Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Quotation Details

Counter Menu -> Quotations -> Quote Details

The product details of a quote can be used to estimate sales, and/or rental charges for equipment as of a rental period, for a specific customer.
 For information on entering the products refer to Contract Details.

No product availability is checked in the quotation process, as a quote is not a commitment by the customer.
 Sales and rentals can be entered on the same quote and converted as follows:

When rentals and/or sales are included on the quote, the quote can be converted to a Reservation using the Convert Quote to Reservation utility, or to a Contract using the Convert Quote to Contract utility, but not to an Invoice as rental billing details would not be complete.

When only product sales or sale/disposal of rental equipment are included on a quote, the quote can also be converted to an invoice using Convert Quote to Invoice.

When rentals and/or sales are included on the quote the "Maximum Discount%" for the operator is respected as defined in the 'Role Parameters' window of the Security Role Permissions assigned to the user.

Topic Keyword: RSQH02