Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Work Order Estimates

Work Order Menu -> Work Order Estimates

Entering an Estimate is very similar to entering a Work Order. An Estimate, however, does not reduce the inventory quantities on hand, until it is converted to a Work Order or an Invoice.
 The Estimate is very useful for determining the cost of a equipment repair job. Once the Estimate is produced, it can be faxed to a customer to get a Purchase Order or the customer's approval before starting the job.

Estimate Status:
 After an estimate has been converted to a W.O., if it has not been deleted or billed, it can still be viewed and changed here in current status, though it cannot be converted again.
 Once the estimate or associated W.O. is billed, the estimate can only be reviewed in the history inquiry and report options.
 If an estimate is billed immediately to an invoice without creating a W.O., then the original estimate is automatically deleted.

Estimate Tunable Parameters:
 Some of the features and tunable parameters used in the Estimate process include:

Duplicate Parts Checking:
 The "Check for Duplicate parts" flag in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters can be set to activate a duplicate parts check in Estimates, in Work Orders, and in Fast-Track Work Order Parts.
 A warning is then displayed on the screen when the operator exits the Parts window, for any sales part being used on the estimate, that are listed on multiple detail lines.

Availability of Equipment in Service:
 The "Update Requirements Default" flag in the Divisional Work Order Parameters, controls whether rental equipment being serviced or repaired on an Estimate is still considered available for rent when it is converted to a W.O.
 An additional "Prompt to Update Requirements" parameter can be set to cause the operator to be prompted to update availability when the Estimate from this division is converted to a W.O.

Convert Estimate Without Labor and Back Order the Parts:
 The "Back Order Parts and Ignore Labor" setting in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters, can be set so that when an Estimate is converted to a W.O. any labor on the estimate is NOT converted to the W.O., and any parts to be used are converted but with a Backordered quantity status.
 Alternatively if this parameter is not set, when an Estimate is converted to a W.O. the labor is converted and any parts are converted as used on the W.O. unless there are insufficient quantities to meet the requirements, and in this case a warning is triggered and the part is converted to the W.O. as backordered.

Suppress W.O. Invoice Display:
 The "Suppress W.O. Invoice Details" setting in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters can be set to suppress re-displaying the products, services, and payment details, on an invoice that is created directly from an Estimate or from a W.O.
 This setting applies only to customers flagged as 'On Account' customers in Customer Information. Cash customer invoices will always be displayed as payment information needs to be entered.

Mandatory Site:
 A flag in the Additional Information for each customer can be set, forcing the operator to enter a valid site code on each document for this customer, with the exception of Point Of Sale Invoices.

Mandatory Salesman:
 A flag in the "Required Document Information" of the Company Contract Parameters, can be set to make the salesman as setup in Salesman Codes, a mandatory field on all documents.

Business Source:
 A flag in the Additional Pop-Up Windows in the Divisional Contract Parameters can be set to prompt for an optional Business Source, as setup in Business Source Codes.

EPA and SS Charges:
 Service charges for EPA (Environmental Protection Act) and SS (Shop Supplies) can be setup to calculate as a percent of the labor charges.
 The "Charge Work Order Labor Services" feature can be activated by Texada Support in Support Application Parameters and the services from Services Codes can be assigned for EPA and SS charges in Environmental Protection Act/Shop Supplies, where the minimum and maximum charge can be established.

A "Standard" generic estimate can be setup that can be used as a prototype to easily clone to other estimates and W.O.'s. For information on cloning estimates refer to Clone Estimate.

The prompts to create an estimate include:


Accept the auto assigned Work Order Estimate #, or enter a preferred estimate number.
 The number cannot have been previously assigned to an Estimate or W.O. in current or in history.

The ability to over-type the document number is controlled by the "Allow Custom Document#" flag for the document type defined in Last Used Transactions.
 A warning is generated if the number has already been used or if the number is greater than 9 characters.

In change mode, a window is provided on the Estimate # field to view existing Estimates and their dates as outlined in Estimate/Work Order Search.
 Although both open and closed estimates can be viewed in the window only Current estimates can be re-accessed in the Estimates program.


