Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Global Portal Settings

Portal Management -> Setup -> Portal Presentation -> Global Settings

This website utility maintains the company wide defaults controlling the appearance of the initial sign on screen and the direction of your Portal website.

These parameters are not alterable by theme, however some of the appearance settings do apply to the Blank default Presentation Theme.
 Specific theme parameters can be setup in Presentation Themes.

The prompts are:


This is the system default that applies to all Divisions, Product Classes, Groups, and Products, unless specified otherwise in Inventory/Division Settings.

Check this box to automatically show all Product Classes, Groups, Products, and Divisions on the website, unless they are specifically flagged not to be displayed.
 Uncheck this box to prevent displaying any Classes, Groups, Products, or Divisions on the website, unless they are specifically flagged to be displayed.


Uncheck this box to exclude prices on the confirmation email.

Check this box to include the extended prices, auto services, taxes, and estimated delivery charges on the confirmation sent to the customer when a cart is submitted on the web Portal.


This option is only available if Show Price On Confirmation Email has been selected, and is only relevant to divisions that "Add Service on Ticket" as set in the Divisional Delivery and Pickup Parameters.

Uncheck this box if delivery and pickup service charges should not be reflected in the shopping cart request "Confirmation Email" if delivery and pickup amounts are not calculated when the document is created.

Check this box to include an estimate on the "Confirmation Email" for any delivery and/or pickup services requested in the Portal shopping cart, even when the services are not actually charged until the Delivery and Pickup Tickets are created.

Note: The charges for the Delivery and Pickup services are based on the Service Default codes set in the "Delivery Settings" and in the "Pickup Settings" of Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters for Head Office (blank division), and the dollar amounts set for those Service Default codes in Service Codes.
 If there are no Service Defaults setup for the Head Office (blank division) in Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters then no delivery or pickup charges can be calculated.


Uncheck this box if both sales and rentals on a Portal Confirmation should be processed through the Counter Worksheet.

Check this box to immediately generate an invoice for any parts sales from a Portal Confirmation, and only process the rentals through the Counter Worksheet.
 With this approach, the serial number for the sales of serialized Sales Parts defaults from the Shopping Cart.
 When an invoice is auto-created from a Portal Confirmation if the date out of the confirmation is within the current date range for RSIH set in Date Range Control, then that date becomes the invoice date, but when that date is outside of the date range for RSIH then the current system date becomes the invoice date.

A Disposal of a Rental product will always be invoiced immediately, regardless of the Invoice Sales On Separate Invoice flag, because the Counter Worksheet does not handle the sale of rentals.

Note: A confirmation request that includes a disposal or has sales items that are to be invoiced immediately, can only be converted from Portal Confirmation if the operator has access to Miscellaneous Invoices in the menu tree.

This parameter does not apply if the Portal request was submitted from a Presentation Theme that has been configured to Auto Convert To Document as no operator security can be used to control creating the invoice.
 Instead the sales items are always included on the document and must be dealt when the reservation or quote is converted.


A window is provided to define the images to apply to the initial sign on screen of your web page.
 Once the operator has signed into the Portal the appearance of the screens can be controlled by the Presentation Theme assigned to that customer.

The tunable appearance settings include:


Enter the path to be used for image files used on the initial sign in screen of the website.
 e.g. images/

If Texada Software is hosting your website, then Texada will assign this directory.
 If your firm has its own website, then use your website address.

Note: The actual product and Group image file names are entered in Inventory/Division Settings.


To display a tiled picture as the background for your website, enter the name of the image.
 This image could be a bmp, jpg, or gif, and it must reside in the Image File Directory defined above.


If a picture, image, or logo is to be displayed on the initial Portal website login screen, enter the image name.
 This image could be a bmp, jpg, or gif, and it must reside in the Image File Directory defined above.


Click OK to accept the values and exit.

Note: Your web designer can further customize your website with colors, fonts, and logos by using cascading style sheets, as defined in the Web Appearance Settings window of the Presentation Theme.


