Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Repair History Inquiry

Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Inquiry -> Repair History

Work Order Menu -> Document Reprints -> Print Inspection Forms -> Print Inspection Forms -> REPAIR button -> Repair History

This inquiry displays the repair and maintenance details for one product at a time.

A summary format displays first, listing the total parts, labor and other charges for each repairs, with grand totals at the bottom of the screen.
 Click EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the Division, W.O.#, the Repaired By name, the Repair Type, Split Billing Flag, Warranty Flag, Warranty Vendor # and Name, any meter reading for the repaired equipment, the Repair & Charge codes, and the Employee code & name for Labor service.

Windows on each of the Total Parts, Total Labor, Total Other, and Repair Totals columns, are provided to view the repair details for parts, labor, other, and comments.
 Click EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the Discount %, Discount Amount, the Customer Charge portion, the Warranty Charge portion, and the Internal Repair Charge portion.

The Currency of the W.O. or repair charge is also displayed in the expanded record to flag transactions where currency exchange calculations apply.

The prompts to generate this inquiry include:


If the product has not already been determined, enter the desired product number, or look it up in the Inventory Search window.


Accept the date for the first repair entry, or type in a starting date.


Accept today's date, or type in an ending date.


Uncheck this box to display only repairs which were charged internally.
 Check this box to include repairs which were invoiced to the customer. These repair entries show as Type I in the expanded record.

Note: Invoiced Repair costs are not included in the Monthly Product History totals for repair costs, since there was no payment for these repairs. The repair totals for Monthly Product History are viewable in Detailed Inventory Inquiry, and will equal the total Repair History costs when Invoiced Repairs are excluded.


Type ALL to include all divisions in the inquiry.

To generate the data for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select an accounting region or a range of divisions to include in the inquiry, as outlined in Division Select By Region.


If applicable, the current meter reading will display.


The total number of days which this product has been rented will display.

Repair History Details:


The date of the repair or maintenance will display.


The sequence numbers help sort the records in the table when there are more than one repair on the same date.


The Maintenance Type will display (codes 1-5), if applicable.

Type 1 - By # of Rental Days (i.e. every 30 days rented)

Type 2 - By # of Actual Days (i.e. every 6 months, regardless of days rented)

Type 3 - By Actual Date (i.e. on a set date, 07/01/95)

Type 4 - By # of meter units (i.e. every 100 hours on the meter)

Type 5 - By Actual Meter Reading (i.e. at a set meter reading, 10000.00)

This applies only if the equipment was repaired according to the Maintenance Schedule.
 Repairs which are independent of the Maintenance Schedule will have a blank type.


The Repair/Maintenance Code will display.
 e.g. LU - Lubrication.


The number of Inspection forms associated with this repair are displayed.
 A window is provided to drill down to these Inspection Forms is provided.


The parts total for this repair will display.

A window is provided to view the parts detail for this repair, with the date, quantity, and amounts.
 Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the Discount %, Discount Amount, the Customer Charge portion, the Warranty Charge portion, the Internal Repair Charge portion, vendor, and invoice#.


The labor total for this repair will display.

A window is provided to view the labor detail for this repair, with the date, service, time, and rates.
 Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the Customer Charge portion, the Warranty Charge portion, and the Internal Repair Charge portion.


The other charges total for this repair will display.

A window is provided to view the other charges detail for this repair, with the date, service description, quantity, and amounts.
 Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the Customer Charge portion, the Warranty Charge portion, and the Internal Repair Charge portion.

External repairs done on equipment that are invoiced through A/P Invoices as Repairs display the invoiced charge in this Other column. Window to view the Maintenance Code that was assigned at the time of invoicing.


The subtotal for this repair will display.

A window is provided to view the comments detail for this repair.

Expanded Record

Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the Division, W.O.#, the Repaired By name, the Repair/Invoice flag, Split Billing Flag, Warranty Flag, Warranty Vendor # and Name, any meter reading for the repaired equipment, the Repair and Charge codes, and the Operator.



The grand total for parts used will display.
Window to view the all of the parts details at once.
 In the window click the EXP/CON or press <F9> to view discounts and split billing information.


The grand total for labor used will display.
Window to view the all of the labor details in one window.
 In the window click the EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand and view the split billing information.


The grand total for other charges will display.
Window to view the all of the Other Charges details at once.
 In the window click the EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand and view the split billing information.


The grand repair total will display.
 Window to view the all of the comments details in one window.


Click OK to exit.

Topic Keyword: WORT05