Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Convert Sale Approval Quote

Counter Menu -> Quotations -> Sale Approval Quotes -> CONVERT button -> Convert Sale Approval Quote

Use this option to convert a Sale Approval Quote to an invoice.
 Role permission for operator access to the Quote convert utility can be setup in the Document Field Access window of the Security Roles to enable or disable the CONVERT button on the Sale Approval Quotes screen.

Before converting the quote, the Not OK to Rent file is checked to ensure that this customer is not a poor credit risk file and listed in Bad Risk Customers.

Sale Approval Quotes cannot be converted to an invoice without the Customer Credit Approval.
 For more details on this feature refer to Sale Quotes Pending Approval.

To convert the Sale Approval Quotation to an Invoice, the prompts are:


Enter the sale quotation number to be invoiced or look it up in the Sale Approval Quote Search window.
 Once credit approval quotes are invoiced, the original quote is no longer listed in the search window.


If the customer has been flagged as a Bad Risk Customers the Customer Activity Warning is triggered displaying the comment from the bad debt record.
 If the customer has been setup with ALLOW FURTHER ACTIVITY = NO, then your staff will not be able to proceed.


The original date of the quotation will display.


Accept the auto-assigned invoice number or type in the desired invoice number.

The ability to over-type the document number is controlled by the Allow Custom Document# flag for the document type defined in Last Used Transactions.
 A warning is generated if the number has already been used.


Accept the approval date or type in the correct date for the invoice.

This date respects date Date Range Control for RSIH.


This is information only as the quote cannot be deleted after it is submitted until it is either approved and invoiced, or the credit approval is rejected, but once it is converted to an invoice it is automatically deleted to prevent any re-use of the quote.

Note: These converted and deleted quote numbers are not written to the deletion log, however they can be entered in Sale Approval Quote/Invoice Inquiry to identify any resulting billing invoices.


Click CANCEL to abort and quit the conversion.

Click ACCEPT to begin the conversion of the quotation to an invoice, and to exit to Miscellaneous Invoices Details screen.
 This provides an opportunity to make changes and add comments, before printing the invoice.
 Once a Credit Approved quote is invoiced, product details cannot be modified on the resulting invoice.

Serial Numbers:
 If a serialized item has been included on the quote, the Serial Number Search window is triggered prompting for the specific serial number to be invoiced.

Note: If no serial numbers are selected or none are available, the invoice is created including the serialized sales part but the quantity is zero and this invoice cannot be modified later.

Product Cost:
 If a sales item that is flagged to prompt for cost has been included on the quote, a window opens prompting for the cost.
 The ability to enter a cost is controlled by operator Security Role as flagged in the Document Field Access window of Role Permissions.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Convert Sale Approval Quotes screen include:

View Details of the Approval Quote:
 The DETAILS button to access the header, details and totals inquiries for the Sale Approval Quote in the View Document Information.

Topic Keyword: RSVH05