View Delete Log - Details
Reports Menu -> Security -> Delete Log -> View option -> View Delete Log
The resulting output generated by date and/or keyword from Delete Log selection screen is displayed.
Programs that write to the delete log can be include:
oAPAC04A -the posting control file was reset in one of:
Reverse Posted A/P Checks
Check Reconciliation
oAPAP95C -the Cut-Off Date of the compress and purge from Purge A/P History
oAPCH91A -the posting control file was reset in one of:
Select A/P Invoice for Payment - Computer Checks
Print Computer Checks
Select A/P Invoice for Payment - Manual Checks
Post A/P Checks
Post Direct Payments
G/L Computer Checks
Print G/L Computer Checks
Post G/L Computer Checks
G/L Manual Checks
Post G/L Manual Checks
oAPRB02 -the posting control file was reset in Post A/P Recurring Invoices
oAPVF95 -the vendor # deleted using Delete A Vendor
oAPVI91A -the posting control file was reset in Post A/P Invoices
oARAR03B -removal of a Bad Risk Customer record RSOK for a Cash customer when account paid in full in AR Customer Payments
oARAR04 -the posting control file was reset for a single customer in Customer Payments
oARAR95C -the Cut-Off Date of the compress and purge from Purge A/R History
oARBC70A -the posting control file was reset in Post Collections
oARBD70A -the posting control file was reset in Post Bad Debts
oARBP03 -the posting control file was reset in one of:
Import Lockbox Payments
View Lockbox Payments
Apply Lockbox Payments
oARCC01 -the Texada Pay Credit/Debit/Interac Card # manually deleted from the Customer Credit Cards table
oARCF95 -the customer # manually deleted using Delete A Customer
-any alternate customer number is logged for deleted customers
oARCF96 -the customer # deleted using Print & Delete Customers
oARCH25 -an unposted payment reversed and deleted in Reverse Customer Payments
oARCH25C -the check record created in Customer Payments was deleted or reversed in Reverse Customer Payments
oARCH25D -the check record created in Counter Customer Payments was deleted or reversed in Reverse Customer Payments
oARCP50A -the posting control file was reset in Post Customer Payments
oARIF01 -the invoice # deleted in A/R Invoices
oARIF70A -the posting control file for A/R invoices was reset in Post A/R Invoices or in Daily Close 3: Post Invoices
oARMP01 -any payment codes deleted in Method Of Payment Codes
oARPC01 -removal of a Bad Risk Customer record RSOK for a Cash customer when account paid in full in Counter Payments
oARTC -the tax ceiling records deleted or modified in Tax Codes
oATTACH01 -the attachment records deleted from File Attachments
oFLINSP06 -the form deleted in Inspection Forms
oGLET10 -the posting to the A/R or A/P control account in Post Misc Journals with no corresponding posting to a customer or vendor in the Sub-ledger
oGLET10E -the posting control file was reset in Post Misc Journals
oGLJH90 -the posting control file was reset in Post Standard Journals
oGLOP14 - an operator account was locked or reset in Enable or Disable Operator Login
oGLPI01 -the Posting ID code deleted using Posting Identifications
oGLSL50 -the layout codes generated using Generate Statement Layouts
oIHDH01 -the transfer deleted in Internal Branch Transfer
oIHDH12 -the posting control file was reset in Allocation Of Stock To Branches
oIHIH90A -an invoice was moved in Move Invoice From History to Batch
oIHIH99A -the Cut-Off Date of the purge from Purge Old Invoices
oINPH99A -the Cut-Off Date of the purge from Purge Old Purchase Orders
oINPH99B -the P.O.# deleted using Purge Old Purchase Orders
oINPH99C -the posting control file was reset in Purge Old Purchase Orders
oINSH99A -product revenue history was deleted using Purge Old Revenue History
oINWR91 -the posting control file was reset in Post Warehouse Cost Adjustments
oMENU01 -the menu deleted using Application Menu selection window
oOEOD03B -the Sales Approval Quote deleted from Convert Sale Approval Quote to a Sales Order
oOEOH97 -the order # manually deleted using Delete Sales Orders
oOEOH99A -the Cut-Off Date of the purge from Purge Old Sales Orders
oPREF99 -an operator or employee record manually deleted from Delete An Employee
Note: Payroll Module is no longer available.
