Fast-Track Work Order Labor
Work Order Menu -> Fast-Track Work Order Labor
This utility provides the ability to add additional labor details to an existing Work Order.
If changes or verification is required after entering any fast track labor, use the Work Order to make those changes.
Note: If an existing Work Order is in use by a Texada Web mobile unit, or as employee has been assigned to W.O. through Texada Web, it cannot be modified until the work is completed and the Active Employees on this Work Orders is triggered to alert the operator.
Auto-Close W.O. to a Repair when Labor Logged:
A setting in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters controls the ability to automatically convert a Work Order for rental equipment to a repair when labor is entered in Fast-Track Work Order Labor, if the operator has permission to "Auto Close", if the product is assigned a Status Code that allows rental and if there is a valid Repair Charge Code defined for the Rental Product Class of the rental product being serviced.
The prompts to report complete labor on the Work Order include:
Enter the employee code, or select one from the Employee Search window.
This field may be left blank.
When calculating the 'Labor Cost' that displays on the W.O. header and in the Work Order Report the 'Hourly Rate' for this employee as set up in Operator Time Charges is multiplied by the hours logged for labor on the W.O.
Accept today's date, or type in the date the work was done.
If date control is activated for the operator, this date must be in the current Date Range allowed for "WOWH" for Work Orders as set in Date Range Control.
The number of W.O. labor hours already assigned to this employee on this date displays.
Enter the existing W.O. number, or select one from the Estimate/Work Order Search window.
If the employee has multiple labor codes with different rates, the Employee Labor Code Search window is provided to select the correct rate for this labor detail.
The product number and description that is being serviced on this W.O. are displayed.
Enter the maintenance code or select one from the Maintenance Code Search window.
The Repair and Maintenance Codes can be used to sort and categorize the repair transactions on the Repair History Report.
The Repair Maintenance description displays that prints on the Work Order for the labor.
This can be over-typed as required.
A window is provided to access the Comments for the W.O. as outlined in Document Comments.
Add any further labor instructions or comments. These can be flagged to print on the W.O.
Enter the time the work began using a 24 hour clock.
e.g. 2:30 PM would be entered as 1430
Enter the time the work was completed using a 24 hour clock.
This is used to calculate the labor time to be charged.
Accept the calculated time worked, or over-type with the actual time to be charged for labor.
•If no employee has been specified or the employee does not have any labor rates defined, enter the labor service code or select one from the Services Search window.
Standard rates apply, but can be over-typed as required.
•If the employee has a single labor code and default wage rate assigned in Time Charge Operators this code automatically displays, but can be over-typed as required.
•If the employee has multiple labor codes with rates assigned in the Time Charge Operators the labor code previously selected displays.
Accept this code, or enter a preferred code, or select one from the Services Search window.
Note: All labor rate codes for that division are listed in the window, but if the employee has a specific rate for the service, the employee's rate will display, and if the employee does not have a specific rate the standard rate displays as setup in Services Codes.
Accept the labor rate per hour for the selected Labor Code or enter the correct hourly rate for this employee's work.
The labor amount to be charged displays.
Amount = Quantity * Rate
Enter the Status Code or select it from the Status Code Search window.
If the Work Order is not being closed to an Internal Repair, the Status Code will only be updated if the new Status Code does "not allow rent".
If the Work Order is being closed to an Internal Repair, then the Status Code must be assigned a new Status Code that does "allow rent".
Refer to the information below on the "Close Work Order to Internal Repair" for the activation and requirements of this feature.
Click ACCEPT to accept or CANCEL to abort.
If Split Billing was indicated on the header of the Work Order, the distribution of this labor charge detail between internal/customer/warranty can be defined in the window, as outlined in Split Billing.
Note: If a service is to be charged to a warranty claim, a valid Warranty Revenue account must be assigned to the service code in Service Codes.
This action pop-up is triggered if the following criteria is met:
•when the "Auto-Close from Fast Track Labor" feature has been activated in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters
•the rental product has been assigned a Status Code that allows rental
•a valid Repair Charge Code has been defined for the Rental Product Class of the rental product being serviced
•the operator has role permission for "Work Orders - Close Internally" as defined in the 'Miscellaneous' window of Security Role Permissions.
Click YES to close the Work Order and create an Internal Repair transaction that will post costs for any parts used in the Daily Close.
The Work Order Posting Type is automatically changed to 'Internal' for the repair, and though the Repair transaction may temporarily displayed on the screen the operator can not modify it.
Click NO to abort this action and to leave the Work Order open at this time.
Note: The ability to close the W.O. and generate a repair respects the "Prevent Invoicing Of Work Orders With Parts On Back Order" control as set in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters.
EPA and SS Fees on Labor:
If the EPA and SS service feature is activated and defined for this division, these service fees will automatically be calculated as a percent of labor and billed in the Work Order Services.
If the labor charges are changed on the Work Order, these service charges will recalculate accordingly.
Refer to Environmental Protection Act/Shop Supplies for more details on this billing feature.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Work Order Labor screen include:
•Adding a Service Recommendations for a Non-Bulk Rental Product:
The SERVICE REC button is only active when the Work Order is for a non-bulk rental product and the "Allow Service Recommendations" processing has been activated for the division in Divisional Work Order Parameters.
Additional service instruction notes for the equipment being serviced on this W.O. can then be added and/or selected in this window, as outlined in the W.O. Service Recommendations by clicking on the SERVICE REC button.
Existing instructions are displayed but the details cannot be modified.
Topic Keyword: WOWL02