Accept today's date, or type in the date for the Estimate.

Date Range Control:
 If the operator does not have date range override permission, to help prevent data entry errors the date is checked against the current Date Range allowed for "WOWH" WORK ORDERS, as defined in Date Range Control.


Accept the division that defaults from the operator's division as defined in Operators or select a preferred division for the document.
 The division selection respects the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to this operator.

Income, revenue, and expenses are tracked by the division, and posting to the correct G/L accounts for that Division is automatic.


The location entered determines from where the parts inventory is taken.
 Accept the location that defaults according to the operator location defined in Operators or select a preferred location for the document.
 The location selection respects the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to this operator.

G/L transactions to update inventory costs always post to the G/L Location from which the inventory was relieved.

Note: The location defaults from the Division and cannot be changed if your firm uses the "Sales Item Average Cost By Location" feature as set in the Support Application Parameters.


Enter one of the following:

Type in the customer's number, or use the Document Customer Search window to look up the customer, or to add a new customer.

If the customer is a CASH CUSTOMER, leave this field blank to use the default customer number for the division, as defined by the "Customer# to Clone" in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

To enter an Work Order to service your own equipment, enter the customer number REPAIR to indicate that this is an internal W.O.
 For information on how to setup the Repair customer for internal Work Orders, refer to Internal Work Order Process.

Once the customer number has been selected, any customer comment stored in Customer Information, displays at the bottom of the W.O. header screen.


Accept the customer's name or type in the name as it is to appear on the invoice.
 This does not change the Customer Information file.


Accept the customer's address, or type in the correct address.
 This does not change the Customer Information file.


Accept the address or type in the correct address.


Accept the city, or type in the correct city.

The city can be used to control taxes and tax exemptions.
 A City Search window is provided to view cities and the default tax codes.
 Additional cities can be added in this window as required.

A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure that this Bill To City is a valid city registered in City Tax Codes.
 When the Bill To City is mandatory on documents, if there is a 'Prov' and/or a 'Postal' code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Billing address when the city is entered on the address.


Enter the province or state where the customer is located.
 This value defaults from City Tax Codes if Bill To City is mandatory and the City has a Prov defined.


Enter the postal or zip code of the customer.

A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to force the operator to enter a valid Postal or Zip code to match the mask format as setup for the customer's currency in Currency Codes.
 This value defaults from City Tax Codes if Bill To City is mandatory and the City has a Postal code defined.

When Vertex tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters, this address of Street, City, Prov/State, and Postal/Zip is validated against the Vertex database.
 If there is a discrepancy in the address information, a Vertex error is triggered, and the address must be corrected.
 If only a partial address is entered (e.g. no Postal/ZIP ), Vertex attempts to find the tax area for the information that is supplied, but if multiple tax areas could apply a Vertex error is triggered, and more specific address information must be entered.


Accept the telephone number or type in the correct number.


Accept the fax number or type in the fax number.


The document allows for two addresses, the Bill To Address and the Ship To Address.

The Bill To address is stored in Customer Information and indicates where the invoice should be sent. The Ship To Address indicates where the equipment will be used.

The Ship To address defaults to the Bill To address, since most equipment is used at the same place as it is billed.
 If the Ship To address is different, enter the site or job description that relates to this Work Order, or use the Site Search window to select an existing site, or to add a new site, or just over-type the "Ship To" with the actual place the equipment was used.
 The Site window can be set to open automatically. This is controlled by the division flag in Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

A flag in the "Required Fields" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to make a valid site mandatory on each document.
 A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure that this Ship To City is a valid city registered in City Tax Codes.
 When the Ship To City is mandatory on documents, if there is a 'Prov' and/or a 'Postal' code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Shipping address when the city is entered on the address.
 Customer and global sites are setup in Customer Site Information.


This window only appears if the event management processing has been activated in the Company Rate Parameters and it has not been de-activated for the operator's division in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

Click CANCEL or the ESC key to exit this window if event rates do NOT apply to this document, or enter the event information as outlined in the Location and Event Information window.


If the customer is returning for the repaired equipment, select the Ship Via code for Customer Pickup.
 Otherwise, select a Ship Via code to indicate how the equipment will be returned to the customer, from the drop-down list.