oPRTC10 -a deleted time clock record in Update Time Clock Entries with time/date, hours claimed, store#
oPRTH02 -a deleted time sheet record in Change Hours with time/date, hours claimed, store#
oRDIH50A -the posting control file was reset in Daily Close 1 - Invoice Edit
oRSCA20L -the posting control file was reset in Post Product Average Cost Changes
oRSCD13 -the posting control file was reset in Calculate Billings or Cycle Billing
o* RSCH02 -the contract # & the seq# of the deleted product detail from Contracts
oRSCH08A -the Cut-Off Date of the move to history action from Archive Contracts
oRSCH09A -the Cut-Off Date for the deleted contracts from Purge Archived Contracts
oRSCH95A -the deleted invoice # prefaced with a C: for Current and the associated contract # from Reverse Rental Return by Invoice
oRSCH99 -the contract # manually deleted using Delete A Contract
oRSEX11 -a product exchange trx that was reversed in Cancel Contract Exchange
oRSFR90A -any off rental transactions were deleted using Purge Old Off Rentals or through Automatic Job Scheduling for the Job RSFR90A
oRSFRDELW -any off rental transactions were manually deleted using Remove Off Rentals
oRSGF99C -the group # manually deleted using Delete A Single Group
oRSIA10L -the posting control file was reset in Post Inventory Adjustments
o* RSIH02 -the inv# and the seq# of the deleted product detail from Miscellaneous Invoices
oRSIH07 -the inv# "used" when a Point Of Sale Invoice was aborted
oRSIH51 -the posting control file was reset in Daily Close 2 - Generate Postings
oRSIH85 -the locking "In Use" flag was released in Reset Invoice in Use
oRSIH88B -a current invoice# changed in Exchange Invoice Number
oRSIH90A -an invoice was moved in Move Invoice From Batch to Current
oRSIH99 -the invoice # manually deleted using Delete A Single Invoice
Note: In the Key field:
- C indicates the invoice was deleted from Current
- B indicates the invoice was deleted from Batch
oRSLF99 -the deleted lease # from Delete A Single Lease
oRSOT20 -the deleted employee # from Time Charge Operators
oRSPD01 -a deleted Price Code from Price Codes
oRSPF120 -unused Group deleted using Delete Unused Groups
oRSPF72AV -the product # changed using Change Product Numbers
oRSPF73AV -the product # merged and deleted using Merge Sales Product Numbers and Merge Rental Product Numbers
oRSPF95 -the product # manually deleted using Delete A Single Product
oRSPF97 -the product # deleted using Change Product Numbers
oRSPO01 -the P.O.# deleted using Purchase Orders
oRSQH05D -the contract # deleted because of an aborted convert action from Convert Quote to Contract
oRSQH99 -the quote # manually deleted using Delete Quotations
oRSRH99 -the reservation # manually deleted using Delete A Reservation
oRSRH98A -the reservation # that was automatically deleted in Automatic Job Scheduling for the Job RSRH989A per the Auto Purge Days defined in the Company Reservation Parameters
oRSRI95 -the tag # deleted using Delete Fixed Asset Tag
oRSRJ70 -the posting control file for the Rental Journal was reset in Daily Close 3
o* RSRQ04 -the document # & product detail deleted from a saved worksheet in Counter Worksheet
oRSRQ04G -a deleted saved worksheet in Counter Worksheet identified by document# preceded by WS
oRSSC01 -a deleted Service Code from the Service Codes table
oRSSC07D -a deleted Service Code by the Export/Import Service Codes utility
oRSSW03 -a deleted In-Yard-Return worksheet from the bulk PURGE action in the In-Yard-Return Search
oRSSW04 -a deleted In-Yard-Return worksheet from the Delete action in the Delete In-Yard Return Worksheet
oRSTH30 -the posting control file was reset in Post Inventory Transfers
oRSVH99 -the quotation # manually deleted using Delete Sale Approval Quotes
oRSWH01 -the locking "In Use" flag was released in Load Saved Counter Worksheet
oRSWH07 -a deleted TW worksheet by RSWH07 "Purge Uncommitted Counter Worksheets" executed from Automatic Job Scheduler.
