On Hand Qty by Location by Product #
This is a maintenance utility that can be added to an Additional Options menu if required as it is not on a standard menu and the screen has not been properly GUI formatted.
This program updates the inventory quantities at a specific location. <F4> or enter the Location desired then enter a starting product number, the products list in product number order.
The prompts are:
<F4> Enter the location desired. The description of the location is displayed.
<F4> Select a starting product number, or look it up in the Window.
Enter the date applicable for making the adjustments to the inventory quantities. This is used in Date Sensitive Inventory Value Reports.
Enter the type code for this adjustment or press <F4> to select one from the window. This adjustment type controls the G/L posting account to be credited for the inventory adjustment amount.
These types can be setup in Inventory Adjustment Types.
Middle of the Screen:
The Products will appear in Product # order.
The product description appears on the screen.
The quantity at this location displays. Type in the new quantity for this location. The software will automatically write an Inventory Adjustment record as of the Date above. The Operator ID will also be noted.
If a quantity adjustment has been made for a serialized sales product, and the product is NOT flagged to enter serial numbers at "Time of Sale", the serial number window opens to add or remove a serial number to match the quantity adjustment being made.
After any changes to product quantities are completed, use Post Inventory Adjustments, to print an audit report and to generate the G/L postings for the change in the Inventory value.
Topic Keyword: RSPF65