Copy Taxes to Posting by Tax Codes
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Accounting tab -> Accounts Receivable -> Service Codes -> COPY TAXES button -> Copy Taxes to Posting by Tax Codes
This utility can be used to copy all Tax codes into the Revenue Posting by Tax Code window of all Service Codes in order to control where the revenue for the Service posts, based on the first tax charged on the invoice.
This can be useful if your firm must track the Service Revenue according to the State or Province.
Using this utility, initially all tax codes are copied and assigned the same G/L Revenue account defined for the Service.
The Service Revenue account for any individual tax codes can then be changed in the Revenue Posting by Tax Code window as required.
The prompts are:
Uncheck this box to abort the process.
Check this box to copy all Tax Codes included in the Tax Codes table into the Revenue Posting by Tax Code window of Service Codes for each service code, and assign the Revenue account defined for that service.
Confirmation is required by the Copy All Taxes To Services prompt below.
Uncheck this box to abort the process.
Check this box to proceed with the copy of all taxes for all services.
Existing tax code records will NOT be replaced, but missing codes will be added.
Any new tax codes be added for each service and will default to the same G/L Revenue account that has been set for the Service.
Note: If any tax codes are added later to the Tax Codes table, this utility can be re-run or the tax code record can be added manually in the Revenue Posting by Tax Code window if required.
Click ACCEPT to proceed, or CANCEL to abort.
These records can be individually adjusted as required in Service Codes in the Revenue Posting by Tax Code window.
Topic Keyword: RSSC02