Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Sales Inventory Min/Max Report

Purchase Order Menu -> Inventory Re-Ordering -> Sales Inventory Min/Max Report

This Inventory Minimum/Maximum report prints all the re-order quantities and re-order conversion information as setup in Sales Inventory in the Re-Order window.
 The report applies only to Sales Parts and is printed in product number order within the selected Product Classes.
 The option is provided to print each Product Class on a new page.

The selection prompts include:


Type ALL to include sales inventory from all locations in the report.

To generate output for a single location leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter a specific location code, or select a location from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several specific locations or locations by inventory region to be included in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.

This report does respect the operator assigned Divisional Restricted Views.

Location Reporting:
 The Location will always display as 'ALL' for any Sales Inventory that is not flagged to "Order By Location" in the Inventory Re-Order Information (Sales Products) window.
 Individual location records with the associated Min/Max quantities and information will print on the output for the Sales Inventory that is setup to utilize the "Order By Location" feature in the Inventory Re-Order Information (Sales Products) window.

Product Class

The Sales Products are listed in product number order within each Sales Product Class.
 An option is provided to output a separate page/tab per class.


Leave this field blank to include Sales Products from all classes, or enter a starting class for the range, or select one from the Product Class Search window.


Leave this field blank to include Sales Products from all classes, or enter an ending class, or select one from the Product Class Search window.

Product Group

The Equipment Group can be used to filter the Sales Products and is displayed on each record on the output but the Group is not used for sorting.


Leave this field blank to include Sales Products from all Groups, or enter a starting Group for the range, or select one from the Group Search window.


Leave this field blank to include Sales Products from all Groups, or enter an ending Group for the range, or select one from the Group Search window.


The Sales Inventory part number can be used to filter the Sales Products returned in the output.


Leave this field blank to include all Sales Products, or enter a starting product number for the range, or select one from the Inventory Search window.


Leave this field blank to include all Sales Products, or enter an ending product number for the range, or select one from the Inventory Search window.


Check this box to start a new page for each new Product Class.
 If the Excel option was selected for the output, then the information for each class will be listed on a separate tab on the spreadsheet.

Uncheck this box if paging is not required between classes.


Check this box to only list sales products that have been assigned Min/Max values in the Inventory Re-Order Information (Sales Products) window.

Uncheck this box to include all sales products in the range regardless of Min/Max values.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.


Click the ACCEPT button to generate the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: RSPF61