Product Check Lists
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Product Check Lists
The Check List is a document that prints service and maintenance instructions when the status code is changed for non-bulk inventory at the time it is returned in Rental Return, or picked up on Close Pickup Ticket, or exchanged in Exchange by Contract or Exchanges By Customer.
Use this option to create a maintenance Check List for relevant product status codes defined in Product Status Codes, as outlined in Product Check List Overview.
The Check List utility can be accessed in the window in the "Inventory" parameters on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Product Check Lists in order to access this table.
To activate, relevant product Groups must be flagged to print the Product Check List in the Group window of Status Code Actions By Group and the print Product Check List processing must be turned on by divisions by the prompts in the Divisional Return Parameters.
The Product Check List prints the division name and address from Divisions in the heading and the detailed instructions as entered here.
If a Work Order was generated as part of the status code change, the W.O. number also prints on the Product Check List.
A printer can be defined by division for the Product Check List in Check List Printers.
The prompts to create a Product Check List are:
Enter the Product Check List code or select one from the window to view
Enter the description for this Product Check List.
The details could be maintenance instructions for the service department, with a check list to be carried out, signed, and dated.
Product Check List format:
•Each Sequence number represents a new line to print on the Product Check List and up to 39 lines of notes will fit on the printed page.
•Enter the service details as they should be printed in the body of the Product Check List.
•Product Check List notes will print in regular font if all the lines are 75 characters or less in length.
A Check List with any lines that exceed 75 characters will print in a condensed font.
Finished ?
Click ACCEPT to close the Product Check List details.
A Check List can be printed manually from Print Check List on the Reports sub-menu on the Work Orders Menu.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Product Check Lists screen include:
•Clone Check List:
When a Check List is similar to an existing list, click the COPY button to make a copy of the Check List as outlined in Copy Check List, that can then be modified as required.
Topic Keyword: WOPC01