Convert Reservation to Contract
Counter Menu -> Reservations -> CONVERT button -> Contract option -> Convert Reservation to Contract
Counter Menu -> Deliveries & Pickups -> Delivery / Pickup Dispatch -> CREATE button for Reservation record -> Convert Reservation to Contract
This program can produce a contract to fill a selected reservation.
All information on the reservation is retained on the contract.
If any attachments are linked to the source Reservation, they will also be linked to the document resulting from the convert action.
The convert program can be accessed from Reservations by clicking on the CONVERT button at the bottom of the Reservation screen, and then selecting the Contract option.
A reservation can be setup to be easily converted to a contract and printed at the counter when the reservation is due. This quick conversion eliminates the need to re-enter the contract and results in faster service at the counter.
Any Off Rent reason codes on the reservation will be carried over to the new contract.
Before the reservation is converted to a contract, a last minute opportunity is provided to make changes.
•The date or time out, and date or time due for all items on the reservation can be changed in one step.
•The product rates reflect the rate structure of the original reservation.
The rental rates on the reservation for each rate code, will be used on the contract. Any new rates by effective date will not be applied and any rental caps are maintained as of the reservation information.
•Any product detail notes from the reservation will also be carried over on the contract.
•A deposit can also be added at the time of conversion.
•Before converting the Reservation, the Not OK to Rent file is checked to ensure that this customer is not a poor credit risk file, and is not listed in Bad Risk Customers.
After the reservation is converted, the contract details can be reviewed and any further changes can be made if required.
After the reservation is converted, the option is provided to delete it from the reservation file.
The prompts to convert a reservation to a contract, are:
Enter the reservation number to be converted or look it up the Reservation Search window.
Honored Reservation Contracts:
If the reservation has been converted to a contract before, then the Honored Reservation Documents window opens listing the contracts previously created.
Outstanding Transfers Found:
When a Reservation requires product transfers for filling quantity availability requirements, based on the "Regional Reservation Processing" feature activated in the Divisional Inventory Parameters, the Reservation cannot be converted to a Contract until the transfers are completed.
The Outstanding Transfers Found window is triggered to list the products on incomplete transfers and the convert to contract action is aborted.
Invalid Division/Location Warnings:
A warning is triggered if the division or location on the source Reservation is not flagged as a 'G/L Division' or 'Inv. Location' in the Divisions and the reservation cannot be converted.
To fix this, temporarily change the Division Type field in Divisions in order to access the document and change the division and/or location on the source document. Then reset the Division Type field back in Divisions.
Credit Limit Warning:
If the customer will be exceeding his Credit Limit set in the Customer Credit Information window, then the Customer Credit Limit window opens for follow-up.
Bad Risk Warning:
This window only appears if the customers has been flagged as high risk in Bad Risk Customers.
Comments can be displayed to help explain the problem to the counter staff, and the ability whether or not to allow further activity can be set.
The customer is identified by checking for a match in one of several predefined fields as outlined in Customer Bad Risk Warning.
Insurance Information:
If the contract is for a repeat customer and the "Display Insurance Information" flag is activated in the Company Security Parameters, then the Insurance Information window opens and the operator must click OK to confirm the insurance information is correct.
Insurance/Damage Waiver Requirement:
If the "Use Damage Waiver per item Value Limits" is activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings and the customer has insufficient Damage Waiver or Insurance to cover the Replacement Cost of the rental equipment the Products Requiring Insurance/Damage Waiver Review is triggered.
Check the resulting contract as the reservation may or may not be converted without the product in question, depending on the customer's configuration and the Damage Waiver requirement.
Clerk Security:
Settings in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for a clerk code, when an existing document is accessed, as outlined in Clerk Confirmation.
The clerk code and the notes are tracked in Clerk Document Access Log.
The Date Out of the reservation will display.
If this reservation has already been converted to a contract before, the text ***Honored*** will display beside the date.
The associated billing day will display.
In the Company Reservation Parameters the "Clerk Based On Reservation" flag can be set to default the clerk to the same clerk as the source reservation, or to default the clerk on the new Contract to the current operator code.
Accept the clerk code displayed on the screen or enter the correct clerk code.
The Company Security Parameters can be set to "Prompt for Clerk", and also to require password verification.
If this is activated no clerk code is displayed, and the clerk information must be entered in the Clerk Confirmation window.
The Date Out from the reservation appears.
Accept this date or over-type it with the correct Date Out.
All items on the contract will use the date set when the reservation is converted.
The Contract Date Out is checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for Contract module RSCH.
The Time Out from the reservation appears.
Accept this date or over-type it with the correct Time Out.
All items on the contract will use this time, when the reservation is converted.
If the Contract Date Out is changed, the Date Due is recalculated using the length of time on the original reservation.
Accept this date or over-type it the date due displayed, or over-type it with the correct Date Due.
All items on the contract will use this date when the reservation is converted.
The Time Due from the reservation appears.
Accept this time or over-type it the correct Time Due.
All items on the contract will use this time when the reservation is converted.