This is the clerk associated with this document and the clerk name will print on the document.

If the flag to "Prompt for Clerk" is not set in the Company Security Parameters, then the operator code currently signed into the session will automatically display but can be over-typed as required .
 If "Prompt for Clerk" is activated a valid operator code must be entered in this field and the clerk name will print on the document.
 A further flag can be set to require the operator's password to verify the clerk's identity.


This password prompt only appears if the Company Security Parameters is set to prompt for the Clerk's password.
 Enter the corresponding password for the Clerk Code.
 Three attempts to enter the correct password are allowed before access is refused and the operator must re-enter the Clerk Code.


The Vertex Information window only appear if the Vertex Tax Software processing has been activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.


The appropriate Vertex rate is displayed for the tax area.
 This field is only displayed with Vertex software and is an information field only and is calculated based on the address region.


This field appears if the Enhanced Tax processing is activated from the Company Taxing Parameters, to determine tax and tax exemptions to be charged.
 A window is provided to search for the appropriate GEOCode as outlined in GEOCode Select.

Note: If the GEOCode or the Taxes are changed on an existing document a warning is triggered that the details and services taxes need to be changed manually if required.

The Tax window in the sub-menu at the end of the header screen displays the taxes and exemptions to be applied on this document.


This Tax window does not apply if the Vertex Tax feature is active.

Standard Tax window:
 The standard tax codes default according to the Rules as outlined in Tax Maintenance Overview.

The ability to change the 'Tax Codes' is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.
 If the operator has role permission, these tax codes may be changed for the products, services, and waiver, on this document.
 Select from valid Tax codes in the drop-down list.

Note: The Tax Code NTX over-rides any other code at any level.

Enhanced Tax window:
 The taxes and exemptions to be applied are displayed as explained for Enhanced tax processing in Tax Codes By GEOCode.
 If the operator has role permission, the tax codes can deleted in the window and the exemptions can be modified as required.

Note: If the GEOCode or the Taxes are changed on an existing document a warning is triggered that the details and services taxes need to be changed manually if required.

P.O. #

Enter the customer's Purchase Order, if applicable.
 Some customers require P.O.'s on all documents. If this applies, the customer should be set with "P.O.# Required" in Customer Information.
 A blanket P.O.# can also be assigned in Customer Information. This blanket P.O. defaults to all P.O. fields for the customer, but can be over-typed when required.


The salesman code from Customer Information will display on the screen.
 Accept or type in the salesman code who will get credit for this invoice, or select one from drop-down list.
 This is important if sales commissions apply.
 This is printed on the invoice.


If the customer normally receives a discount on sales, the Sales Discount will be displayed as a reminder, but because this sales discount may or may not apply to parts on Estimates, the operator must fill in the Parts discount percent manually to be applied.
 If the customer normally receives a discount on sales parts for this Estimate, enter the percentage here.
 Enter 10% as 10.00


If the customer receives a discount on labor for this Estimate, enter the percentage here.
 Enter 10% as 10.00


The currency code associated with the Customer on the Estimate and on the W.O. is displayed, but this can be changed if required by selecting a different currency from the drop-down box as set up in Currency Codes.
 The Repair currency is printed on the following reports to flag transactions that may have currency exchange costs on the services:

Repair History Report
 Repair History Report By Product#
 Repair History Inquiry
 Print Repair Transactions


This is the make and/or model of the item to be repaired.

When repairing your own equipment, type in the product # or look it up in the Inventory Search window.
 Repairs can still be made to disposed Rental Inventory. A warning is displayed on the screen and the operator is prompted to continue.

When repairing a customer's product that has not been serviced before enter a description of up to 12 characters.

Repair history records are maintained by this Make/Model number or description.
 It prints on the work order and on the invoice.


When repairing your own equipment, the product description displays as it will print on the Work Order and invoice.

If the operator has been given Security Role Permissions in the "Document Access Fields" to change product descriptions in document entry, this product description can be over-typed if required.
 Changing the descriptions on parts used, is not restricted by security to allow maintenance to utilize a miscellaneous parts in servicing the equipment.

