Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Maintain Product Requirements

This is a maintenance utility that can be added to an Additional Options menu as it is not on a standard menu.

The Product Requirements table tracks product booking times to provide instant quantity availability information.
 Requirements can be viewed in Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group and the Regenerate Requirements File utility can be used to re-build the product bookings file to maintain accuracy.

This maintenance utility directly accesses the source table for requirements, and if changed it immediately impacts product availability numbers reflected in the daily rental and sales programs.
 Adjusting this table could be helpful if requirements numbers get out of sync with actual product quantities on the floor, and the Regenerate Requirements File utility that would normally correct this cannot be run during store hours.

Resulting Requirements List:
 The Maintain Product Requirements table lists the Requirement Transaction number in the table, Product number, document Source number, Date and Time of transaction, Quantity used or returned, Division on document, product Group, and the Function that wrote the requirement record.
 This utility is not included in the standard Menu tree as it does not respect long division nor does it validate any fields.

Note: Any changes to this table may be reset the next time the Regenerate Requirements File utility is run.

Topic Keyword: RSRQ01