Set New Asset Tag Values
Inventory Control Menu -> Rental/Sale Transfers -> Sale to Rental Transfer -> Set New Asset Tag Values ->
Inventory Control Menu -> Rental/Sale Transfers -> Asset Reclassification Utility of Sales product -> Set New Asset Tag Values ->
In Sale to Rental Transfer if the Rental product is a Bulk product that allows multiple tags, and the divisional flag to Disable Merging Asset Tags is set in the Divisional Inventory Parameters, a new Tag must be generated as follows:
Accept the new Tag number automatically assigned as the new Fixed Asset Tag.
Accept status A for Active, or select the correct status from the drop-down list.
Enter the division of the transfer for the Tag, or select a division from the drop-down list.
If this transfer was triggered from the Asset Reclassification Utility the division defaults from the New Owning Division defined for the reclassification.
Enter the date of acquisition.
If this transfer was triggered from the Asset Reclassification Utility the date defaults from the Transfer Date.
Enter the Depreciation Class for this tag, or select a division from the drop-down list.
If this transfer was triggered from the Asset Reclassification Utility the Depreciation Class defaults from the new Group defined for the reclassification.
Click ACCEPT to accept the tag, or click CANCEL.
Note: If this is a transfer from a Serialized Sales product triggered from the Asset Reclassification Utility the Serial Number becomes the serial number on the new Fixed Asset Tag.
Topic Keyword: RSRIADD2