Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Over-Booked Items

Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details / Counter Worksheet Header -> Convert -> Over-Booked Items

Counter Menu -> Reservations -> CONVERT button -> Contract -> Over-Booked Items

Counter Menu -> Quotations -> CONVERT button -> Contract -> Over-Booked Items

Work Order Menu -> Estimates -> CONVERT button -> Invoice -> Over-Booked Items

This window appears listing product over-bookings if the option to Allow Over-ride on Location Quantities is NOT set in the Company Security Parameters.
 The product number, description, quantity, minimum available, rental conversion, and group minimum available, are displayed.

Click OK to exit the over-booking window and the conversion is aborted.

The Product/Group Bookings Report can be use to report on over-booked sales and rental products and groups.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Over-Booked Items screen include:

Record a Product Substitution:
 Click the SUBSTITUTION button to log the details in the Substitution Transaction window.
 This is a "down rent" action and is useful when a rental product is overbooked and is not available.
 A substitution allows a rental product of greater value to be put on the document replacing the originally requested product and keeping the rates of the lesser unavailable rental product.

This button is not enabled on the screen if the operator currently signed into the session does not have the Security Role Permission flagged to 'Create Substitution in Overbookings' in the "Document Field Access" settings.

Topic Keyword: RSRQ60A