Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reservation Details

Counter Menu -> Reservations -> Reservation Details

Refer to Reservation for details on entering the document header, and the Reservation to Contract to Invoice flow.

Entering rental equipment and sales parts on the Reservation is very similar to entering them on the Contract Details, with the following differences:

Product Status:
 Both rental and sales items that are put on a reservation are only reserved, not actually put OUT on rent or SOLD yet.

Reserving by Product Group:
 A specific product # (e.g. #4522 ROUND TABLE 8') or a product Group (e.g. Group 453 CHAIRS) can be reserved.
 It is useful to reserve a Group when not sure which specific product number within the Group (e.g. Brown Chairs, White Chairs, Stacking Chairs) is to be assigned at the time of booking.

To reserve the product Group, enter the Group # preceded by a + sign, in the Product # field of the Reservation details.
 e.g. Group 453 CHAIRS is entered as +453

A window is provided to search for the products, and groups.

If the reserved Group has rates set in Groups, these rates will be used for the reservation.
 If the Group does NOT have rental rates, the operator will be prompted to select a related product which has the rates to be charged from the Select Product From Group window and these rates will be "borrowed" for this reservation, and will be passed on to the contract when the reservation is converted.

Then when the reservation is converted to a contract, the specific product must be defined.
 e.g. A reservation for Group # 522 AIR HAMMERS is made.
 When the reservation is to be filled and converted to a contract, staff would pick the specific Air Hammer, #522-109 AIR HAMMER 80 LBS and record the actual product number rented.

Availability Exceeded Warning:
 If a product or group quantity is expected to exceed the quantity available on the date of the reservation, a Minimum Availability Exceeded warning is displayed listing the Product#, description, quantity and predicted available quantity.
 This warning alerts staff that an alternative product or re-rental may be required.

Restrict Price Over-Ride:
 The ability to restrict operators from over-riding the Unit Price can be set at the Class level in the Additional Options of the Sales Product Classes.
 When this override restriction is set for a Class only operators with a Security Role that allows the "Price Override of Restricted Sales Class Products" permission in the 'Document Field Access' settings, will be able to over-type the Unit Price in the document.

Product Over-Bookings and Fulfillment:
 The Region Reservation Fulfillment feature can be can be activated in the Divisional Inventory Parameters to find and transfer available product quantity automatically from other locations in the 'Default Inventory Region' to fill the Reservation for specific products, by using the Region Reservation Fulfillment utility to generate the Internal Branch Transfer transactions to fill the overbookings.

Refer to Regional Reservation Processing in the Divisional Inventory Parameters for more information on this feature.

Picking Ticket:
 The Reservation Picking Ticket can be can be printed from the Reservation Summary and Totals or from the Print Reservation Picking Ticket option.
 This is an internal "plain paper" document with the Customer Billing & Shipping addresses, the Reservation#, Date, PO# Salesman code and Delivery method in the header.
 The Details of the form include the product numbers and descriptions with BIN, Ordered quantity and the Reservation product Notes that are flagged to print.
 Space is provided to enter the quantity Picked and Checked.

Refer to Contract Details for further information on entering products on the document.

Once the products are entered and accepted on the Reservation details, refer to Reservation Summary and Totals for details on completing the contract, including adding services, deposits, taxes, follow-up, delivery, and payment.

Topic Keyword: RSRH02