Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Outstanding Purchase Orders

Work Order Menu -> Work Orders Details -> CLOSE W.O. button -> INVOICE W.O. or REPAIR button ->

The window is triggered if the option to Add Parts to Work Order in Warehouse is activated in Company Inventory Parameters and the option to Prevent Invoicing of W.O. with Parts on Back Order is activated in Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters, and an operator attempts to close a Work Order to an invoice or to a repair, when parts that have been ordered specifically on a P.O. for this Work Order, have not yet been received in inventory.

The P.O. numbers are listed with the parts and quantities.

The Work Order cannot be billed until the parts are received, or the reference to the W.O. is removed from the Purchase Orders .

Topic Keyword: WOWH04