Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Delete A Single Reservation

Counter Menu -> Reservations -> DELETE button -> Delete A Single Reservation

This program makes PERMANENT deletions of the entire reservation selected, and can be accessed from the DELETE button in Reservations.

This option should only be used if the reservation was voided or cancelled.
 Tight control can be maintained on which operators are able to delete reservations, by controlling the permissions on the roles assigned to Operators.
 Refer to the Security Roles setup on the Security tab of Configure System Settings for more information.

It should not be used to delete mistakes. Instead, corrections should be made to the reservation in Reservations.

If the reservation has an outstanding deposit on it, the reservation cannot be deleted until the deposit is refunded.
 Use Reservation Deposits to refund the deposit (use a negative amount to refund rather than add to the reservation).
 The refund must be posted using the Daily Close programs before the reservation can be deleted, otherwise the message DEPOSIT HISTORY HAS NOT BEEN POSTED appears on the screen and the deletion is aborted.
 Reservations with deposits that are "Authorization Only" can and will be deleted, as no actual funds are outstanding on deposit.

If a reservation is deleted, the operator code, the reservation number, and the date when the reservation was deleted are automatically logged.
 Deleted reservations can be tracked in Delete Log under the function name RSRH99.

The prompts to delete a reservation are:


Enter the reservation number to be deleted.
 The full customer address and ship to address appears on the screen, to visually confirm that the correct reservation is being deleted.

Click the DETAILS button to view the reservations details as outlined in View Document Information.


Click DELETE to proceed with the deletion, or CANCEL to abort the deletion.
 There is no UNDO key here, so confirm that this is the correct reservation before clicking DELETE.

Topic Keyword: RSRH99