When repairing a customer's product that has not been serviced before enter a description of up to 20 characters.


The date displayed is the In Service date as entered in the product file in the "Re-order Information" window of Rental Inventory.


This is an optional field.

If this is a non-bulk rental item from your rental fleet, the serial number from the Asset Tag is displayed.
 If this is a bulk rental item a Asset Tag Search window is provided to view and select from valid tags for this product. The serial number displays from the selected tag.
 If this is a customer's product, enter the serial number of the item to be repaired.


If the Make/Model is your product #, and it has a meter, the current meter reading is displayed.
 Accept this meter count or over-type it with the correct meter reading.


This count includes the total units logged from all meters utilized on this product, including any rollovers and replacements.
 A window is provided to view Meter History.


Enter the name or initials of the shop staff assigned to this job, or leave this field blank if it is not relevant.
 This name prints on the work order and invoice.


If an existing Estimate is being reviewed the total charges are displayed as follows:


This is the total labor charges already reported for billing.


This is the total charge for parts used this estimate.


This is the total services charges already reported for billing.


This is the tax total calculated for labor, parts, and services on this estimate.


If the billable Estimate total.


Click ACCEPT to proceed to the Estimate Details, or CANCEL to abort.

 After the Estimate header information is completed, the details on labor, parts, services, taxes, and comments can be entered.
 The Estimate can be printed, or closed and converted to a Work Order or to an Invoice.

Note: The windows to each of the Labor, Parts, Services, Taxes, and Comments details, can be set to open automatically when a new Work Order is being entered as determined in the Divisional Work Order Parameters .

Labor Details Window:


The sequence number automatically tracks the number of labor entries made.
 The sequence order also determines the order of printing.


Describe the work to be completed using up to 40 characters, or select a maintenance operation from the Maintenance Code Search.

If more space is needed, use the window in the Min field to add notes that can be flagged whether to print on the document.

If there are notes on the Estimate that do not specifically relate to labor, these can be entered in the Comments window later.


Enter the billable number of minutes required to complete this job.
 Enter 75 minutes as 75.00

Alternatively, leave this field blank to skip the minutes and enter in the hours in the Quantity field. This results in calculating the minutes.

A window is provided to add labor specific comments as outlined in Labor Comments.


If a value was entered in the Min field, it is converted to the hours equivalent and is displayed in this field.
 Accept the amount displayed on the screen or enter in the correct quantity.

If the quantity is entered or changed, the Min is automatically recalculated.

Note: If the labor hours and the amount are zero, the labor transaction will not be converted to the W.O. invoice.
 If there is a value for the labor hours, but the charge is fully discounted ( i.e. 100%) then the labor transaction will be converted to the W.O. invoice with no charge.


When entering a new labor detail the Labor Code Search window opens automatically to select the correct labor rate.
 The window is still accessible when viewing an existing labor detail.

The rate for the labor service selected from the window, displays in the Rate field.
 Accept this rate, or over-type it with the correct labor rate per hour for this service activity.
 To enter $40 per hour, type in 40.00


The billing amount for the labor is displayed.
 Amount = Quantity * (Rate less any Discount%)

Expanded Labor Detail

Select EXP/CON or press the <F9> to display the second detail line, including:


This value defaults from the percent discount given on labor set in the document header.
 This can be modified as required.


The ability to change the Tax Codes is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.

The prompts that are displayed for taxing depend on the tax processing activated for your firm.
 Texada SRM offers three separate tax process options as follows:

 Refer to Tax Codes Maintenance to review the regulations determining the tax selection using the Standard taxing method of two tax codes.
 The prompts displayed for use with the standard tax processing are:


Accept Tax Code 1 from the Work Order header and if the operator has role permission, the tax code can be over-typed for this document as required.
 A drop-down list is provided to view and select from valid tax codes.


Accept Tax Code 2 from the Work Order header and if the operator has role permission, the tax code can be over-typed for this document as required.
 A drop-down list is provided to view and select from valid tax codes.

