Update Product Status Code
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Status Codes Menu -> Update Product Status Code
Use this option to flag specific rental products (bulk or non-bulk), with the appropriate status code to Not allow Rental, Transfer, and/or Depreciation.
This utility can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Inventory Control operations.
Products identified by the Status code flag:
•Not to RENT can not be rented on Contracts, Counter Worksheet, Convert Reservation To Contract, or Exchanged on Exchange Products
•Not to DEPRECIATE can not be depreciated from Depreciation.
•Not to TRANSFER can not be transferred from Internal Transfer Console, Internal Transfer Worksheet, or Inventory Transfers
•Not AVAILABLE is not active and is not be included in availability calculations or inventory searches that use the available filter.
Refer to Product Status Code Overview for detailed information on this feature.
Auto-Create Work Order feature:
By changing the Status Code for a selected non-bulk rental equipment on Rental Return, a Work Order can be generated to service the equipment before it is available to rent again.
Refer to Status Code Actions By Group for details.
The prompts are:
Leave this field blank to display a list of all rental products or enter the starting product number for the screen display, or select it from the Inventory Search window.
Product Selection Screen
The resulting list of products is displayed by product number order.
The product # displays.
The product description displays.
Enter the appropriate status code for products to control the permission to rent, or to depreciate, or to transfer.
A window is provided to view and select one of the status codes as outlined in Product Status Codes Search.
The status code description displays.
Permission Flags:
These flags are display only in this screen.
If a flag is not correct for a product, change the Status code assigned to that product.
Alternatively, the flag settings for the Status code can be changed globally in Product Status Codes.
The flag for the product to "allow Rental" displays according to the Status code.
Note: Credit Invoices do not prevent invoicing of a rental product with a Status code prohibiting rentals, even if quantity on credit invoice is a positive value.
The flag for the product to "allow Depreciation" displays according to the code.
This flag is checked when depreciation is generated from Depreciation.
The flag for the product to "allow Transfers" displays according to the assigned code.
The flag for the product to be included in availability counts displays according to the assigned code.
If the prompt for Reason Codes On Override is activated in the Company Security Parameters then, when a product is flagged as not allowed to rent, transfer, or depreciate, the operator must enter a reason code or select a reason code from the window.
Reason codes are defined in Override Reason Codes.
A record is then written to the Override file and can be printed from Print Override Report.
For more information on this security feature refer to Override Security Overview.
Capture Clerk in Change Product Status Code:
The Clerk Confirmation window is triggered if the Prompt for Clerk feature has been activated in the Company Security Parameters and a Note field is provided to allow the operator to enter the reason for the change.
The prompt to also require password verification can be activated by the Check Operator Password in the Company Security Parameters.
The clerk code and the note are tracked in Status Code Change History for RSPF75.
Topic Keyword: RSPF75