Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Add Sales Parts

Inventory Control Menu -> Sales Inventory -> ADD button -> Add Sales Part

Purchase Order Menu -> Purchase Orders -> Purchase Orders details -> Our Product # window -> Product Selection -> Add Sales Part

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Clone Rental or Sales Products -> New Product # window -> Add Sales Part

Use this program to enter Sales merchandise and parts, including serialized and non serialized sales items, and bulk sales stock.
 Changes can be made to existing products in Sales Inventory.

Alternatively, Clone Rental or Sales Products may be used to copy equipment already setup.

Permission Control

The ability to add new sales parts to the inventory file can be controlled at the operator level according to the Security Role that is assigned to the Operators.

Operators with permission can add new sales products by clicking on the ADD button in Sales Inventory or by adding products on-the-fly in the P.O. and Warehouse Receiving programs.

Numbering Sales Inventory

If your sales inventory is already numbered, stay with the existing numbering system.
 If your sales inventory is not already numbered, it is recommended to use your Supplier part numbers, or alternatively a numeric auto-assign numbering system.
 When creating a new numbering system for tracking products, consider the following:

To avoid URL errors the 5 special characters "/&?%+"are not allowed in the product numbering sequence.

The system allows for two product numbers for the same item - Our Product #, and the Vendor's Product #.
 The vendor's product number is used on Purchase Orders when purchasing more inventory, and is also used when entering Invoices from your suppliers. Our Product # is 12 characters long and the vendor's product number is 20 characters long.

Multiple Barcodes can be assigned to each product number.
 Because barcodes can be used to identify or enter products manually or via scanner on a document, it is important that barcodes numbers are unique and are not assigned to other products as a product number or barcode number.

A flag in the Barcode Parameters settings of the Company Inventory Parameters can be set, causing a barcode to automatically be generated matching the Product Number and a second barcode to automatically be generated matching the Vendor Product#, for any product newly added to the inventory file.

Our Product # and the Vendor's Product # can be the same or they can be different.

Use the Vendor's Product number as Our Product # for items that are always ordered from the same vendor.
 This is especially helpful, if the vendor has already put his number on the outside of the product. This helps when re-ordering the product.

Assign your own independent product # if an item can be purchased from several different suppliers.
 Different costs for the same items from different vendors can be setup in Alternate Vendor Purchasing.

For sales inventory that is displayed in a showroom, such as party disposables, a price sticker may be needed on the product.
 If so, purchase a 2 line pricing gun that prints the product number on line 1 and the price on line 2. Based on the limitations of the pricing gun, restrict your product numbering to the number of characters (may be numbers only) which the pricing gun can print.

For sales inventory that is displayed in a showroom such as furniture or computers, tie-on price tags could be used.
 Price labels can then be printed that would be suitable to attach to the tags, so the product numbering is not restricted here.

Parts inventory should always use the vendor's product number as our part number, except where the vendor's part number is longer than 12 characters.
 In these cases, shorten the vendor's part number. Refer to Parts - Setup for further suggestions.

When assigning your own product numbers, it is ok to leave gaps between the numbers.
 Use Find Product Numbers to determine if a gap has been left, that can be filled later as required.

Make sure staff is consistent with the numbering.
 Make a policy about using dashes or spaces, as numbers such as 123-344 and 123 344 and 123334 as three different product numbers.

Auto Assign Sales Product Number

The ability to use an auto assign sales product numbers can be set in the Company Inventory Parameters.
 Your own numbers can still be used (i.e. to parts) in combination with the auto-assign numbering. (i.e. to supplies, or sales equipment).
 Refer to the Company Inventory Parameters for instructions on how to setup the Sales Product # Mask.

Tips For Loading The Sales Inventory

When loading inventory from a manual system, gathering the necessary product information may seem like a large task. If limited staff is available, load the inventory during a slow period or after hours. Alternatively, hire a short term data entry clerk to rapidly load the data. The sooner the information is in the software, the sooner your firm benefits!

