Rental Utilization Report by Status Code
Reports Menu -> Utilization -> Rental Utilization Reporting Menu -> Rental Utilization Report by Status Code
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Automatic Job Scheduling -> Function RSUS01 -> runs Rental Utilization Report by Status Code
This rental utilization analysis by product status code, can be generated from this option as a report, as a spreadsheet, or as emailed output.
The analysis can also be generated by a CRONJOB and run automatically by the software at a designated later time. More detailed information about the Automated Job Scheduling feature, is provided at the end of this page.
Before running this utilization report for non-bulk rental equipment by status code, click the SETUP button to define the report parameters and status codes in Rental Utilization Report Setup.
The prompts to generate the utilization report are:
•Type ALL to include all locations in the report.
•To print the report for a single location, leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter a specific location code, or select a location from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select multiple locations or locations by inventory region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
The View Excluded Locations window is provided to view any locations that will be totally excluded from the report as defined in the Rental Utilization Report Setup.
This is an information window for reference only.
Select one of the following output options:
•Select Summary to print all the selected locations in one report.
If the report is being distributed by email, the summarized output will only be emailed to the address setup for the Loc ALL in the Utilization Report Email Addresses window.
•Select Detail to print each of the selected locations in a separate report.
If the report is being distributed by email, the detailed output will be emailed to the address setup for the each Loc in the Utilization Report Email Addresses window.
This output option does not apply to the "Print" Report Option.
Check this box to list the product details on the spreadsheet output, listing the products within each Group with the product status code, source document, and an exclude from totals indicator.
Uncheck this box if the product details is not required on the spreadsheet.
Note: The product details are not reflected when this report is initiated from Automatic Job Scheduling.
Enter a starting Utilization group or leave this field blank to include all groups.
Utilization groups can be setup in Class Utilization Groups and in Group Utilization Groups to organize the productivity of equipment.
Enter an ending Utilization group or leave this field blank to include all groups.
Check this box to print each of the utilization groups of products on a separate page.
Uncheck this box if utilization groups do need to be printed on separate pages.
Select one of the following reporting data sources:
•Select Current to print the report using the status codes currently assigned to the non-bulk products.
This could take several minutes to accumulate and summarize the data.
The date and time printed on the report represent the actual date and time of the analysis.
The rental total includes the total number of items rented in the selected range.
•Select Recorded to generate the report using the saved recorded "Snapshot" of the information as of the selected date.
This "Snapshot" must have been previously generated by the CRONJOB from Automatic Job Scheduling.
Using this method speeds up processing time, as the information is already summarized.
A more detailed explanation of the automatic scheduling feature for the Rental Utilization Report is provided at the end of this section
This prompt only applies when the Recorded "Snapshot" option is used.
Check this box to print the average number of units rented in a day.
This average rental total is the daily average number of rentals based on the number of snapshots days in the range.
Uncheck this box if a daily average is not required.
The rental total then includes the total number of items rented in the selected range per the snapshot information.
This field only applies if the Recorded data source option has been selected.
If the Recorded option has been selected enter the start date for the analysis report.
This field only applies if the Recorded data source option has been selected.
If the Recorded option has been selected enter the end date for the analysis report.
Check this box to distribute the report output by email.
Click the icon to view the email addresses for the locations and for ALL that is used by the Summary, as setup in Utilization Report Email Addresses.
This is an information field only.
Uncheck this box if the report is to be printed.
This field does not apply if the output is being emailed.
Check this box to utilize the printers by location option, as setup in Rental Utilization Report Setup in the "Alternate Printers" window.
If no printer is assigned for a location, then the current default printer is used.
Uncheck this box if the report is to be printed entirely to the printer selected for this session.
This field does not apply if the output is being emailed.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
Using Automated Job Scheduling to Report on Utilization
Certain maintenance and reporting jobs, including this Rental Utilization Report based on product status code, can be setup to run automatically at specific times as a CRONJOB.
The listing of these jobs can be maintained in Automatic Job Scheduling, assigning the occurrence, time, and printer. The last date and time that the job was run is also displayed here.
A "Snapshot" must first be recorded of the availability status code of each non-bulk rental product.
This can be setup in the schedule under jobname RSUS01.
It is important that this "Snapshot" be recorded daily, at an earlier time than the print or email jobs are to be generated. This ensures that the summarized data is ready.
The "Snapshot" job does not require a printer, as a file is created but no output is actually produced at that time. The output can then later be generated as a report or email from Rental Utilization Report Setup using the Recorded option, or as a report or email from other CRONJOBS setup in Automatic Job Scheduling.
The Rental Utilization Report itself can be setup in the schedule under jobname RSUS02E, to print to designated location printers. Location printers can be assigned in the "Alternate Printers" window in Rental Utilization Report Setup . If no printer has been assigned, the default printer from Automatic Job Scheduling for the job record, is used.
The printed report is always generated for the current day.
The Rental Utilization Report can also be setup in the schedule under jobname RSUS02D, to email the report output to certain addresses. The email distribution list can be setup in the "Email Addresses" window in Rental Utilization Report Setup.
The printed report is always generated for the current day.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Rental Utilization Report by Status Code screen include:
•Customize the Utilization Report:
Click the SETUP button at the bottom of the screen to define the report headings, locations, email addresses, and status codes to be reflected in the report output as outlined in Rental Utilization Report Setup.
Note: Any changes made in this setup window also impact the Daily Status Code Summary Report that also uses this configuration information.
•Customize the Utilization Report:
Click the GROUPS button to define the Groups to be reflected in the report output by assigning a category or grouping code as outlined in Group Utilization Groups.
•Customize the Utilization Report:
Click the CLASSES button to define the Classes to be reflected in the report output by assigning a category or grouping code as outlined in Class Utilization Groups.
Topic Keyword: RSUS02