Update Barcodes by Product#
This utility can also be added to an Additional Options menu for direct access from the menu tree.
This programs allows an operator quick access to the barcodes for both Sales and Rental products.
The barcodes that are stored in Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory may be reviewed here, and codes may be added or deleted in this program.
If an existing barcode needs to be changed, delete the record and re-add it correctly.
Because barcodes can also be used to identify or enter products manually or via scanner on a document, a Barcode can match the same Product number but the barcode cannot be the same as any other product number or any other bar code in the system.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Update Barcodes by Product# screen include:
•Delete a Barcode:
The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to 'Delete in Update Barcodes by Product#' in the "Deletions" window of the Security Role.
To delete an existing barcode, click on the barcode to focus on it then click the DELETE button.
Confirmation is required.
Topic Keyword: RSPF63