When first loading the sales inventory, concentrate on entering this basic product information: product #, description, Product Class, cost & list price. If your firm does not have an official price list, the software can be set to calculate the List Price based on a markup percentage while the products are being loaded.

Suggestions to find the basic inventory information:

Use any in-house price lists

Use previous physical inventory count sheets

Highlight your supplier's catalogues with the items your firm buys

Use your supplier's recent invoices

Pull the items off the shelf, one section at a time

After typing in the products, run the Price List and check that all items have proper selling prices.
 Also, use Sales Item Cost Code List to isolate all items without proper costs.
 Once this basic information is in place, use Inventory Worksheet to count the inventory and list any other missing items.
 Then Product Quantity Adjustment or Update On Hand Quantity by Product# can be used to fill in your starting inventory quantities.
 To get a final inventory list, run Inventory Value Report.

Product Descriptions

Each product can have a primary Product description, and also multiple Alternative descriptions that can be used during document entry, to locate the item in a product search.
 The primary description is used when printing documents, Price Lists and Inventory Reports. The alternative descriptions are only used in the product searches.

Your firm should establish a policy on how product descriptions should be entered, in order to ensure consistency. To keep your products organized, describe similar items in the same manner.

For example, CANDLE RED 10" would result in all candles listing together, then all red candles, then the different sizes of red candles listing. If 10" RED CANDLE was used instead, your price list would have all 10" items listing together, i.e. 10" RED CANDLE mixed in with the 10" BIRTHDAY GREETING and 10" PARTY HATS.

Alternative Language

Each item can also have an alternative language description.
 e.g. French or Spanish.

When the Alternative Language feature, is activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters, relevant customers can be flagged in Customer Information to receive documents in the alternate language. Alternate language product descriptions will print instead of the standard descriptions on all reservations, contracts and invoices for that customer.

Note: Inventory search cannot be done by the alternate language description. This is just a printing feature for the contracts and invoices.

Add Sales Parts
 To add new Sales Inventory, the prompts are:


This window appears only when the Sale Product # Mask defined in the Company Inventory Parameters, requires the Group and/or Class to be part of the Sales product #, as outlined in Assign Product Number.
 A new Product Class and/or new Group can also be added in this process if they are required in the Product # Mask.

To manually assign a product number without using the Product Mask click CANCEL to exit this Assign Product Number window, and manually enter the product number in the Product Number field.


Accept the default Sales product # displayed.
 This product number can be assigned a letter with a numeric sequential extension, or can be set to default according to the product Mask requirement, as controlled in the Company Inventory Parameters.

The product number can always be manually entered if required up to a maximum of 12 characters.

Because barcodes can also be used to identify or enter products manually or via scanner on a document, the product number cannot be the same as the barcode for any other product in the system.

Note: When iRely is enabled in the ERP Integration configuration then the standard 'Sales Product Mask' defined in the Company Inventory Parameters does not apply and instead the product# is assigned from an external REST iRely API which cannot be over-typed.


Enter the product description using up to 30 characters, or accept the default Group description displayed.
 This is the primary description of the item as it appears on reports, and also on documents for standard language customers.

Note: The product description can always be over-typed on the document.


Enter the number of the primary supplier from whom the item was purchased or from whom it will be re-ordered, or select it from the window as outlined in Vendor Search.


Accept your part number as the default for the vendor's part number, or type in the correct vendor's part number or model number. Use up to 20 characters.

A flag in the Barcode Parameters settings of the Company Inventory Parameters can be set, causing a barcode to automatically be generated matching the Product Number and a second barcode to automatically be generated matching the Vendor Product#, for any product newly added to the inventory file.

Note: When the SmartEquip feature is activated in the Software Integration, each Sales part in a Group used by SmartEquip should have a unique Vendor Product #, because the "Group" or "Stock Class" is associated directly with a single Vendor.


