Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Menu Option Screens

** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **

This option controls the programs that are available on the various menus (e.g. AR/AP/GL etc.). It controls both where the option is located on the menu (options 1 through 40) and the technical program name used to run the program. The standard menu options are intended to coincide with the standard software and the manual. Custom menus may be created, with any of the options listed.

Notify Texada Support of the Custom Menu:

If a custom menu is built, fax the report to Texada Support, so that the system configuration records can be updated with the new Menu.
 This will prevent the custom menu from being erased when new Global Updates are loaded.

Do NOT Customize the Standard Menu Options:

Do not re-arrange the menu options on the standard menus, since this will cause the following problems:
 The manual will not coincide with the menus.
 Texada Support relates to the standard menus.
 The standard menus are refreshed and new programs added during Global updates.
 To avoid confusion, please do NOT change the standard menus.

If there are specific menus options that your firm never uses, they can be removed from the screens, by changing the corresponding Function name in MAINTAIN MENU OPTION SCREENS to DISABLED.
 Complete Menus can also be removed in Maintain Sign-On Screens by changing the Menu description to DISABLED.
 The Global Update will not refresh or update these disabled records.

Creating Your Own Custom Menus:

Instead of rearranging the standard menus, create your own custom menus instead. Select menu options from any menu to create a totally new menu, or copy an existing standard menu and then edit it to suit your needs. To copy a standard menu, use 10 COPY MENU OPTION SCREENS.

Step 1: SM-40-9 Maintain Menu Option Screens.

Determine the desired options, such as Sample MM - Mary's Menu further on. Press ADD Key to begin. The prompts are:


Enter the two letter code to be used to access this menu. e.g. MM


Enter the descriptive words for this menu. e.g. MARY'S MENU

Middle of the Screen:


Options 1 to 40 will appear. Place the programs anywhere from option 1 to 40. Leave blanks between the options, in order to make the menu easier to read.
 e.g. Fill in option 1 & 2, then skip option 3.


Enter the name of the program. e.g. CUSTOMER FILE


Enter the technical name of the program, e.g. ARCF01.


Press <ENTER> to proceed. Press <ENTER> several times to view all 40 options before accepting and exiting.

Sample Custom Menu

Mary is the Collections Officer, who does not need access to any other menus. A new menu was created just for Mary, who needs access to the Customer Information file, Accounts, Aging Reports and Collections programs.

|                   MM:  MARY'S MENU           TRS/MRS/CONSOLE |
|                                                              |
|  1. CUSTOMER FILE                                            |
|  2. CUSTOMER ACCOUNT INQUIRY                                 |
|  3. AGED A/R REPORTS                                         |
|  4. COLLECTION CALL LIST/LOG                                 |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |

The corresponding Set-up for Mary's Menu in MAINTAIN MENU OPTION SCREENS.

MENU CODE:          MM

--------   -----------                 --------
1:         CUSTOMER FILE               ARCF01
3:         AGED A/R REPORTS            ARMNU01

Step 2: Maintain Sign-On Screens

The new menu code must be added to the list of other menus available in Maintain Sign-On Screens.

Topic Keyword: SCS06