Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group
Utilities Menu -> Counter -> Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group
This inquiry can be used to review all the product requirement bookings by date and time with the source, and quantities required.
This utility can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Counter operations.
This provides the ability to determine which customers may be affected by an over-booking, and when re-rent or purchase of additional items to satisfy all the bookings may be required.
The search may be done by product # or group, for a selected location or all locations.
A negative quantity on a requirement indicates that the item is going OUT on that date (negative to decrease the quantity available for that day).
A positive quantity on a requirement indicates that the item is expected DUE back on that date (positive to add back to the availability).
The Source field lists the document or transaction number and is prefaced by a source code.
Reserved Product Status codes include:
C = Contract
D = Delivery
E = Exchanged but not yet available
F = Manual Off Rent
I = Internal transfer from Internal Branch Transfer
L = Lease from Leases
O = Order from Sales Orders
P = Pickup ticket
R = Reservation
S = Save Worksheet from Counter Worksheet
W = Work Order
X = Pickup Exchange
CP = Closed Pickup ticket
Requirement restrictions can be released on a Work Order using the Release Work Order Requirement utility.
Note: The Regenerate Requirements File utility can be used to rebuild the requirements and bookings table as required, and the Maintain Requirements utility can be used to adjust specific transactions until the Regenerate Requirements File is re-run.
Topic Keyword: RSRQ15