Accept your product description as the default for the vendor's description or type in the correct vendor's description.


If the Class was used in the Product Mask as part of the numbering convention, the class used is displayed and cannot be changed.
 If the Class was NOT used to determine the product number, enter the Product Class, or select it from the Product Class Search window.


If the Group was used in the Product Mask as part of the numbering convention, the group used is displayed and cannot be changed.
 If the Group was NOT used to determine the product number, enter the Group, or select it from the Group Search window.


Uncheck this box if the item does not have individual serial numbers.

Check this box to track the serial #'s for each item.
 When the quantity is entered on the locations later, a serial number for each item will be required. When a serialized sale item is sold, a specific serial number must be selected, which prints on the invoice. After the product has been setup, use Change Serial# Flag to access this field.

 Serialized sales items can be flagged to allow the specific serial numbers to be entered and assigned to the product quantities at the point of sale or when first moved, rather than at the time of inventory receiving.
 e.g. A shipment of 30 serialized sales items is received in the warehouse, and rather than typing in each serial number at receiving, the serial numbers are logged when the specific items are sold or used.

Uncheck this box if your firm always registers the serial numbers for this item when it is received in inventory.
 Check this box if your firm prefers to log serial numbers as this sales item is used or sold.

Note: If Time of Sale is set for a product, serial numbers cannot be entered in receiving. However they can still be entered manually in Sales Inventory if required.

 This is an optional usage tracking process that can be applied to serialized sales parts when they are used on a Work Order on a Non-Bulk Metered Rental product.
 The meter readings of the associated Non-Bulk Rental product are used to determine the useful life expectancy of the serialized part.

Check this box if this serialized sales part is used on Non-Bulk Metered Rental products and the usage should be tracked.
 Uncheck this box if usage tracking is not required.

The tracking flag and any meter tracking details can be viewed in Inventory Inquiry.
 Serialized Sales Meter Usage can be used to report the usage tracking details and to evaluate the life expectancy of a serialized sales part.
 Meter history can be viewed for specific serialized parts in the Serial Numbers window for the product as outlined in Meter History on Serialized Sales Part.


Enter the cost each which would have to be paid to replace the item today.
 After the initial inventory record has been entered, all future purchases will update the cost by calculating an average weighted cost. This is done automatically in the software when posting inventory purchases as outlined in View Average Cost Adjustments.

Average Cost By Location

Product Average Cost is generally calculated for all locations.
 To use separate average costs for each Location, call Texada Support for assistance. This processing can be activated in the Support Application Parameters.
 When the "Average Cost by Location" processing is in use, the formula for the Total Average Cost is as follows:

Product Total Average Cost = Division Cost Calc Qty  *  Division Average Cost
                                      Total Division Cost Calc Qty


This flag defaults to Yes or No, depending on the type of GL account assigned as the "Inventory" posting account in the Sales Product Class, but can be over-typed as required.
 Refer to Inventory Flag Defaults for information on how this flag is set when inventory is "auto-added" into Sales Inventory.

Check this box if the item is part of your inventory.

Uncheck this box if the item is not part of inventory (re-rental items or other generic items).
 The item will not be included as part of the total value when the Inventory Value Report is printed.


Select one of the following cost options:

Select Average to use the "Average Cost Each" as defined above when posting the sale of this product.
 If the "Cost Type" selected is Average for the item and the "Average Cost Each" is zero at the time of posting a sale of this item, then the invoice will be held back from posting with no cost, and will be listed in Daily Close 2 Error Log.
 Use View Product Cost On Invoice Details to assign a cost and resume the posting with Daily Close 2.

Select Zero Cost when the cost of the item should post as zero.
 This applies when the merchandise has already been expensed, and no "Average Cost Each" is required.

Select % of Sale to calculate the cost as a percentage of the selling price for that invoice.
 Enter the percent to be used in the Cost% field below.

