Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Convert Fast-Track Inventory Records

This utility is not in the proper format but if required it can be added to an Additional Options menu for access from the menu tree.

This function generates Rental and Sale Products based on the information previously entered in the Fast-Track Enter Inventory.
 If the products are not converted at this time, the data is saved and this process may be run at a later date.
 The prompts are:

Finished ?

Click ACCEPT to add any items previously entered in Fast-Track Enter Inventory that have NOT already been added into the Rental or Sales product file.

Click CANCEL to abort the update.
 Data entered in Fast-Track Enter Inventory is considered an EDIT and will remain for a later convert.
 Only the new items get generated, but all items remain on the Screen for viewing.

Topic Keyword: RSPU10