Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Regenerate Requirements File

Utilities Menu -> Counter -> Regenerate Requirements File

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Automatic Job Scheduling -> Function RSRQ93 -> runs Regenerate Requirements File

The requirements track product booking times so availability can be monitored.
 The purpose of this utility is to re-build the product bookings file that can be viewed in the Requirements Inquiry by Product/Group and in Maintain Requirements.

This utility can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Counter operations, but because of the impact on the system processing, the update can only be run outside of business hours as outlined Action Not Allowed.

When the program is initiated it removes all existing bookings records for the products, and recreates the booking requirements records for the proper dates and times.

When the program is initiated all current users are "killed" to avoid record locking.

The Delete Requirements for Honoured flag can be set in the Company Reservation Parameters, so that any booking requirements for the products on honored or filled Reservations are always deleted whether or not the reservation itself is deleted.
 Conversely if the Delete Requirements for Honoured reservations action is de-activated, the next time the requirements are rebuilt the reservation booking transactions will be restored to the requirements table for filled reservations that have not been deleted.

This rebuild requirements process can be set to run regularly automatically using Automatic Job Scheduling where the start time and frequency can be defined for the job RSRQ93.

This utility should only be run on the recommendation of Texada Support.
 It should not be run during hours of store operations, as the products bookings will be temporarily unavailable.

Topic Keyword: RSRQ90