The days to bill is calculated for the rental period based on Date/Time Out and Date/Time Due back.
If this customer has anyone setup on the Name Check List in Customer Information, or if this is a mandatory field, then the Name Check Select window will open displaying a list of individuals related to this customer.
The operator can check if this person is allowed to charge rentals for this firm, or if this is a mandatory field.
A "valid renter" must be selected to associate with the document.
The ID description from the Reservation that will also print on the Contract, displays.
This can be modified as required to print accordingly on the Contract, but will not change the original ID field on the source Reservation.
The Reference information from the Reservation that will also print on the Contract, displays.
This can be modified as required to print accordingly on the Contract, but will not change the original Reference field on the source Reservation.
•If the customer has only one Driver's License # already saved in Customer Information, this license # will display automatically and the cursor will not stop on this field.
•If multiple license numbers have been saved or if an invalid license # is entered, a window opens for the operator to select or add a new one, as outlined in Driver's License Search.
Note: If the Customer # is blank (e.g. Cash Customer) the Driver's License # entered here is not stored anywhere, except on this contract, and the window is disabled.
If the Prompt for Driver's License/ID flag is set in the Divisional Contract Parameters the cursor will stop on this field if a single valid Driver's License is not already saved in Customer Information.
The Driver's License is mandatory information if the "Mandatory Driver's License" flag has been set in the Divisional Contract Parameters and the customer is not the Blank customer.
The Purchase Order from the Reservation displays.
This can be modified as required for the Contract, without changing the original P.O.# on the source Reservation.
This is a mandatory field if the "P.O. # Required" flag has been set for this customer in the Customer Information.
A blanket default P.O.# can be assigned in Customer Information, and a Site specific default P.O.# can be assigned in Site Information.
The relevant P.O. then defaults to the document but can be over-typed as required.
Accept an AUTO ASSIGNED contract number or type in the desired contract number.
The ability to over-type the contract number is controlled by the "Allow Custom Document#" flag for Contracts defined in Last Used Transactions or by division in Last Used Transactions by Division.
Accept the Billing Day code according to the Contract Date Out that displays, or over-typed it as required, if the operator has been assigned a Security Role that allows permission to access the Cycle Billing Day Code per the "Document Field Access" flag.
If the customer is a Cash Customer and does not have an account, no billing day is allowed as the contract should not be a long term contract that would require interim cycle billings.
The division of the source reservation is displayed that will be used for the resulting contract.
This is display only.
The location of the source reservation is displayed that will be used for the resulting contract.
This is display only.
The location determines from where the parts inventory is taken.
Product Booking and Availability are impacted by the location selected.
Select one of the following actions to apply after the conversion is accepted.
A default value can be set for this action in the "Review Contract Default" field of the Company Reservation Parameters according to your firm's preference.
•Select Edit to review the resulting contract details with the option to make changes to the contract after the conversion.
This Edit option is not available if the Convert Reservation action has been triggered from the Delivery / Pickup Dispatch screen.
•Select Print to print the contract after conversion from a reservation.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
If a P.O. is created and associated with this contract, the option to also print the P.O. will be provided after the contract is printed.
•Select No if the resulting contract does not need to be reviewed, modified, or printed at this time.
The minimum security deposit calculated for the rental products on the reservation is displayed.
This is determined by the sum of the security deposit values as set in the Rental Information window for each Rental product on this document.
Refer to the Divisional Contract Parameters on "Deposit Settings" for information on activating these features.
Any deposit amount required on the reservation is displayed.
The total deposit amount taken on the reservation is displayed.
A window is provided to view the deposit details as outlined in Deposit History.
Enter the additional amount of deposit taken at the time of converting the reservation to a contract.
Accept today's date, or type in the correct date when the deposit was received.
Enter the payment method or select how the dollar amount was taken from the options outlined in Taking the Payment Options and Explanations.
The payment method is based on whether the Texada Pay feature has been activated and the currency of the Customer.
Note: If payment by Debit or Credit Card was made, after the convert to contract information is completed and accepted by clicking the ACCEPT button, the operator will be prompted to complete the credit card authorization information, as outlined in the Capture Customer Payment Options for details.
A default value can be set for this delete option in the Company Reservation Parameters according to your firm's preference.
Check this box to delete the reservation now that it has been filled.
The product booking transactions assigned to the products on the reservation will now be associated with the new contract as the Source document type in the Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group.
Note: Once the reservation has been converted, the delete action is NOT restricted by the delete reservations role permission defined in Security Roles.
Uncheck this box to store the reservation as an honored reservation.
The "Delete Requirements for Honoured" flag in the Company Reservation Parameters controls how the requirements are handled when the converted reservation is not deleted, as follows:
•If the "Delete Requirements for Honoured" flag is not set, then the product booking transactions for the reservation in the Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group will retain the transaction numbers and new additional bookings transaction numbers will be created for the products on the new contract.
•If the "Delete Requirements for Honoured" flag is set, then the booking transactions assigned to the products on the source reservation will now be associated with the new contract in the Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group.
Convert This Reservation
Click CANCEL to abort and quit the conversion.
