Critical Utilization Report
Reports Menu -> Utilization -> Critical Utilization Report
This report provides a product utilization overview by Group, that is useful for equipment rental companies that use a central storage location or yard, to store equipment not on rent or even off-season equipment.
The report parameters must first be setup in Critical Utilization Report Parameters.
The utilization information can be printed or displayed on the screen, or exported to a spreadsheet by group, listing the percent of rental equipment on rent, the percent available at the yard, and the actual quantity at the yard.
It can be used to help monitor equipment available in the yard, and when it should be moved out to the stores.
On the screen inquiry, press <F9> or click EXP/CON to view the total quantity owned by the company, and the actual quantity on rent for each group.
A third yard location detail line will display only if there is quantity on rent from the yard location, to display the quantity assigned to the yard location and quantity rented from the yard location.
The values are calculated for all the inventory location records (RSIL) for products of Groups that don't belong to Groups To Ignore as defined in the Critical Utilization Report Parameters, as follows:
•Qty Owned on the output represents the Total Quantity On Hand
•Qty On Rent is the Total Quantity On Contract
•Total Available = ("Qty Owned" - "Qty On Rent")
•% on Rent = ("Qty On Rent" / "Qty Owned") * 100
•Yard Owned is the quantity on hand in just the 'Inventory Yard Location' defined in the Critical Utilization Report Parameters
•Yard On Rent is the quantity on contract in the 'Inventory Yard Location'
•Qty Avail is the 'Available in Yard' = ("Yard Owned" - "Yard On Rent")
•% Available = ("Available in Yard" / "Total Available") * 100
•Any products with a percent less than the Cut-Off Percent On Rent set in the Critical Utilization Report Parameters, are excluded.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Critical Utilization Report screen include:
•Define the Report Parameters:
Click the SETUP button at the bottom of the screen prior to generating the report, to enter the basic reporting filters including a cut-off percent, location, and Group selection in the Critical Utilization Report Parameters.
Topic Keyword: RSUP02