Portal Confirmation Search
Global Search window -> Portal Document # field -> Portal Confirmation Search
When a Shopping Card request is triggered by a customer directly from the web Portal a Confirmation# is assigned to the request, and is emailed to the customer and to the appropriate store staff email address.
This search can be used to view and select from "unfilled" Portal requests in the Portal Confirmations utility, filtering the documents as follows:
•Type ALL to include confirmation records from all divisions in the search.
•To list confirmations for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the search, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Note: This search is limited to the operator's Divisional Restricted Views.
Leave this field to include documents with any Packing Slip number or enter the first few characters of the Packing Slip
•Select Current to search for any open requests.
The "Created Date" search range does not apply.
•Select History to search for closed requests that have already been processed within a specified date range.
This includes any requests that have automatically been converted to a document by the customer's Portal request because the Auto Convert To Document flag is set for that customer's Presentation Theme.
Accept the default start date to search for requests in history, or enter a preferred start date.
Accept the default end date to search for requests in history, or enter a preferred cut-off date for the search range.
Leave this field to include documents with any Booking ID or enter the exact number of the Booking ID that was sent from the GateWay request.
Note: This Booking ID is not included in any report or document.
Search Results:
All Portal request are listed by document request number, division, type of request (reservation, or quotation), and the Booking ID from GateWay, with the billing name, ship/site name, the proposed dates, and the ship to city.
The document confirmation requests that are in this list, respect Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.
To view the Shopping Cart products and quantities for a request , click on the sequence number to highlight or focus on the record and then click the DETAILS button.
The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
To select a site, double click on the record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
Topic Keyword: TXCHSEL