Click ACCEPT to begin the conversion of the reservation to a contract.
Any Off Rent reason codes on the Reservation will be carried over to the new Contract.
The Power Kit components assigned to any Primary Non-Bulk Rental Product on the Reservation, are added to the Contract document at conversion. For more details on the Power Kit feature refer to Power Kits.
The Print Receipt pop-up is triggered for the payment only if the 'Prompt for Payment Receipt' feature is activated in the Company Customer Forms Configuration settings.
The Customer Satisfaction Survey request window is generated if the "Activate Customer Survey Processing" is enabled for a division in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
The business source can be entered in the Assign Business Source window.
A flag in the "Required Document Information" of the Company Contract Parameters, can be set to make the Business Source a mandatory field on counter documents including Contracts, Invoices, Reservations, Quotations, and Worksheets.
When a Business Source is mandatory on a document, the Blank code is not allowed even if there is a blank code record in the Business Source Codes table.
When the 'Profile Class' is checked in the "Additional Pop-Up Windows of the Divisional Contract Parameters for documents in this division, an optional Profile Class can be selected for the Contract or Invoice from the Profile Class Search window to identify the document for Business Analysis reporting.
This window can be triggered to list over-booked items with the available quantity information as outlined in Over-Booked Items if the "Allow Over-ride on Location Quantities" is NOT set in the Company Security Parameters.
On exiting the window the conversion is aborted unless the Contract dates are changed to dates when the equipment is available.
If a Flat Rate was given to a product on the Reservation, the Flat rate is carried to the new contract unless the rental period in changed during the conversion then the Flat Rate is removed when the rates are recalculated and a warning is triggered to alert the operator that the rate may need to be reviewed.
If the "Warn When Product Due for Maintenance" feature is activated in the Company Contract Parameters, and the equipment that on the reservation being converted to the contract is scheduled on a maintenance record that is assigned a Repair Maintenance Code with a Warn/Block flag, a message is displayed on the screen to warn the operator about pending maintenance or to block the rental accordingly.
Multiple warnings could be triggered if the product has multiple records pending in the Maintenance Schedule.
•The operator must accept or acknowledge the Warnings and enter a valid clerk code to continue.
A Password may also be required if the requirement is set in the Company Security Parameters.
•When a Maintenance pending Warning is triggered in Contract entry, a record is written to the Over-Ride Report with the clerk who confirmed it.
A Block does not prompt for clerk code or write an over-ride record as no rental activity occurred.
•In order to proceed to rent a product that is flagged to Block because of pending maintenance, the operator signed in to the session must be assigned a Security Role Permission that is flagged to "Allow Override Of Maintenance Block".
For complete details on the setup and use of the warn, block, and buffer applied with this feature, refer to Maintenance Due Causing Warn/Block on Rental.
Credit Card Required:
If Texada Pay is not activated and the Prompt Auth Only For Credit Card flag is checked in the Division Miscellaneous Parameters, when an additional deposit by credit card a window prompts for Authorization Only and then for the card information, as outlined in Scan Credit Card.
Credit Card Not Required:
The Calculate Change window opens if the payment method for the deposit does not require a Credit Card.
When a Group was reserved, the Select a Product For this Group window is triggered providing the ability to select the specific product number that is going out on the Contract.
If a product was not selected to fill the Group reservation, but the Group has been assigned a Bulk Rental Product# in Groups, the substitute Bulk Rental Product window is triggered.
If a product was not selected to fill the Group reservation, and there is no Bulk Rental Product# assigned to the Group, no product is added to the new Contract.
For any serialized sales item being converted to the contract, the Serial Number Search window will open to select a serial # from this location.
If any metered equipment is included on the reservation being converted to a contract, enter the meter reading as outlined in Update Product Meter Information.
A warning is triggered if a Non-Bulk product that is identified NOT for rent by a Product Status Code is included on the reservation, and the product will not be converted from the reservation to a contract.
If the flag to restrict "Non-Bulk Allowed On One Contract/Worksheet Only" is set in the Company Security Parameters then a warning is thrown if this non-bulk rental product is already on another open Contract or Worksheet, and the product will not be converted from the reservation to a contract.
If any sales product, re-rental equipment, or Service Code on the source reservation is flagged to allow a Purchase Order to be created directly from a contract, the Create Purchase Orders window is triggered to select the products to be ordered and then the Purchase Order Information can be used to capture the P.O. information.
If a P.O. is created and the print contract option has been selected, the option to also print the P.O. will be provided after the contract is printed.
Click CANCEL to close this window if a P.O. should not be created to order this product or service at this time, or select the products and enter the P.O. information.
Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this feature.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Convert Reservation to Contract screen include:
•Capture a Credit Card or Check information for future Payment Transactions:
The CAPTURE CARD button is only visible if the Texada Pay processing is activated.
This action does not take the payment, it only captures the card or check information to store on file for later payments.
Click the CAPTURE CARD button to access the Capture Card/Check on File window and scan or enter Credit Card or standard check information to be saved in the Customer Credit Card table for use to complete future payments.
Topic Keyword: RSRH04