Clear Current Users
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> General Settings -> Clear Current Users
When an Operator is "thrown out" of, or exits SRM software or SRM Play incorrectly, their user ID is counted as still occupying a User License.
The ability to clear user licenses can be accessed in the Clear Current Users window in the "General Settings" on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the System - Clear Current Users in order to access this table.
Any valid operators currently signed in, will be asked to sign in again, the next time they return to a menu.
The prompts are:
The number of licenses that your firm has purchased for SRM software is displayed.
The current number of Licenses in use is displayed, including Live and Play company sessions.
Window to view the details on the list of users, as follows:
This window lists the users with access information.
Click on the EXP/CON button to view the operator name in the expanded record.
A window is provided to drill down to view individual session details.
These records display the operator name and the workstation name with the session information.
•Click on the INVALID ONLY button to display only the invalid users in the window. These are users that have not logged out correctly, and are still linked to a port.
This applies to LINUX systems only.
•Conversely click on ALL SESSIONS to return to the display of all users.
Specific users can be deleted as required.
The client session ID is displayed on the bottom information bar.
This information can be useful if a session becomes locked or hung and needs to be cleared.
For Web App or Open Client sessions this Clear Users utility can be used to view the corresponding Linux PTS# or Windows session that needs to be "killed".
Click ACCEPT to exit the session detail screen.
Whenever the sessions are cleared an audit record is written to the Delete Log for the Function SCS90.
Before activating this process to clear users, it is wise to ask all legitimate operators to exit the software normally.
This allows operators to complete the job they are currently running.
Click CLEAR to clear any remaining operators, or click CANCEL to abort the process.
Note: In LINUX systems, when an operator signs in causing the number of users to be exceeded, the system will automatically delete all 'INVALID' users that are detected, and will try to sign in again. The utility has been enhanced to display the operator name in the expanded record , and in the window the record displays the operator name as the workstation name for Web App or Open Client sessions.
Topic Keyword: SCS90