 The purpose of the Enhanced Tax feature is to allow more than two tax codes to be charged and tracked according to location, on products, services, and Damage Waivers, and to allow for tax exemptions on any or all of these charges.
 Enhanced Tax processing can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
 Refer to Tax Codes Maintenance to review the regulations determining the tax selection using the Enhanced taxing method.
 A GEOCode (Geographic location code) can be assigned on the Work Order header screen and then in this Tax window specific tax exemptions can be stipulated for labor services.
 The prompt displayed for use with the enhanced tax processing is:


If the operator has role permission, enter any additional taxes or exemptions for this labor detail as explained in Taxes and Exemptions.

 The third-party tax software called Vertex can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
 All exemptions, and certificates information are controlled within Vertex software.
 The prompts displayed for use with the Vertex tax processing are:


With Vertex software this tax code always applies regardless of what is displayed.


With Vertex software the second tax code is always interpreted as NTX because it not utilized in the Vertex calculations as the taxes are combined in the Tax 1 value.


Click ACCEPT to exit the labor window.

EPA and SS Charges:
 EPA (Environmental Protection Act) and SS (Shop Supplies) fees are charged as a percent of labor if the "Charge Work Order Labor Services" feature is activated in Support Application Parameters and the fee information is defined by division in the Environmental Protection Act/Shop Supplies table.
 The resulting fees are billed in the Services window on the document.

If the labor transactions are changed on the Estimate or resulting Work Order, the EPA and SS charges are recalculated accordingly.

Parts Details Window:


The sequence numbers tracks the parts transactions.


Enter the Sales Part number, or lookup the part or a kit in the search window as follows:


Select one of the following search options:

Select Parts to search for a specific sales Part, using the Inventory Search utility.

If the part is not in the product file, a new part can be added in the search window, or a miscellaneous part can be used instead as explained in Miscellaneous Part - Setup.

Select Service Kit to add products from a W.O. Kit using the Service Kit Search.
 Product quantities default from the kit, but can be over-typed as required.
 A note is included in the Comments window if any Service Kits were used on the Estimate.


Accept the part description, or over-type it with the correct description as it is to be printed on the Estimate.

 If the operator has been given Security Role Permissions in the "Document Access Fields" to change product descriptions in document entry, this product description can be over-typed if required.
 Over-typing the description does not make any changes to the product description stored in the Product file.


Enter the quantity needed of this part number.

The current quantity on hand for this product displays in the left corner of the Status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Note: When the Estimate is converted to a Work Order if there are insufficient quantities on hand at the document location, and if the setting in the Company Security Parameters is NOT set to "Allow Overrides on Location Quantities", the parts will be put on back-order.
 If the Estimate is being converted directly to an Invoice and there are insufficient quantities, and if the setting in the Company Security Parameters is NOT set to "Allow Overrides on Location Quantities", the Over-Booked Items warning is generated when items are overbooked preventing the operator from proceeding with the quote to conversion for those dates.


Accept the price each, or type in the correct price per unit.


The charge for this part is displayed.
 Extended = Quantity * (Each less any Discount%)

Expanded Parts Detail

Click EXP/CON to display the second line including the tax and Discount % fields.


Click ACCEPT to exit the window.


This Duplicate Parts warning only appears if the same sales part has been used on more than one detail line on the Estimate, and if the Duplicate Parts check processing has been activated in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.

Service Details Window:

When creating a new Estimate in Add mode, all services that are type W and type A as setup in Service Codes are listed in the Work Order Estimate Services Window, with the appropriate defaults.
 If the window is accessed again in Change mode, only the previously selected services will appear and additional services can be added.

If the EPA and SS service feature is activated, these services will automatically be displayed in the listing with the calculated charge.
 If the labor charges are changed, these service charges will recalculate accordingly.

The fields include:


The sequence numbers tracks the services in the table.
 Multiple services may be selected at the same time.
 e.g. select Shop Supplies, Pickup and Cleaning.


This column is only displayed when the Services window is initially opened when creating the Estimate.
 Services flagged to default to the document will already by checked.

Check this box for all services that should be charged on this Estimate.
 Uncheck this box for any services that do not apply to this Estimate.


