Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Estimate/Work Order Search

Search window -> Work Order # or Estimate # fields -> Estimate/Work Order Search

When hunting for information on an existing Estimate or Work Order in the Inquiries, the Print options, the Delete utilities, or even in Change mode in the document entry options, a search window is provided in the document# field.

Multiple search filters can be used to narrow the list of documents that are returned from the search, including a filter to only return customer owned items.

When a filter data field is left blank or ALL, then no restriction is applied on that search category.
 Though the Work Order uses the same document number as the Estimate, the search windows reflect only documents of the specified type.

Note: The search selection fields are case sensitive.

The prompts are:


Leave this field blank or enter the first few characters of the billing name from the document and press <ENTER> to move to the closing prompt in the window.
 Note: This is not the Alpha Key from the customer file. This is the name printed on the document for billing.


Leave this field blank or enter the first few characters of the shipping name as it prints on the document and press <ENTER> to move to the closing prompt in the window.


Accept ALL customer numbers in the search, or lookup a customer using the Accounting Customer Search.


Accept ALL sites in the search, or window to lookup a specific site.
 Active, inactive, or both, can be included in the site search. Sites are listed in Site # order.


Leave this field blank to include Estimates or Work Orders with or without a P.O. in the search, or enter any few characters in the P.O.# to find only documents with a Purchase Order number that includes these characters.


Type ALL to include documents from all divisions in the selection list.

To filter the documents for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several specific document divisions or divisions by accounting region, as outlined in Division Select By Region.

Note: The division selection respects the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to this operator.


Leave this field blank for all products or enter the first few characters of the description for the product as stored in the product file.
 This search filter does not apply to customer owned items when the "Customer Products Only" option is selected.


Accept ALL product numbers or select a specific Rental or Sales product Inventory Search window.
 This search filter does not apply to customer owned items when the "Customer Products Only" option is selected.


This field only applies if a Product Number was selected for the search.

Leave this field blank to include all Work Orders or Estimates for the product number, or to narrow the search enter a specific serial number for serialized sales parts, or a serial number from the Fixed Asset Tag of the rental product, or selected it from the drop down list.

Note: Only serial numbers that are on an existing Work Orders or Estimate in the search environment (i.e. Current or History) are listed in the drop-down list.

If the search is for a W.O. or Estimate in History, the operator is prompted for a date range to further narrow the search by product.


Accept ALL Groups, or window to lookup the Group using the Product Group Search.
 This search filter does not apply to customer owned items when the "Customer Products Only" option is selected.


Accept ALL Product Classes, or window to lookup the class using the Product Class Search.
 This search filter does not apply to customer owned items when the "Customer Products Only" option is selected.


Accept ALL part numbers or to narrow the search enter a specific part that was used to service or repair a product on the Work Order or Estimate, or select it from the Inventory Search window.


Leave this box unchecked to search for Estimates or Work Order documents that service items in your rental fleet or in your parts inventory, as setup in either Rental Inventory or in Sales Inventory.

Check this box to only search for documents that service customer owned items.
 This option does not use the 'Product Description', 'Product Number', 'Serial Number', 'Product Group' or 'Product Class' filters, as this information is only associated with items belonging to your store.


Select one of the following:

Click Current to view and select from a list of out outstanding Work Orders or Estimates.

Click History to view and select from a list of out closed Work Orders or Estimates.
 Closed documents can only be viewed in history.

The Completed option is provided when "Texada Web" is activated in Logistics, to find the Work Orders that have been completed in Texada Web so they can be closed in SRM.

Current vs History:
 Only outstanding Work Orders are stored in Work Orders.
 Once the Work Order has been invoiced, the W.O. is deleted from current status and moved to Work Order History.
 This saves old work orders for reference, while keeping the current Work Order file small and up to date.

Only unbilled estimates are stored in Work Order Estimates.
 When an Estimate is converted to a Work Order, the operator is prompted whether to delete the Estimate after the Work Order is created. Deleting the estimates keeps the estimate file current and small.
 An estimate that is to be used for billing purposes and is not deleted, is moved to history when it is invoiced.


This setting can be used to limit the number of records displayed in the search results.
 It can be useful to avoid a huge search job that could take several minutes to retrieve.

Accept the default value, or enter a preferred maximum row count.

Note: In the search results, if there are more records that match the search criteria, a note is displayed to indicate how many of the top rows were retrieved.
 If there was no maximum limit or the number of records does not exceed the maximum, no note is displayed.


Click ACCEPT to initiate the search or CANCEL to abort.

Search Results:
 The resulting list of documents, Estimates or Work Orders, displays the document number, billing name, date, shipping name, and division.
 Documents that are displayed are limited to the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.

When "Texada Web" is activated in Logistics a status column is provided to indicate which Work Orders are being serviced and updated through Texada Web.
 Statuses include 'Assigned', 'Started' and 'Complete'.

The document list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to temporarily reposition them as required.

Click on the DETAILS button to drill down to view the document header information, the product details, the document totals with services, and other related documents such as source contract or resulting invoices. This varies according to the type of document listed, as outlined in View Document Information.

To select a idocumentfrom the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.

Topic Keyword: WOWHSEL