Select Prompt if the cost for this product varies and needs to be entered each time the part is sold, either in the Daily Close 2 posting process, or in the Invoice detail.

The ability to enter a cost on the invoice is controlled by operator Security Role as flagged in the "Miscellaneous" window of Role Permissions.

A window then opens in the Invoice so the correct cost can be entered for this part.
 If the Cost is not entered in the Invoice, the cost must be entered in the Daily Close process prior to posting..

Note: When a Sales part has a Cost Type other than "Average" assigned, and any Average Cost Each is also entered, it is the Cost Type that is used in the inventory postings to determine on how the cost should be posted to the General Ledger, and the 'Average Cost Each' value is ignored.


If Cost Type selected is set to "% of Sale", enter the percentage amount to calculate the cost based on the selling price.

e.g. If the cost % was set to 70.000, then if the selling price was $10.00 the cost would be $7.00.


Uncheck this box if pricing of this product should never be updated using the pricing matrix as setup in Update List Price Matrix.
 Check this box if pricing should be updated by matrix price updates.

Note: List Price Matrix Exceptions can be run to identify products that do not utilize matrix price updates.


The markup percentage will default from the Product Class selected for this item.
 Accept this default, or type in the correct markup percentage.
 e.g. Enter a markup of thirty percent as 30.00

Alternatively, use the Markup Based on Margin Calculator window to calculate the Markup% from a margin amount.


The List Price will calculate as the LAST PO COST * (1 + MARKUP %).
 Accept this selling price, or over-type with the correct price. This is the standard List Price that will print on the Price List . The List Price will display on the screen when invoicing, but can be over-typed as required.

Over-typing the List Price will not cause the markup % to recalculate. Once the List Price is accepted, changing the markup % will not automatically recalculate the List Price.

Note: To force the List Price to be recalculated based on the current markup, first reset the List Price to zero. Then reset the Markup% to the new percent value.


This is an information field only, that can be used to track an alternate price.
 e.g. List price in a different country.

The Portal can be configured to display either the standard or Alternate List per the Presentation Themes.


Enter the AvaTax code for this Sales Part or select it from the Select AvaTax System Tax Codes window.

Avalara Tax processing is a third party application that can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters that calculates the taxes respecting the complicated tax laws based on multiple tax combinations according to your store location and the customer Shipping or Site address.

The AvaTax Codes does not automatically default to new products but if there is no AvaTax or AvaTax Disposal Code at the product level, then the AvaTax or Disposal Code assigned at the Class level applies on the document and if there is no AvaTax or Disposal Code at the Class level then the AvaTax or Disposal Code at the Group level is automatically applied on the document.

This field is disabled if Avalara Taxing is not activated.


Click the ACCEPT button to accept the product screen, or / to cancel.

Additional Sales Inventory Information:

The submenu for additional product information provides the following options:

The prompts to capture re-order information used for purchasing include:


The model information can be entered. This is an optional field.


The make information can be entered. This is an optional field.


Enter the desired minimum inventory quantity for this product. This is equivalent to the SAFETY STOCK LEVEL and it is used for re-ordering.
 If inventory ordering is controlled by location, this becomes the default minimum quantity for the locations.


Enter the desired maximum inventory quantity for this product. This is used for re-ordering. The software will advise to re-order a quantity up to the maximum level.
 If inventory ordering is controlled by location, this becomes the default maximum quantity for the locations.


Enter the standard quantity for re-ordering this product.

e.g. If 3 cases are always ordered regardless of the quantity on hand, then the re-order multiple is 3 and the Order Unit of Measure is CASE.
 It is sometimes necessary to exceed the Maximum Inventory quantity on the re-order report, to allow for the Re-Order Multiple.

If inventory ordering is controlled by location, this becomes the default Re-Order Multiple for the locations.


Uncheck this box to use these re-order quantities for the entire store for this product. Re-ordering is NOT done by the individual location for this product.