The order that the services appear is determined by the Service Code number assigned to that service in Service Codes.
 e.g. Service Code 1 precedes code 3, etc.
 For convenience, the most frequently used services should be organized in Service Codes so that they appear at the top of the list.


The service description prints on the estimate.

If applicable, type in the quantity used.
 e.g. The number of kilometres charged for travel to complete the repair.

Any service Quantity and the rate Each print on the Estimate.


Type in the rate or charge each.


This is the total charge for this service.

This is the total charge for this service.

Expanded Service Detail

Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to access Tax information for this service.


Click ACCEPT Key to exit the window.

View Taxes Window:

The Taxes window displays how the taxes were calculated.
 The ability to change the Tax Codes is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.
 If the operator has role permission, these tax codes may be changed for the labor, parts, and services, in the Expanded details on the Estimate.

Note: The Tax Codes on the Estimate header in the window on Parts Disc% are used when adding new items and charges to the Estimate.
 Changing the Tax Codes on the header does NOT change the tax codes on existing items on the Estimate.

Comments Window:


The sequence number tracks the number of comments entered.


Enter any general notes about this Estimate to describe the job in detail.
 These notes are in addition to the notes entered in the Labor description window.

A comment is included if any W.O. Service Kits were used on the Estimate.

Click on the MARKETING button to select from standard comments as setup in Marketing Codes.


Check this box if this comment line should print on the Estimate.
 Uncheck this box if this comment line should NOT be printed on the Estimate.


When finished, click ACCEPT to exit.


This button is only enabled when the "Use Contact Document Emailing" feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
 Click the EMAIL button to email the Estimate to the appropriate contacts as flagged in the Contact Information for this customer/site, using the Compose Email tool.
 The document can always be emailed to the contacts later from the Print Estimates utility.


Click the PRINT button to print the Estimate.
 A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.


Click the OK button to save and exit the Estimate.


Click the CLOSE EST. button to convert the Estimate and select one of the following options:

Bill Estimate on a W.O. Invoice:
 If the Estimate is finalized, and the job has already been completed by shop staff, click the INVOICE button to convert the Estimate directly to an Invoice.
 The parts on the estimate will be removed from inventory during the creation of the invoice and the Estimate will automatically be moved to W.O. History without prompting.

The INVOICE button is only enabled if the operator has Security Role permission to "Work Orders - Close/Invoice" set in the 'Miscellaneous Permissions' window.

An audit record is written to the Delete Log for WOEH04C if the W.O. invoice details are accessible, or to WOEH04I if the W.O. invoice details are suppressed as controlled by the "Suppress W.O. Invoice Details" flag is not set in Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.

Note: When an Estimate is invoiced directly skipping the Work Order, the "Back Order Parts and Ignore Labor" flag in Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters does not apply.

If an Invoice was generated, the following prompts may be triggered:


Accept today's date, or type in the desired invoice date.

If date control is activated for the operator, this date must be in the current Date Range for invoices as set in Date Range Control for Module Code RSIH - INVOICES.


Select the W.O. Posting Type that will be used to determine the G/L COGS and Revenue posting accounts to use for parts used on this service transaction as follows:

oSelect Standard to create a standard W.O. Invoice, posting to the standard Cost Of Goods Sold and Revenue Account defined in the Sales Product Class for parts used on the W.O.
 A W.O.Invoice billed to the customer will be created as described by the Invoice processing path below.

oSelect Cust Damage to create a W.O. Invoice if the customer needs to pay for the service on rental equipment, posting to the Cost Of Goods Sold - Customer Damage and Revenue Account- Customer Damage defined in the 'Work Order Posting Accounts' window of the Sales Product Class, for parts used.
 A W.O.Invoice billed to the customer will be created as described by the Invoice processing path below.

oSelect Cust Repair to create a W.O. Invoice for the repairs on customer owned equipment, posting to the Cost Of Goods Sold - Customer Repair and Revenue Account- Customer Repair defined in the 'Work Order Posting Accounts' window of the Sales Product Class, for parts used.
 A W.O.Invoice billed to the customer will be created as described by the Invoice processing path below.


When invoicing a customer for repairs to your equipment, this window will automatically open to assign the codes for repair history on this product.
 The Repair entry is marked type I = Invoiced and will be posted when Daily Close 3 is run.

