Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Repair History Report by Class

Work Order Menu -> Reports -> Repair History Reports Menu -> Repair History Report by Class

Work Order Menu -> Reports -> Repair History Reports -> Repair History Report by Product -> Report Type 'Class' -> Repair History Report by Class

This is a summarized repair report organized by Product Class.
 For each product, it prints the total days rented and the meter reading where applicable.
 It prints the totals for parts, labor, and other charges, with repair totals for the product class range and date range selected.
 It does not print out the repair details, or the individual repair entries.

Note: To compare the Repair History costs from this report to Repair costs from a report which uses the Monthly Product History (such as Gross Margin Analysis Report), do NOT include Invoiced Repairs in order to get the same report totals.

The prompts to generate the reports are:


Select one of the following report options:

Select Class to generate the Repair History Report by Class, summarizing the repairs by Product Class and complete the filters outlined below.

Select Product to toggle to the Repair History Report by Product to generate repair and maintenance totals for a range of products.


Leave this field blank to include all divisions, or select a starting division from the drop-down list.


Leave this field blank to include all divisions, or select an ending division from the drop-down list.


Leave this field blank to include products in all classes, or enter the first class to include in the range, or select one from the Product Class Search window.


Leave this field blank to include products in all classes, or enter the last class for the range, or select one from the window.


Leave this field blank to include all products, or enter the first product to include in the range, or select one from the Inventory Search window.


Leave this field blank to include all products, or enter the last product for the range, or select one from the window.


Accept the default date to start at the first repair, or type in a starting date.


Accept today's date to end at the last repair, or type in an ending date.


Select one of the following options:

Select Revenue to report the Revenue earned in the time period for all divisions, for each product in the class.

Select LTD Repairs to report the Lifetime to Date Repairs total for all divisions.
 It is useful to see the LTD Repair Total when printing the repair report for the current month or year.


Select one of the following type options:

Select Additions to only include equipment additions on the report.

Select Repairs to only include repairs expensed to your store, such as internal repairs to your own equipment.

Select Invoiced to only include repairs which were paid for by a customer, and therefore have no direct cost to your firm.

Select All to include all repairs including invoiced repairs, additions and internal repairs.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.

Subtotals are supplied on the report output by Repair/Charge Code.
 On the spreadsheet output Repair transactions flagged as Manual represent repairs completed and entered manually that have been carried over from an earlier version of the software.


Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: WORT09