Enter the text to be displayed on the initial Portal Log In screen for all customers.
 e.g. Preferred Client Login or Welcome to The Rental Store Online Shopping


Email notice is automatically generated to rental store staff when a Portal document requesting a Quote or Reservation is created from a Check Out of a Shopping Cart on the Portal website.

This email to alert store staff of the request, is first sent to the address designated for that customer in the expanded record in Portal Customers.
 If no specific staff email address is entered for the customer, then the email address for the store division as listed in the window is notified.
 If no email address is setup for the division, then the general email address by Quote or Reservation is notified.
 If no email address is setup for the general email address for the company, then the company email address is notified as setup in Company Miscellaneous Parameters.

Default email addresses in the window include:


Enter the address that should generate the email response that is returned to the customer from your staff, when action is taken on an Portal request in Portal Confirmations.
 (e.g. authorize, delete, etc.)

By using this email address, the response to the customer is from your official store address rather than a personal staff address.


This allows a 60 character password value and is only enabled when the "Alternate From Address Support" is unchecked on the SMTP Configuration tab of the Company Email Configuration.


Enter the general email address of the staff member who is to receive notice that a reservation request has been generated from a customer via the Portal.
 The Portal request information email includes the customer's confirmation number, name, customer number, address, phone#, division, dates and times, P.O.#, Site information, email address, and the products and quantities requested.

This address is only notified if no email address is registered for the customer in Portal Customers or for the corresponding Division in the space provided for Division details below.


Enter the email address of the staff member who is to receive notice that a quotation request has been generated from a customer via the Portal.
 The request information email includes the customer's confirmation number, name, customer number, address, phone#, division, dates and times, P.O.#, Site information, email address, and the products and quantities requested.

This address is only notified if no email address is registered for the customer in Portal Customers or for the corresponding Division in the space provided for Division details below.


A separate email address can be setup for each division or store as follows:


The sequence tracks the records in this file.


Enter the division or select one from the drop-down list.


Enter the staff email address for the division that should be notified when a Portal reservation or quotation is requested.
 This address is only notified if no specific staff email address is registered for the customer in Portal Customers.


Click ACCEPT to accept the list, or CANCEL to abort.


When multiple divisions are using Portal, sometimes for easier processing only one division in the rental store is actually handling the requests.
 To facilitate this, the Portal divisions can be linked to an internal division or Actual Division.

This mapping utility can be used to translate the division as assigned to the customer and sent by Portal request, to a specified actual internal system division for handling the requests.
 This means that the division on the resulting reservation or quote reflects the mapped internal division rather than the customer's division.
 The location from which the equipment and parts are supplied, is determined when staff converts the Portal request to a reservation or quotation.

This utility allowing multiple stores (divisions) entered in the Portal column to be mapped to a selected Actual Division, is useful for larger companies with multiple stores but which have only one store trained to deal with Portal requests.

Portal Divisions can be specified individually, or 'ALL' can be used to map all remaining Portal divisions to an actual division.

Note: Availability inquiries on Portal are always done by the customer-assigned division.
 However the specific location used for requirements and bookings is not determined until staff converts the Portal request to a reservation or quotation.


Enter the password for the web administrator on your staff who will have the ability to control, define, and design, your firm's Portal website.


A window is provided to customize and reword the text for ease of customer interpretation on your website, as outlined in Customize Portal Verbiage.


A window is provided to customize and reword the phrases for ease of customer interpretation on your website, as outlined in Customize Portal Verbiage.


A window is provided to customize and reword the error messages for ease of customer interpretation on your website, as outlined in Customize Portal Verbiage.


Click ACCEPT to accept the global values, or CANCEL to abort.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Global Portal Themes screen include:

Maintain the Comments that Display on the Portal:
 Click the COMMENTS button to setup and maintain the comments with relevant dates, to be displayed to the customer on the Portal Welcome Screen when selected for a Presentation Theme as outlined in Portal Comment Codes.

Note: Many of the reporting screens available on the web Portal are displayed in a printable format.
 If users are finding some of these reports that utilize condensed print fonts, difficult to read on some browsers on smaller sized monitors, the 'CTRL +' key combination (where the + is located on the Number Keypad) can be used to enlarge the font displayed in the browser.

Topic Keyword: WEB095A