The prompts include:


If the Make/Model indicates that this is equipment from your fleet, select the relevant repair code from the Maintenance Code Search window.
 This is used when the repair history is written for this equipment. Repair history by Repair code can be viewed in Repair History Report.


If the Make/Model indicates that this is equipment from your fleet, select the relevant charge code from the Maintenance Charge Code Search window.
 Repair history by Charge code can be viewed in Repair History Report.


The Clerk Confirmation pop-up is triggered to capture the operator information if the "Prompt for Clerk" is activated in the Company Security Parameters, and the clerk name will print on the document.


This window appears if a serialized sales part number has been used on the Estimate that is being invoiced.
 Available serial numbers from this location are displayed for selection in the Serial Number Search window.


The invoice is created from the Estimate and the parts and services are billed.
 The source Estimate is automatically converted to a Work Order and moved to W.O. history.

The resulting W.O. invoice details are only displayed if the "Suppress W.O. Invoice Details" flag is not set in Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.

The invoice totals always display and the W.O. invoice can be printed as outlined in Totals and Services.

Convert Estimate to W.O.:
 The WORK ORDER button is only enabled when the Security Role assigned to the operator in Operators has access to the Work Orders option in the menu tree.

Click the WORK ORDER button to convert the Estimate to a Work Order.
 If a W.O. was generated, the following prompts may be triggered:


If the product number has already been entered for service on a W.O. in the Make/Model field, and that W.O. has not yet been closed, a window opens displaying the outstanding Work Order numbers and the customer names.
 Windows are provided to drill down to view the W.O. header, details, and totals as outlined in View Document Information.

A flag in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters, can be set to prevent a new W.O. from being created for a Non-Bulk product if an open Work Order already exists.

All outstanding Work Orders can be viewed by Make/Model in Work Order Inquiry By Make/Model.
 Invoiced Work Orders can be viewed by Make/Model in W.O. History Inquiry By Make/Model.


This applies only if Make/Model has identified your own equipment, and the service is for a valid Product #.


Select one of the following options:

oSelect No if the service on this equipment is not scheduled maintenance, or if this W.O. is for a customer's product.

oSelect Yes to view the maintenance records for the equipment, and to update a single service record.
 A window opens to select the appropriate maintenance record from the schedule, as outlined in Maintenance Type and Code Search.

oSelect Multiple if more than one maintenance schedule record applies.
 The Maintenance Type and Code Search window opens displaying the existing Maintenance Schedule records.
 Select each maintenance record individually that is to be completed on this W.O. by adding it to the list displayed in the Maintenance Schedule window.


The Maintenance Type is displayed if a single maintenance schedule applies.
 The words "Multiple Maintenance" display if more than one maintenance schedule has been selected.


The Maintenance Code is displayed, if a single code is applicable.

Note: When Work Orders have multiple maintenance codes using parts that charge taxes or fees according to the Class/Group Service Charges, the charges generated will reflect those maintenance codes.
 For example: If 6 litres gas with code AA, and 4 litres of gas with code DD, are used, then two carbon tax service lines are charged. One with maintenance code AA for 6 litres, and the second with maintenance code DD for 4 litres.

The Work Order number assigned to the product will print on the Maintenance Schedule, to help track work in progress. When the Work Order is finished, (either invoiced or closed to a repair), the Maintenance Schedule entry is closed.


Click ACCEPT to accept and close the pop-up.


This Product Meter Information window appears if this is a metered rental product being serviced.
 The metered product # and description display with the LTD Meter total, and the Current Meter Reading.
 A window is provided on the LTD Meter field to view meter history transactions.

The Meter Reading OUT defaults from the Current Meter Reading but this can be over-typed if required.
 If a Meter Reading OUT value is entered that is less than the Current Meter Reading, select a Reason Code from the window as set up in Meter Reason Codes.


The delete default can be setup in the 'Convert Settings' of Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.

Click NO to save the Estimate, though it cannot be converted again.

