Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Update Kits for Products

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Kits for Products

After the kits have been setup in Product Kits, this utility can be used to quickly add the kits to the relevant rental and sales products.
 The Kit assigned also updates the Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory record.

The products on the screen can be displayed by product number or by description.
 The prompts are:


Leave this field blank to skip the product number filter, or enter the starting sales or rental product number for the list, or select it from the Inventory Search window.


Leave this field blank to skip the product number filter, or enter the ending sales or rental product number for the list or select it from the window.


Leave this field blank to skip the product description filter, or enter the first few characters of the description for the starting sales or rental product for the list.


Leave this field blank to skip the product description filter, or enter the first few characters of the description for the ending sales or rental product for the list.


Select one of the following choices for the sort sequence for the product list:

Click Product# to display the products on the screen in product number order, instead of in description order.

Click Product# to display the products alphabetically by description.

Resulting Product List:
 The selected products are displayed in the preferred sort order with the sales or rental product number, description, existing Kit number and existing Kit description.

The Kit # field can be updated as required.
 The Kit Search window is provided to search for and select from available kits setup in the Product Kits table.
 Leave this field blank if no kit applies to this product.


Press ACCEPT key to save the changes.

Topic Keyword: RSPF98