Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Theme Copy Utility

Portal Management -> Setup -> API Themes -> COPY button -> Theme Copy Utility

Portal Management -> Setup -> "Portal Presentation" -> Presentation Themes -> COPY button -> Theme Copy Utility

Once the theme codes are defined in API Themes or in Presentation Themes this utility can be employed to make a copy of an existing theme, that can then be modified further to create a new unique theme.

Note: When this utility is exercised to copy the theme layout and characteristics from one theme code to another theme code, everything but the theme description and associated customers is replaced by the copy.
 The newly copied layout can them be further customized in Presentation Themes, or API Themes, and on the Portal website by your firm's webadmin.

The prompts to initiate the copy of one theme to another are:


Enter the existing source theme code that is to be copied, or select one from the Theme Search window.

To copy the generic default theme that is provided by SRM software, leave this field blank.


Enter the existing target theme code that is to be updated by the copy, or select one from the Theme Search window.
 The target theme code and description must already have been defined in API Themes or in Presentation Themes.

Note: The copy will re-write all existing design characteristics in the target theme with the exception of the theme description.


Click ACCEPT to execute the copy process, or CANCEL to abort the copy request.

Once copied, the target theme can be further modified in Presentation Themes or API Themes and/or on the Portal website by your firm's webadmin, as required.

Topic Keyword: TXTM02