Click YES to delete the source Estimate that was used to create the new W.O.
 If the estimate is deleted, the "Invoice per Estimate Processing" cannot be used, and the deleted Estimate does not appear in any estimate history inquiry information.

If the Estimate is deleted when it is converted to a W.O., an audit record is written to the Delete Log for WOEH01A.


The Clerk Confirmation pop-up is triggered to capture the operator information if the "Prompt for Clerk" is activated in the Company Security Parameters, and the clerk name will print on the document.


This is the date to apply to labor, parts and services used on the Work Order.

Accept today's date, or type in the date the Estimate was converted to a Work Order.
 If date control is activated for the operator, this date must be in the current Date Range allowed for "WOWH" WORK ORDERS as set in Date Range Control.

The parts used on the Estimate/W.O. will now be removed from inventory.
 Any further changes must be made in Work Orders.
 The Work Order # will be the same number as the Estimate.


This window appears if a serialized sales part number has been used on the Estimate that is being converted to a W.O.
 Available serial numbers from this location are displayed for selection in the Serial Number Search window.


This option to prompt the operator 'Do you want this W.O. to reduce the available quantity of this product on Contracts, Reservations, etc.' is controlled by the flags in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.

Click YES to update availability requirements for the product being repaired, so it is considered NOT available until the W.O. is closed.
 Click NO if the product should remain available for rental.

Note: If the operator is NOT prompted to update the requirements, the equipment being serviced on the W.O. will be considered as available for rental or as NOT available for rental according to the "Update Requirements Default" for the division, as set in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.


This prompt applies to non-bulk rental equipment only and is controlled by the Prompt For Product Status Code flag in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.

If the equipment already carries a Reserved status, a warning is first triggered.
 e.g. currently On Contract, or On Delivery, or On Lease

The current configurable status code for this product is then displayed.
 e.g. Available for Rent
 A new code can be entered for this product while it is being serviced, or selected from the valid codes in the Product Status Codes Search window.
 Only configurable codes having the same depreciation permission flag as the current code, are valid for this product.
 The corresponding warning message for this status code will then be displayed if an operator attempts to put the product out on a contract, until the status is changed back when the W.O. is closed and it is ready to rent again.

When the W.O. is completed and closed, the operator will be prompted again to update the product status code.


If the Inventory Status is changed to a code that does NOT allow rental, the Prompt for Reason Code window is triggered.
 Enter a Reason for the change to the product status or select one from the drop-down list.


The Labor Details window lists any labor converted from the Estimate and provides the ability to assign an employee to each labor record, or select one from the Employee Search window.

This window is suppressed if labor is not being added to the W.O. from the Estimate as controlled by the "Back Order Parts and Ignore Labor" setting in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.

If the selected employee has a labor code and default wage rate assigned in Time Charge Operators the following prompt appears:


Click NO to use the general labor rate, as assigned to the labor service in Services Codes.
 Click YES to use the employee's rate as assigned in Time Charge Operators .
 This can still be over-typed on the W.O. if required. If there are multiple labor rates for the employee, select the correct service code and rate for this labor detail from the Employee Labor Code Search window.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Work Order Estimate screen include:

Delete Estimates:
 The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete Estimates.
 The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.

To delete an existing Estimate, click the DELETE button before selecting the document number, and proceed as outlined in Delete Work Order Estimates.
 This delete utility makes permanent deletions of the entire Estimate.
 A deletion record for function WOEH19 is generated to track the deleted Estimate#, date and operator code. The deletion record can be reviewed in Delete Log.

Convert the Estimate or Create a Copy of the Estimate:
 The CLONE button is only active when the Security Role assigned to the operator in Operators has access to the Work Orders option in the menu tree.

Click the CLONE button to move directly to the clone screen as explained in Clone or Convert Estimate.

Link a File to this Document:
 Click the ATTACHMENTS button to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
 The link to an attached document will be passed on to any resulting documents created by converting the document to another document, such as Estimate to a W.O. or to an Invoice.

Note: If there are any attachments linked directly to this document, a checkmark is displayed below the ATTACHMENTS button to alert the operator.
 No checkmark displays if there are only attachments on the "Associated Tab" or if there are no attachments.

Topic Keyword: WOEH01