Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Time Utilization Report

Reports Menu -> Utilization -> Dollar/Time Utilization -> Time Utilization Report

The purpose of this TIME utilization report is to identify what is or is not being fully rented for the time available. It reports on what is On Rent versus what is On Hand.
 It is based on the data snapshots as explained in the over-view of Dollar/Time Utilization Overview.
 The quantities, and percents are the averages of the snapshot values over the selected time period.
 It does NOT include any dollar considerations.

The calculation percent (where Actual = # of Days Rented, and Potential = # of Days On Hand) is:

  Actual   * 100 = % for the Time Period

Note: New non-bulk rental equipment in the initial suspension period as defined in the Rental Information window of Rental Inventory, is not reflected in time the utilization reports.

The prompts are:


Type ALL to accept all locations in the output.

To generate output for a single location, enter space for the Head Office, or enter a specific location code, or select one from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select a range of locations or to select locations by inventory region as outlined in Division Select By Region .

Note: Divisional restricted views set by the operator Access Values do not apply to this report.


Check this box to consolidate the locations generating one report for all selected locations.
 Uncheck this box to report the utilization information separately by location.


Leave this field blank to skip the Set selection field, in order to use one of the Product Class, Product Group, or Product Number selection options instead.

To utilize the Set selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Sets as setup in Reporting Sets in the report.

Enter a single specific Set code for the report, or select one from the Reporting Set Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Sets or to select Sets by Owner to include in the report, as outlined in Select Reporting Sets.

If a Set selection was made the Product Class, Group, and Product selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank to skip the Class selection field, in order to use the Product Group, or Product selection options instead.

To use the Product Class selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all classes as setup in Product Classes.

Enter a single specific Product Class code for the report, or select one from the Product Class Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of classes to include in the report, as outlined in Select Product Classes.

If a product Class selection was made the Group, and Product selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank to skip to skip the Group selection field, in order to use the Product Number selection option instead.

To use the Group selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Rental Groups in the utilization report.

Enter a single specific Group for the report, or select it from the Group Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of Groups to include in the report, as outlined in Select Groups.

If a product Group selection was made the Product selection option is skipped.


To use the detailed Product Number selection option, choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Rental Products in the utilization report.

Enter a single specific product for the report, or select one from the Inventory Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of products as outlined in Select Products.

One of Set, Class, Group, or Product, must be selected.


Select one of the following report options:

Select Summary to generate the summarized report, printing only the totals for the selected Sets, Classes, or Groups.

Select Detail to generate the detailed report listing:

oSet selection detail includes the breakdown according to the type of Set (i.e. Product, Class, or Group)

oClass selection detail includes the breakdown by Group within the Classes

oGroup selection detail lists each product in the Groups

oThe Product Number selection option always prints the product Detail with no totals

The output includes grand totals for the On Hand columns and the Utilization Percent columns.


Select one of the following product filter options:

Select Bulk to generate the report for only bulk rental products.

Select Non-Bulk to generate the report for only non-bulk rental equipment.

Select All to include all products.

Note: This only applies to product detail so that on the spreadsheet output, the First Cost column will list "Net Original Cost" for Non-Bulk products, and the "Average Cost" for Bulk products.
 The Adjusted First Cost column only applies to Non-Bulk products, and will be zero for Bulk products.


This field reflects the most recent date that the product status was captured, and is used on the report for the On Hand and On Rent counts.
 e.g. Last date a snapshot was recorded through Automated Job Scheduling.


Accept the default date displayed to start the report as of the beginning of the current month, or over-type it with the preferred date.


Accept the default date displayed to end the report as of the end of the current month, or over-type with the preferred date.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.


Click ACCEPT to proceed with the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Resulting Output Comparisons:
 Some of the comparison values on the resulting Time Utilization Report spreadsheet or report include:

ON HAND AVERAGE CURRENT PERIOD: average quantity 'On Hand' for the selected reporting period defined by the From/To Dates

ON HAND AVERAGE PREVIOUS PERIOD: average quantity 'On Hand' for the same reporting period defined by the From/To Dates as of the year before

UTE % (WEIGHTED AVERAGE) CURRENT PERIOD: UTE for Current Year =(on rent Current Yr/on hand Current Yr) * 100

UTE % (WEIGHTED AVERAGE) PREVIOUS PERIOD: UTE for Previous Year =(on rent Previous Yr/on hand Previous Yr) * 100

ON RENT: uses the From & To Date and Times to determine if the product was on rent at the date & time the capture is run, by checking the invoice lines date/time billed from, and date/time billed through, or the contract lines date/time out, and date/time billed through (or due if not billed).

Topic Keyword: RSTU03/RSTU07