oSCS90 -user sessions are cleared using Clear Current Users
oWOEH01A -an Estimate deleted when converted to a W.O.
oWOEH04C -an Estimate converted directly to a W.O. Invoice with access to the invoice details, and the Estimate moved to W.O. history
oWOEH04I -an Estimate converted directly to a W.O. Invoice with no invoice details access as controlled by the Suppress W.O. Invoice Details flag set in Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters, and the Estimate moved to W.O. history
oWOEH19 -a manually deleted Estimate from Delete A Single Estimate
oWOHH05 -an invoice from Reverse W.O. Invoices that has zero billing but has not ben auto-deleted
oWOIP10 -the posting control file was reset in Post Work Order Work In Progress
o* WOWH01 -the W.O.# & the seq# of the deleted detail from Work Orders
oWOWH01 -a Texada Web in use lock cleared from Work Orders
oWOWH19A -a manually deleted Work Order from Delete A Single Work Order
oWOWH19A - manually deleted batch of Internal Work Orders for the same Asset from Delete Bulk Work Orders by Asset
o* WOWP01 -the W.O.# & the seq# of the deleted detail from Fast-Track W.O. Parts
oWRPH13 -any W.O. deleted from Close Maintenance Work Orders when no Repair trx is created
oWS052 -documents deleted from an API including Contracts where the document# is prefixed with a C:, Reservations prefixed with an R: and Quotes prefixed with a Q:
oXMLEXP -any changes made to the contents of XML export transactions in:
Invoice XML Transactions
G/L XML Transactions
A/P Invoice XML Transactions
A/R Invoice XML Transactions
P.O. XML Transactions
* Functions marked with an asterisk are controlled by a flag in the Company Security Parameters which determines whether the individual product details that are deleted from the document, are to be tracked in this Deletion Log.
The records listed in the deletion log are sorted by location, operator, terminal, date & time, and the information includes:
The sequence number automatically tracks the deletions sorted by division, then by operator and terminal, in the order that they were deleted.
If the list of records is long, use these tips to find the right information:
•use the slide bar at the right of the paging screen.
•use PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to scroll one screen at a time.
•use Ctrl-END Key to reach the latest entries.
•type in a target sequence number, such as 250, to reach Sequence # 250. To do this, type 250 <ENTER> . This will go immediately to Seq 250, or to the last entry closest to 250.
Note: When you are typing in the 250, the 250 does not actually display on the screen.
The Division and Operator Code identifying the division and user who made the deletion will display.
The terminal used to make the deletion will display.
The date when the deletion occurred will display.
The time when the deletion occurred will display.
The sequence number of the record that was deleted will display.
This is relevant when a record is deleted from a document or table.
The key refers to the invoice number, or customer number, or contract number, etc. which was deleted.
Documents are sometimes prefixed with a letter to help identify the source. e.g. C for Current Invoice, W for Work Order, B for Invoice in Batch.
For further information on the source, expand the record to view the delete Function and refer to the list of programs above to help interpret this action.
The document number, where relevant will display.
The product number, where relevant will display.
The list price, where relevant will display.
Expanded Record
Click on the EXP/CON button at the bottom of the screen or press <F9> to expand the data records to view the Cost value, Delete Utility name or Customer number/name where relevant, and the R/S category for RSPF actions.
The deletion program name is also displayed in the Function field. Refer to the list of programs above to help interpret this.
Click ACCEPT or CANCEL to exit the screen.
Confirmation Screen
Select one of the following options:
•Select Exit Details to exit the screen without printing.
•Select Return to Details to return to the records details of the inquiry.
•Select Print Details to print the list of deletion records.
A printer can be selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Topic Keyword: SYSDEL1B