Check this box if this sales part is ordered by individual location quantities, and record the re-order requirements for this Sales part as outlined in Re-Order Information by Location configuration window.

If the primary company level order quantities or re-order multiple is changed for the product, the option to also update the Order by Location values is provided in the window as outlined in Update Re-Order by Locations.


This UOM field describes how the product is ordered.
 e.g. BOX, CS (case), PKG (package), DOZ (dozen) or EA (each). This descriptive field will accept up to 3 characters.


This is used to convert the quantity ordered to the quantity entered into inventory during A/P Invoices.

Sale versus Order Conversion Examples

Example 1: Nails purchased by the case (with 10 boxes per case), are sold by the box (EA). Purchasing one case puts 10 boxes into inventory:

 ORDER UOM            CS        ORDER CONVERSION    10.000
 SALE UOM             EA        SALE CONVERSION      1.000

Example 2: Glasses are purchased by the dozen & are listed as $24.00 per dozen or $2.00 each.
 Note: Units are stored in inventory as EACH to accommodate partial dozens.

 ORDER UOM            DOZ       ORDER CONVERSION    12.000
 SALE UOM             DOZ       SALE CONVERSION     12.000

Note: Sale UOM and Sale Conversion values can be set in the "Additional Information" window for the product.


This price defaults from Average Cost Each and should be the price used by the primary supplier when making new purchases of this item.

Alternate pricing for this and other suppliers can be setup in Alternate Vendor Purchasing, with varying Order Conversions and UOM.

The Re-Order pricing is used as the Order Cost when entering a Purchase Order.
 If a new Order Cost is entered on a P.O., the operator is prompted whether to Update Re-Order Cost? This helps to keeps pricing current.


This factor is used to calculate the Landed Re-Order Cost of the product in the local currency.
 It must be updated manually.


This is the product cost in the local currency.
 The Re-Order Price * Re-Order L.C.F. = Landed Re-Order Price.


Enter the product weight if applicable.
 When a new product is added, this weight value defaults from the Weight if defined for the product Group in Product Groups.

If the flag in the Company Inventory Parameters is set to display the weight, the total weight of rental and sales products is displayed in the Totals window on each counter document including Contracts, Invoices, Quotes, and Reservations. The weight total is also displayed on the screen in P.O.s, and Orders, and when inventory is shipped in Record Quantity Shipped By Transfer, and the total shipment weight prints on the packing slip.


Window to access and select the product and group codes as outlined in Order Codes with order information notes that apply to this product to be used in Purchase Orders, Print Purchase Orders, and P.O. Worksheet.

Note: If no Order Codes are entered for the specific product, then Group Order Codes entered for this product's Groups will apply.


Check this box if this product is ordered specially and should be excluded from the Inventory Re-Ordering.
 Uncheck this box to always consider this product when re-ordering inventory through the


Some sales items should never be invoiced on interim billing runs.
 e.g. Fuel

Uncheck this box if this sales product should never be cycle billed.
 These items are not reflected in Unbilled Revenue Report as they are not invoiced until the contract is returned.

Check this box if this item should be invoiced on a cycle billing invoice.


Uncheck this box if the product is eligible for ordering on a P.O.
 Check this box if this product should not be ordered on a P.O.


An optional date that this sales product was manufactured can be recorded.
 This date is displayed in the Inventory Inquiry, and reported on the Sales Inventory Value Report.


Click OK to close the window.

 Skip this window if the quantity on hand is zero, or use this window to capture the inventory quantity on hand for each location.
 The sum of all the locations will be displayed automatically in the Quantity On Hand field.

Alternatively, use Product Quantity Adjustment or Update On Hand Quantity by Product# to add the quantity on location later.

