Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reverse Work Order Invoices

Work Order Menu -> Reverse Work Order Invoices

Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous Invoices -> re-accessing a Current W.O. Invoice in Change mode -> REVERSE button option -> Reverse Work Order Invoices

An Invoice generated from a Work Order can not be changed as the information must remain identical to the source Work Order.
 If changes are required, do not delete the invoice.
 This utility can be used to re-instate the Work Order and restore any Deposit if the W.O. Invoice is still in Current status and not yet posted through Daily Close 1.
 The W.O. Invoice document is not actually deleted but its charges are deleted so it becomes a zero dollar invoice and can be deleted manually if required.
 Make the required changes to the original Work Order and generate the invoice again.

When WIP Work Orders are reversed, the W.O. is re-opened but the invoices are not reversed nor is any Deposit used re-instated.

Note: If a Work Order fail occurred when converting the W.O. to an Invoice, this reverse tool does not apply so instead use the Remove Invoice Number tool to reset the Invoice number and then re-close the W.O. to create a new invoice.

The prompts to reverse a W.O. are:


Enter the Work Order # to be reversed or look it in the Estimate/Work Order Search window in History.

The information from the Work Order header displays on the screen.

Current Work Orders cannot be reversed as there is no invoice yet.
 A Work Order in History cannot be reversed if the invoice previously generated has been deleted.
 A Work Order in History can only be reversed if the invoice is unposted and is still in Current status.

If a product number has been entered on another W.O. in the Make/Model field and that W.O. has not yet been closed, a window opens displaying the outstanding W.O.#s and the customer names.
 A flag in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters can be set to prevent a new W.O. from being created for a Non-Bulk product if an open Work Order already exists.
 This also prevents a W.O. invoice from being reversed if the Non-Bulk product is being serviced on another open W.O.

Reversing A W.I.P. Work Orders:

Because Work-in-Progress Work Orders allow for multiple invoices from a single W.O., when a WIP W.O. is reversed the Work Order is re-opened but the invoices are not actually reversed and any Deposits used are not re-instated on the W.O.
 Additions can be made to the re-opened W.O. and it can be re-closed, but the W.O. Invoices cannot be modified.

If your firm requires the "Work Order in Progress Billing" feature contact Texada Client Services to activate it from the controlled Custom Function Parameters.


The invoice number displays.
Window to view the date, status, and total, of the invoice still in Current status.


If the total Balance Due for the invoice is not zero or On Account, a warning is generated and the Invoice Payments window appears to allow the operator to view the original payment methods and amounts, and to reverse them in preparation for reversing the W.O.


Click YES to proceed with reversing the Work Order.
 Click NO to cancel the reverse process and leave the existing invoice intact and the W.O. closed.


This prompt applies to non-bulk rental equipment only and is controlled by a flag in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.

The current status code for this product displays.
 Type in the new code for this product now that service is completed, or select from the valid codes in the Product Status Code Search.
 Only status codes having the same "Allow Depreciation" flag can be re-assigned.


If the product status code is changed to a code that does NOT allow rental, this prompt for a Reason code appears.

Enter a reason code for the change in the product status code.
 Reason codes are setup in Override Reason Codes . A record will be written to the over-ride file that will be included in Print Override Report.
 For more information on this security feature refer to Override Security Overview.


If the Product Status Code cannot be changed at this time, the Product# and the Reason that the update cannot be completed are displayed.
 e.g. On Contract, On Delivery

When a Work Order is reversed from a current invoice, the Repair transaction is deleted, the Maintenance Schedule is updated and the Work Order is moved back to current.
 The original W.O Invoice is not deleted but becomes a zero dollar invoice and a Comment is added to the Invoice, noting that the invoice was reversed, the date and the operator code.

When a Work Order is reversed a deletion record is generated to track the zeroed out W.O. invoice.
 These can be viewed in Delete Log under function name WOHH05A.
 The operator code, the deleted W.O. invoice number, and the date of the deletion, are tracked.
 No delete log message is written for a WIP Invoice as its billing is not changed.

Topic Keyword: WOHH05