average cost from the source product displays.
This can be changed as required.
This setting applies only to Sales parts.
The cost type selection from the source product displays.
This can be changed as required by selecting one of the following cost options:
•Select Average to use the "Average Cost Each" as defined above when posting the sale of this product.
Note: If the "Cost Type" selected is Average for the item but the "Average Cost Each" is zero at the time of posting a sale of this item, then the invoice will be held back from posting with no cost, and will be listed in Daily Close 2 Error Log.
Use Correct Daily Close Cost Errors to assign a cost and resume the posting with Daily Close 2.
•Select Zero Cost when the cost of the item should post as zero.
This usually applies when the merchandise has already been expensed, and no "Average Cost Each" is required.
•Select % of Sale to calculate the cost as a percentage of the selling price for the product on that invoice.
Enter the percent to be used in the Cost% field below.
•Select Prompt if the cost for this product varies and needs to be entered each time the part is sold, either in the Daily Close 2 posting process or when the Invoice detail is entered.
The ability to enter a cost on the invoice is controlled by operator Security Role as flagged in the "Miscellaneous" window of Role Permissions.
If the operator has permission, a window is provided in the Invoice so the correct cost can be entered for this part.
If the Cost is not entered in the Invoice, the cost must be entered in the Daily Close process prior to posting.
Note: When a Sales part has a Cost Type other than "Average" assigned, and an Average Cost Each is also entered, it is the Cost Type that is used in the inventory postings to determine on how the cost should be posted to the General Ledger, and the 'Average Cost Each' value is ignored.
If Cost Type selected is set to "% of Sale", enter the percentage amount to calculate the cost based on the selling price.
e.g. If the cost % was set to 70.000, then if the selling price was $10.00 the cost would be $7.00.
The list price from the source product displays.
This can be changed as required.
This setting applies only to Rental equipment.
Specific products can be identified as NOT eligible for rental, for transfer, and/or for depreciation, causing an warning message to be displayed when an operator attempts to rent, transfer, or depreciate them.
Enter the appropriate code for this product, or select one from the Product Status Codes Search window.
When the product Status Code is changed an audit record is written to track the change with the clerk code and any notes, in Status Code Change History for RSPF46.
Security can be setup to restrict operators from changing the product code.
To setup Security Roles and a password use the module name RSAR, and refer to Module Passwords.
For more information on this security feature refer toSystem Security Overview.
Note: An Override Reason is not required to change the Status Code.
This setting applies only to Rental products.
Check this box if the quantity on hand for this item can be greater than 1.
Uncheck this box if the quantity on hand for this item will equal 1.
This setting applies only to Rental products.
Check this box to create a Fixed Asset Tag after the product quantity has been entered.
Uncheck this box if the tag is to be created later.
This setting applies only to Rental products.
Check this box to copy any existing special rental rates.
Uncheck this box to prevent the special rates from being copied to the new product.
Uncheck this box to setup the product quantities later.
Check this box to add inventory quantities to the locations for the new rental or sales product after the new information is accepted.
Uncheck this box if the product details do not need to be accessed immediately.
Check this box to view the new product details and to setup product quantity for a single new product number as outlined in Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory after the new information is all captured.
Click ACCEPT to proceed with the cloning, or CANCEL to abort.
Product Log:
If multiple products were created using the List Products to Create window, the new product numbers are listed and can be printed as outlined in Information Log.
If the product being cloned is a Manufactured Sales product that has a Inventory Bill of Materials defined, the option is provided to copy the BOM list to the newly created product.
If a single sales or rental product was cloned and product quantity is to be added, the Inventory Adjustment window is triggered to capture date and reason, before entering the location quantities.
This option is not available if multiple products were cloned.
If a single serialized sales product was cloned and product quantity was to be added, the Serial Numbers window is triggered to capture the relevant serial numbers.
This option is not available if multiple products were cloned.
If a single Rental product is being cloned and Add Asset Tag was checked, the following tag information can be captured.
This option is not available if multiple products were cloned.
Accept the auto-assigned tag number or enter a preferred tag number.
This is display only.
Accept today's date or enter a preferred acquisition date for this product.
Accept the serial number that defaults from the source product number from the clone or enter the serial number for this rental item. Use up to 20 characters.
This is only relevant to non-bulk equipment or when the Tag is for a single unit.
Accept the total cost for the products on this tag that defaults from the source product number times the new Total Quantity or enter the correct total cost.
Accept the total book value for the products on this tag that defaults from the source product number times the new Total Quantity or enter the correct total value.
Accept the class that defaults from the source product number or enter the correct Depreciation Class or select one from the drop-down list. The Alternate Depreciation Class will default from the source product
Accept the default division or enter the preferred owning division to be used for depreciation and inventory value reporting.
If the Make, Model, and Date of Manufacturing fields are required fields for non-bulk rental equipment, as activated by the Mandatory Make/Model/Manufacture Date in the Company Inventory Parameters, and the From Product# did not have values for these fields, a warning is triggered and the Make/Model and Re-Order Information is opened to capture the mandatory information for the new product.
Fuel Types and capacity are copied.
Click OK to accept the new tag information and exit the window.
Note: If this utility was run in error contact Texada Support for assistance to Reverse Inventory Adjustments.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Clone Rental & Sales Products screen include:
•Update Values for Selected Existing Non-Bulk Rental Products from Another Product:
Click the CLONE TO EXISTING button at the bottom left of the screen to update selected existing non-bulk rental products by copying select information from another existing product using the Clone Product Info to Existing Product utility.
Topic Keyword: RSPF46