Security and Audit Controls:

oThis window is only active if the operator has role permission as defined in the Security Role that is assigned to the Operators.
 Note: Access to the inventory quantity fields is also available from other menu options such as Product Quantity Adjustment orUpdate On Hand Quantity by Product#, so additional password and access security may be required on the other menu options.

oOnly locations for which the operator has security access as setup in Operators, can be added.

oAn Inventory Adjustment record is automatically written, noting any operator who makes a change.
 A record is also written to Review Location Qty Changes.

oAfter any changes to product quantities are made directly to the location count, use Post Inventory Adjustments to print an audit report and to generate the postings to balance the change in the Inventory value in the G/L.

The prompts in the inventory location records include:


Enter in the Location (Branch or Division) where this sales item is stored, or select it from the drop-down list.
 Only locations for which the operator has security access as setup in Operators, can be added.


The location name displays.


Type in the quantity at this location only.


This is shelf in your storage area where this item is kept.
 It defaults to the location Name but can be over-typed to be more specific as required.


This window is only triggered once if changes are made to the quantity in the Locations window.
 The information in this window tracks when and why inventory quantity changes are made, as outlined in Inventory Adjustment.


Click ACCEPT Key twice (once for the line and once for all Locations).


This window opens automatically to capture serial numbers only if this is a serialized sales part that is not set to record the serial numbers at Time of Sale.
 Enter serial numbers to equal the quantity on the locations, as outlined in Serial Numbers.
 e.g. If quantity of 3 is added to location 1, record 3 serial numbers to match.

 This window is only active if the sales parts is flagged to be tracked by individual serial number.
 Refer to Serial Numbers for details.

An existing non-serialized sales item can be changed to become a serialized sales item, by resetting the flag in Change Serial# Flag.

 Skip this window if the safety notes do not apply, or use this window to define safety notes as outlined in Safety Notes.

Any existing safety notes for the product Group are also included for the new sales part.

 Additional product descriptions for product search and for printing purposes can be set up in the window as follows:


If your firm services customers who require that their documents are printed in a different language such as French or Spanish, the Alternate Language feature can be activated from the Company Miscellaneous Parameters and specific customers can be flagged to use the alternate language in Customer Information.

This field can be used to set the alternate language description for this product.

Note: The inventory search does not use the alternate language description. This is just a printing feature for the reservations, contracts and invoices.


This window can be used to manually setup multiple alternate descriptions to be used in the product search utilities, as outlined in Alternate Descriptions.

Any existing alternate descriptions for the product Group are also included for the new sales part.


An optional description can be entered for this sale product that replaces the primary description of this product on the Gateway screens.
 This can be useful if your descriptions are geared for staff use, and a more public description is required for web users.


Click OK to accept the descriptions and close the window.

 Skip this window if the specifications do not apply, or use this window to define specs for this product as outlined in Equipment Specifications.

Any existing specifications for the product Group are also included for the new sales part.

 Skip this window if your firm does not use barcodes on this product, or use this window to setup barcodes for the product as outlined in Barcodes.



The Sale UOM describes how the product is sold. This descriptive field will accept up to 3 characters.
 e.g. BOX, CS (case), PKG package), DOZ (dozen) or EA (each).


This value is used to convert the selling price to the quantity sold for each unit.
 e.g. The price of glasses could be listed as $24.00 per dozen, but if only one glass is sold, the price is converted to $2.00 each.


Enter the date after which this product is not returnable.


Check this box to allow Special Pricing and discounts to be setup for this product.
 Uncheck this box to prevent any Special Pricing or discounts to be given for this product.
 The price can still be over-written at the counter, if required.


Click OK to exit this window.


Click ACCEPT to accept this new product.
 The screen now prompts to add another new product.

Create Barcode Error:
 A warning is displayed if barcodes are being created automatically per the Barcode Parameters setting in the Company Inventory Parameters to match the Product Number and the Vendor Product#, but the new barcode would be a duplicate of an existing Barcode, Product# or Vendor Product#.
 To avoid duplication the barcode is not created.

Topic Keyword: SALES