New Acquisitions Report
Inventory Control Menu -> Reports -> New Acquisitions Report
Reports Menu -> Automatic Reporting -> Function RSRI22 -> runs New Acquisitions Report
This report can be used to list the new rental equipment purchases using the Date Acquired and the Owning Division as defined on the Fixed Asset Tag.
It does not report of purchases of sales stock.
All rental equipment purchased in a selected date range, such as the last month or the last year, can be identified.
Equipment flagged as non-inventory can be included or omitted.
The report can be sorted by date, division, Product Class, Depreciation Class or by vendor selection.
The report uses the date acquired, division, quantity, cost, and serial number from the Fixed Asset Tags.
It is recommended that each purchase be assigned a separate fixed asset tag, so that the New Acquisitions Report will be fully accurate.
The Original quantity and cost per unit from the Fixed Asset Tags are displayed for each product, along with the Current quantity and cost per unit that reflects the value of any disposals or additions to the tag.
Report totals for the selection range are provided at the end of the report, and include transfer and disposal totals and costs.
The spreadsheet output does not include totals, but does include the Leasing Vendor where applicable.
This information can also be run automatically with the spreadsheet output emailed to staff by setting up RSRI22 with the relevant filters and email addresses in the Automatic Reporting.
The selection prompts and filters include:
The Owning Division for rental equipment is defined on the Fixed Asset Tags, as opposed to using the physical location of the product.
Select one of the following options:
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.
•To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select a range of divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Note: The divisions included in the report output, are NOT limited to the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.
Accept the current month start, or enter a preferred starting date for the acquisitions report.
Accept today's date, or enter a preferred ending date for the acquisitions report.
Select one of the following sort options:
•Select Date/Product to list the new rental products by date of acquisition, then within each date by product number.
The From/To range selection prompts are disabled, as all products in the selected date range will be included.
•Select Depr'n Class to list the products by acquisition date, within Depreciation Class.
This sort option can be useful as often the accountant will require the report in Depreciation Class order to check that the right classes have been assigned for depreciation purposes.
Leave this field blank to include all depreciation classes, or enter a starting Depreciation Class for the reporting range, or select one from the drop-down list.
Leave this field blank to include all depreciation classes, or enter an ending Depreciation Class for the reporting range, or select one from the drop-down list.
•Select Owning Div to list the products by product # order within each division.
The From/To range selection prompts are disabled, as all products purchased in the date range for the selected divisions will be included.
Note: When printing by Owning Div, the Original Cost and Quantity columns are suppressed on the output.
•Select Product Class to list the products by product # order within each Product Class.
Leave this field blank to include all rental classes, or enter a Product Class for the reporting range, or select one from the Product Class Search window.
Leave this field blank to include all rental classes, or enter an ending Product Class, or select one from the window.
•Select Vendor# to list the products by acquisition date for each vendor.
Leave this field blank to include asset purchases from all suppliers, or enter a starting vendor for the reporting range, or select one from the Vendor Search window.
Leave this field blank to include asset purchases from all suppliers, or enter an ending vendor, or select one from the window.
Check this box to include all rental equipment, including products that are flagged as NOT being Inventory in Rental Inventory.
Uncheck this box to only include equipment that is flagged as rental Inventory in Rental Inventory.
This option only applies when the Sort Order is by 'Date/Product'.
Uncheck this box if the G/L transaction associated with the purchase of the asset is not required.
Check this box to print the G/L transaction number for the posting of the purchase of the asset, on the Excel spreadsheet output, and on the report output in place of the serial number.
Note: This value is only listed if the transaction number can be uniquely identified in the G/L and the purchase was posted through Post A/P Invoices.
If multiple transactions in the G/L contribute to the acquisition such as freight, duty brokerage or exchange, the extra transactions will show on separate lines below the first one.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
This prompt only applies to the Excel spreadsheet output.
Click Yes to generate an additional column with the Purchase Order for the purchase on the spreadsheet output.
Click No to omit the P.O. number on the spreadsheet.
Note: The last PO# is marked on the product from the following places:
•Inventory Re-Order Report (when generating PO from worksheet)
•Purchase Order Entry
•Warehouse Receiving (when receiving a group)
•Clone a Purchase Order
Topic Keyword: RSRI22